These Are The Best WordPress Plugins Right Now! (Completely FREE)

The Best WordPress Plugins

In this article, l will share with you some of the best WordPress plugins that are completely free.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Yoast

If you're a WordPress user, lm pretty sure you're familiar with this plugin.

Yoast helps to optimise your articles for SEO – through providing some actionable tips that you can use to improve your titles, meta descriptions, etc.

This is done through allocating some scores on each of these metrics – thus, allowing you to further improve your articles before you hit the ‘publish’ button.

2. Short Pixels

If there's one thing which makes a page heavy, it's images.

There is no doubt that images constitute a larger % of a page's total size – thus, it is important to compress your images to make them ‘smaller'.

Using a plugin like Short Pixels, you can easily compress your images – without losing their original quality.

Thus, every WordPress user must have this plugin.

3. Translate Press

This plugin helps to translate your website content into multiple languages.

For example, let’s say that you have some Spanish audience, you can convert your English content into Spanish in just a few clicks – using Translate Press.

Thus, l highly urge you to install this plugin if you have multi-lingual audiences.

4. One Signal

If you want to retain more people to your website, you definitely need to install a push notification plugin.

This allows you to send some notifications whenever you publish a new piece of content – thus, allowing your content to be seen by more people.

Using a free plugin like One Signal, you can activate some push notifications on your website in just a few simple clicks.

5. Elementor

Elementor is probably one of the best page builders right now, since it is used to create some awesome looking websites.

This plugin helps to turn your WordPress site into an easy drag and drop interface – thus, allowing you to easily design your website without too much stress.

Using this plugin, you can easily insert text, images, fonts, colours, etc – even without coding skills.

6. Forminator

This plugin allows you to create some contact forms which you can insert on your WordPress website.

This is ideal for business websites which deals with a lot of clients – since contact forms allows your clients to easily communicate with you.

Thus, if you're a business owner, you must install this great plugin.

7. Litespeed Cache

As we a know, speed is probably one of the top ranking factors used by Google to determine the SERP of websites.

For this reason, you need to optimise your website for speed – so as to increase your odds of ranking higher.

Using a plugin like Litespeed Cache, you can cache your website – through activating lazy loading for some static objects like CSS, Java Script, Images, etc.

Thus, you must install this plugin if you want to fully optimise your website for higher rankings.

You can also use other plugins like WP Rocket – although they come at a premium price.

8. Google Site Kit

Basically, this plugin allows you to integrate your Google Analytics with your WordPress website – so as to monitor the performance of your website.

Rather than logging to Google Analytics every now and then, you can easily install this plugin – thus, allowing you to monitor your site's analytics from your dashboard.

And the beauty part is that this plugin is easy to setup and run – thus, you don't have to stress about any tech staff.

9. All In One WP-Migration

Basically, this plugin allows you to save a copy of your website on cloud based servers.

This allows you to have some backup files of your website – in case, something bad happens to your site.

For example, if you mistakenly delete your site, you can retrieve it through the backup files – thus, avoiding chances of losing your web assets.

10. AMP For WordPress

As we all know, Google is now using the ‘Mobile First Indexing'.

The overall SERP of your website is determined by how your website performs on mobile devices – thus, you must optimise your website for mobile as well.

Using a plugin like AMP, you can accelerate the speed of your website on mobile devices – thus, increasing your chances of ranking higher.

Thus, you should thrive to have this plugin for better performance of your website.

11. Woocommerce

If you want to run an ecommerce store on WordPress, then Woocommerce is the best option for you.

Using this plugin, you can easily create some stunning ecom stores without too much stress.

And the beauty part is that Woocommerce integrates with a lot of payment processors – thus, making it easy to accept payments on your website.

Thus, if you're looking for an easy way to run your ecommerce store, then Woocommerce might be a good option to consider.

12. Easy Digital Downloads

If you're looking for an easy way to sell your digital products, then this plugin might be a great option for you.

This plugin allows you to sell your digital products online – through locking your digital products behind a paywall.

Thus, people will be required to pay before they get access to those products – and the products will be automatically downloaded when they complete the checkout process.

13. Buddyboss

This plugin is great for people who wish to create online communities.

This allows you to create a community for your website – hence, allowing you to gather like minded people who share similar characteristics.

Thus, instead of relying on Facebook groups, you can easily create your own community using this plugin.

14. LearnDash

If you want to create an online course, then LearnDash is the way to go.

This plugin allows you to create and sell your own courses – using the tools which comes with this plugin.

And you can also collect payments for your courses – since LearnDash is able to integrate with a lot of payment processors.

Thus, instead of paying insane amounts for expensive softwares (like Teachable), you can literally use this tool – which is very cost effective.

15. Social Media Share Buttons

As we all know, social signals are one of Google’s major ranking factors.

For this reason, you must try to promote your content on social platforms – so as to boost your social signals.

But instead of promoting the content yourself, you can easily leverage your readers to share the content for you – through including some sharing buttons on your website.

Using this plugin, you can easily create some floating or sticky share buttons – which you can easily embed on your site.

16. Amelia Booking

If you have a booking website, then Amelia is the way to go.

Using this plugin, you can easily create a booking type of site – which allows your audience to make some bookings based on time, location, etc.

This is mainly ideal for hotel sites, travel sites, consultation sites, among other related sites.

17. Nextend

Have you ever come across a website which requires your login details?

I’m sure you've come across several of them.

These kind of website uses a plugin like Nextend – which allows you to insert a login feature on your website.

This allows your audience to insert their email details, passwords, etc – in order for them to access your website.

Thus, you definitely need to install this plugin if you want to setup a login feature on your website.

Wrapping Up

So there we go!

These are the 17 best WordPress plugins right now for WordPress users.

The beauty part is that most of them are free – meaning you don't have to worry about spending a penny.

Thus, if you want to take your WordPress site to the next level, then you might need to take advantage of these WordPress plugins.

But before l wrap up, it’s important to mention that installing too many plugins at once might slow down your site.

For this reason, you might need to install few plugins at a time to avoid any challenges on your website.

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