These Are The 5 Easiest Ways Of Getting Traffic To Your Website (For Free)

‘Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business'.

Without traffic, your business cease to exist.

I know how suckie it is to spend a lot of hours designing your website, choosing the best theme, creating great content, then boom crickets – no traffic.

This whole SEO thing can be very stressful especially if your website is still brand new because SEO traffic is not overnight.

But in today's post, lm going to show you 5 actionable strategies that you can use to get traffic to your site in the shortest time possible.

I’m not going to talk about backlinks, guest blogging, increase web speed or any other related staff which most ‘gurus' preach about.

Although all these strategies are useful, they may be difficult to implement in the short run e.g. building backlinks takes time and effort.

But lm here to share with you some of the easiest strategies that you can implement today and these strategies are also applicable to a DR 0 website.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about these strategies.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

1. Viral Content Bee

Viral Content Bee

Viral Content Bee is a platform whereby content creators share each other’s content, so as to tap into each other's audience.

I know that a lot of people are not familiar with this platform, but it’s a great community where you can get some content shares.

Viral Content Bee allows you to upload your content urls to this platform, so that other bloggers can share your content to their respective audiences. (i.e. across all social platforms like Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.)

In return, you will also share other people's content as well in order to return the favour.

How It Works?

So basically, this platform works with what they call ‘credits'.

If you want your content to be shared by other people, you have to spend some credits so that your content becomes visible to other members.

When other members share your content, your credits will be deducted from your account and you may have to acquire more credits if you want your content to remain visible on the platform.

In order to earn credits, you can share other people's content on your socials and you can use your earned credits anytime you wish to upload your content on the platform.

I find this platform very useful because it allows you to tap into other people's audiences and the beauty part is that other members of this platform have a huge social following.

Thus, if they share your content on their socials, there is high likelihood that their audience will visit your site hence leading to a spike in your web traffic.

Viral Content Bee has both free and paid options so as to accommodate everyone on the platform.

If you go for the paid version, you will be able to buy some credits and you can use those credits to upload your content to the platform.

However, if you don't want to spend any money, you can share other people's content in order to earn some credits and you can then use those credits to promote your own content whenever you like.

Another cool thing about this platform is that it also helps to boost your social signals since your content will be shared amongst various social platforms hence signalling to Google that your content is great.

Thus, l highly urge you to check out this platform if you haven't used it before.

2. Medium

Another great strategy to boost your web traffic is through using

Medium has a lot of followers who spends a lot of time on this platform since there’s a ton of great stories that are always shared on this platform.

Now l know that a lot of people might be thinking; ‘l don't have any extra time to write additional articles for medium'.

No! You don't have to create any additional content to upload to medium.

You can import your existing content which you already have on your blog.

The process takes literally few minutes to complete since it can be done in just a few clicks.

Import Medium Story

All you have to do is to insert the url of your article, hit the ‘import' button, and the whole article will be imported to medium.

Keep in mind that you might have to make some few twerks to the medium version of your article before you hit publish because some elements of your post might not be perfect e.g. images, headings, etc.

Another thing to note is that you have to pick ‘relevant tags' that have a large number of followers so that your story can reach more people.

Once you publish your story, all those people who're subscribed to topics (tags) will receive an email notification through medium's daily digest emails.

Those people have a huge probability of reading your story and hopefully, they will visit your website after reading your story since medium places an ‘originally published at’ at the bottom of all imported articles.

Not only does this help to increase your web traffic, but it also helps to build backlinks to your website (even though medium links are no-follow links)

Now l know that a lot of people are wondering;

‘Will l get penalised for uploading the same content on 2 different platforms since Google is against duplicate content?

The truth is, Google will not penalize you when you import your blog articles to your medium account.

The reason being that your medium story will be viewed as a ‘canonical’ version of your article and canonical links are totally allowed by Google.

Google Canonical Links

You just have to properly import your content to medium in order to avoid any troubles.

N.B Look for YouTube tutorials in order to fully understand this process.

Get Traffic From Quora

I cant stress enough about how powerful Quora is when it comes to getting traffic.

A lot of people underrate this platform since most people fails to understand how this platform works.

If you want to know how powerful this platform is, you must shift from being a consumer to being a problem solver.

You heard me right!

A lot of people go on Quora to seek for answers but only a few utilise this platform to provide solutions.

Quora is a great traffic goldmine which can bring great results to your business (if utilised properly).

The key is to find trending questions related to your niche and you write ‘killer' answers to those questions.

Then anywhere inside your answer, you can then link back to your site so that your readers can visit your website for a more detailed answer.

The key is to find topics that have a descent number of following so as to increase the number of people who reads your answers.

In order to fully understand the metrics, you can utilise the ‘Quora Ads' function so that you can learn more about the numbers.

Quora Ads

You don't necessarily have to create an Ad, but the idea is to take advantage of the Quora keyword research tool that is held under the Ads function.

Try to find questions that have at least 100 or more searches per week, so as that your answers can reach more eyebrows.

Also, Quora usually sends some email notifications to members who follows a specific topic thus your answers will be exposed to all those people.

The key is to provide valuable answers then link back to a relevant blog post on your website which explains the topic in greater depth.

Not only does this increase web traffic, but it also helps to get some backlinks to your website even though Quora backlinks are no-follow.

N.B If you spam Quora with useless links, less valuable content, etc, your account might get suspended since Quora does not tolerate any form of spam on their platform.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest Traffic

Another great traffic goldmine is Pinterest.

Pinterest traffic is high quality and also highly targeted in nature. (buyer traffic)

Pinterest is slowly transforming from being a social media platform to being a search engine where people can search for solutions.

Pinterest traffic is great if you know how to utilise it and l have some friends who gets a ton of traffic from this platform.

The key is to produce keyword rich pins and boards and you stay active on the platform for at least a 6 months (consistently).

Now lm aware that a lot of people are not able to use this platform on a regular basis due to other pressing issues. You can utilise a software called Tailwind, which allows you to schedule your pins in advance hence automating the whole process.

I’m not an affiliate for this software, but l find this software so valuable that’s why l decided to discuss about it.

If you want to boost your traffic by a significant margin, you can utilise video pins since Pinterest is now pushing these type of pins.

There is no doubt that video marketing is the future of online marketing since it is proven that video content converts better than any other form of content.

Thus, you can utilise these video pins to increase your reach, and hopefully increasing web visitors in the process.

You can create these video pins using Canva, and you can take advantage of its premade templates to come up with great stunning pins for your campaigns.

If properly utilised, Pinterest can be a great traffic source for your site since it is proven that this platform has a high percentage of ‘buyer traffic'.

5. Forums/Communities

Warrior Forum

One of the reasons why one of my sites took off in a short space of time is due to forum traffic.

Forums and online communities can be a great source of traffic since most people are always searching for solutions on various forums and communities.

The cool thing about this traffic is that it is highly targeted since most forums are based around a certain niche/topic thus most people who uses these forums are interested in that topic.

The key is to find forums related to your industry and you provide ‘extreme value' in those forums.

You must be very active - contributing useful content before sharing your links in those forums.

The key is to build some trust and authority in those communities and once people starts to know, like, and trust you, you can then start referring those people to your content so that they can learn more about the topic at hand.

I have found that Reddit communities are very effective since most people in those sub-reddits are very engaging.

However, a lot of people makes the same mistake of spamming their random links in those forums without providing any value.

If you're one of them, you might need to repent because most people are no longer clicking at random links on the internet.

Besides that, spamming links might result in suspension or even complete ban from these platforms since most forums do not tolerate any form of spamming.

Thus, try by all means to provide value before posting your content urls in those forums.

Wrap Up

So ladies and gentlemen, these are the 5 ‘easiest' ways that you can use to get traffic to your site from day 1 of your blogging journey.

The main reason why l learned about these strategies is that l was tired of waiting for SEO traffic since SEO takes time and efforts.

I was not patient enough to wait for those 8+ months since l wanted to get traffic to my brand new site ASAP.

I know that most people were expecting staff like building backlinks or improve your site's speed or any other common staff that is taught by most internet ‘gurus'.

I’m not saying that you should ignore these things, but my point is that these are long term strategies of getting more traffic.

But if you want to get more traffic in the short run, you might need to adopt some of the strategies discussed in this post since they are actionable tips that can be implemented even by a DR 0 site.


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