How To Use Google Search Console To Boost Your SEO

How To Use Google Search Console To Boost Your SEO

Do you know that, you can use Google Search Console to boost your site's SEO?

That's right!

You can use this tool to improve your site's performance on the SERP i.e. using the data that it provides.

Most people only use this tool for checking their website stats – because most site owners are more concerned about the numbers.

But only a few knows how to leverage this free tool to boost their site's SEO – in order to get more traffic to their sites.

But in this post, l will quickly share with you some tips & strategies that you can use to get the most value out of this tool.


Let's go.

(i) Identify Keywords That Are Getting A Lot Of Impressions – But Less Traffic.

When you log into your Search Console account, it's important to analyse your impressions – so as to identify keywords that are getting a lot of impressions – but little to no traffic.

This is a clear indication that, your site has the potential to rank for those keywords i.e. if you optimise your content.

For example, l wrote an article on Groove Funnels Review – and inside that article, l had a sub-heading titled; Groove Funnels Alternatives.

I realised that, this article was ranking for the latter keyword – but it was difficult to compete for that keyword because l only had a single paragraph which covered that topic.

I saw a lot of potential on that keyword – so l decided to create an independent article which is specifically dedicated for that topic.

And guess what happened?

I was able to rank better for that keyword – since the recent article went into more depth about that topic.

Thus, this strategy works pretty well i.e. if you take some time to analyse your impressions – then you use the data to create better content.

(ii) Analyse Your Average Ranking Positions

Another strategy that you can use is to compare your average ranking positions over time.

With Google Search Console, you can filter data based on your preferred time frames – and you compare your past rankings with your current ones.

This gives you an idea on whether your rankings are improving or falling – thus, allowing you to take corrective measures where possible.

For example, if you realise that your rankings are falling, you might need to go on Google – and find out what your competitors are doing to outrank you.

Once you have some information, you can then go back to your content and improve it – so as to restore your rankings.

Alternatively, you can choose to update all the old posts – so as to make them fresh – since Google prefers to rank fresh content which is up to date.

Thus, it's important to analyse your rankings over time – so as to take corrective measures where possible.

(iii) Analyse Your Click Through Rates (CTR)

Another strategy that you can use is to analyse your click through rates (CTRs).

This is so important because it determines how frequent people are clicking on your content – over your competitors'.

If you have a low CTR, it means that most people are scrolling past your articles – but only a few are clicking to read the full article.

In order to improve your CTR, you need to fix your titles & meta descriptions – so as to make them more appealing to the searchers.

It's also important to test different headlines – then choose the ones with a better CTR.

This factor is so important because it might affect your rankings as well.

If you have a low CTR, it means that most people are not interested in your website – thus, they're scrolling past your content in order to click on your competitors' sites.

This sends negative signals to Google – thus, your rankings might fall over time.

Thus, it's important to optimise your content for better CTRs.

Wrapping Up

So basically, this is how you can use Google Search Console to boost your SEO rankings.

Rather than just looking at the figures, it's important to analyse your site's data – so that you can come-up with actionable strategies to improve your site's performance.


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