Google Ads Manager Tutorial: Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Google Ads Manager Tutorial

In this quick tutorial, l will walk you through how to setup and run your first Google Ad campaign with little or no experience.

Stay tuned!

Steps Involved

Without wasting time, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Switch To Expert Mode

Before getting started, it is important to switch your account settings to expert mode.

This allows you to take full control of your campaigns, rather than relying on the default settings.

2. Choose Your Campaign Goal

At this stage, it is important to select ‘create campaign without a goal's guidance'.

Again, this is also crucial for keeping full control over your campaign.

3. Select A Campaign Type

Do you want to run a search campaign?

Or a display campaign?

Or maybe a video campaign?

These different campaigns are suitable for different promotions – thus, you should choose the one which is ideal for your business.

But for most people, the search campaign is fine.

These are the most common text ads which shows up on top search results of Google.

They are mainly charged on a pay per click basis (PPC).

4. Select The Campaign Objective

This is the stage where you choose your campaign objectives i.e. website visits, phone calls, app downloads, etc.

For the purpose of this tutorial, l will select ‘website visits' since it is the commonly used one.

Once selected, enter the url of your website or landing page.

Once done, click the continue button to proceed with the process.

5. Fix Your Campaign Settings

You should come up with a name for your campaign – which is just simple.

For example, let's say you're promoting iPhone 11, your campaign name can be ‘iPhone 11 Ad Campaign'.

You should not overcomplicate this issue – just keep it simple.

Still on the settings, it is important to de-select Display Networks (under networks) – so that you wont spend your budget on useless clicks that doesn't convert.

6. Set Start & End Dates

You can set dates regarding when you want to start and end your campaigns.

This is crucial to consider – so that your ads wont continue running beyond your campaign days.

Also, Google allows you to select the times which you want your ads to run e.g. 10am to 6pm.

This allows you to run ads during profitable times, and pause them during off peak times.

7. Set Your Targeting & Audiences

This is whereby you define your target audience based on location, interests, languages, etc.

This helps to show your ads to only people who meets your criteria.

In my case, l prefer tier 1 traffic i.e. UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

The reason being that this traffic converts better than tier 2 and 3 traffic.

Thus, l normally choose people who currently live in these nations – rather than people interested in these nations, but don't live there.

8. Set Your Budget & Billing

This is the stage where you set your daily budget as well as your billing information.

You should also set your bidding strategies i.e. how much you’re willing to pay per click.

Your bidding strategies will determine where your ads appears i.e. in relation to other advertisers bidding for the same keywords.

9. Set Your Ad Extension

Ad extensions helps to enlarge your ad in terms size – so that it takes more space on Google search results.

Large ads helps to increase CTR – leading to high quality score of your ads.

And guess what?

High ad score leads to lower PPC hence reducing your ad cost.

10. Define Keywords

At this stage, you should define the keywords that you want your ad to show for.

Most people gets confused at this point since they don't know the difference between exact match, phrase match, & modified broad match.

But to keep things simple, Exact match means that your ad will show only if the exact target keyword is typed.

In order to set an exact keyword match, use the formula below:


On another note, Phrase match means your ad will show up if someone types in a phrase which includes your target keyword.

In order to set a phrase match, use the formula below:


Lastly, the Modified broad match means your ad will show up if any of your target keyword is typed in the search bar.

This mainly applies when you have 2 or 3 keywords e.g. ‘standing desk’ since your ad will show up if any of these terms is searched for.

To use the modified broad match, you should use the formula below:

+keyword1 +keyword2

For example, if your target keyword is standing desk, you can say something like;

+standing +desk

That's pretty much everything on keywords.

Once you've completed this process, click save & continue.

11. Creating The Actual Ad

This is where you create the actual Ad copy i.e. what people will see when they type your keywords on Google.

It is important to utilise your target keywords in both the title and descriptions of your Ad for better results.

Also, it is important to write longer descriptions – so that your Ad will take larger space on Google.

This helps to increase CTR hence yielding better results for your campaigns.

It is important to create at least 3 Ad groups, test them out, and choose the best performing one based on CTR, conversions, etc.

Split testing is crucial when running ads since it helps to maximise your conversions using less resources.

Once you've finished creating your Ad copy, click save and continue.

At this point, your Ad will be submitted to Google and will go under the review process.

If it adheres to Google’s Ad policies, your ad will go live and will start running as soon as possible.

Wrapping Up

That's pretty much everything about setting up an Ad campaign.

Most people thinks that this process is very complicated, which is just a myth!

Google Ads are easy to setup and run.

However, it is important to mention that most people fails to make significant returns on money spent due to lack of proper skills.

There are some skills needed to become a pro at Google Ads – otherwise your money will blow away on unprofitable campaigns.

For this reason, it is important to seek knowledge first before getting started with Ads.

If you have the right information and knowledge, you'll crash it with Google Ads.


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