Beginners Guide To Bluehost Affiliate Program

Bluehost Affiliate Program

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Bluehost is probably one of the best hosting providers in the web hosting space, since it has its own unique attributes.

The fact that Bluehost is the #1 recommended hosting for WordPress makes it more credible since it is a bit difficult to earn that kind of credibility from a big company like WordPress.

Over the years, Bluehost has managed to power over 2 million websites on the internet making it the most used hosting company on the planet.

Thus, Bluehost has a large client base due to its huge dominance.

But the key question is;

How can you promote this amazing company as an affiliate so as to make some few extra bucks?

That's what this post will focus on.

What Is Bluehost Affiliate Program

In simple terms, Bluehost affiliate program is a partnership/referral program that was launched by Bluehost, so as to incentivise people to bring clients to their platform (for a commission).

Affiliate marketing is one of the best strategies to increase revenues for most companies since companies are able to gain some extra customers without having to worry about increasing their ad budget.

There is so much power involved in ‘word of mouth’ type of marketing since most customers prefers to buy a product/service when they’re recommended by a friend.

For this reason, Bluehost decided to launch its own affiliate program, so as to increase its client base and also revenues.

Bluehost is know for having the most lucrative affiliate programs in the web hosting space since it has some favourable conditions for affiliates i.e. high commissions and low entry requirements.

For this reason, Bluehost was able to attract a lot of affiliates over the years since it is considered as one of the ‘easiest' affiliate programs to join.

How Does Bluehost Affiliate Program Work?

Bluehost affiliate program is not different from other affiliate programs out there.

Bluehost allows various people from different parts of the world to apply for their affiliate program.

The application process literally takes less than 5 minutes and the affiliate team don't take that long to respond to new applications.

Once you get accepted, you will get access to various promotional materials i.e. banners, widgets, links, etc.

You just have to pick your favourite materials, and you can start to promote the company.

When someone signs up through your affiliate link, you will earn a commission.

How Much Does Bluehost Pay Its Affiliates?

For beginner affiliates, Bluehost pays a flat $65 for every referral that signs up through your unique referral link.

But the commission increases as you bring more and more clients to their platform since Bluehost tries by all means to motivate its affiliates to bring more clients to their platform.

At most, Bluehost pays $135 per every qualified sale that is generated through your link.

But bear in mind that this high commission rate is only applicable to super affiliates who brings more customers to the platform, thus you have to drive as many sales as possible in order to become eligible for this high commission rate.

Now l know that a lot of people are always questioning about ‘how Bluehost affords to pay such high commissions when they only charge around $3.95/month or maybe $2.95 in some cases.

The main reason why most hosting companies affords to pay higher commissions is that they know how to keep a customer for a long period of time thus they're able to recover their money in the long run.

Most people hosts their websites with a single hosting provider for many years thus the company will recover its money down the line.

Besides, most hosting companies charges a low price to new customers so as to attract more clients to their platform.

Once they gain those customers, they will upsell them during the renewal period since most hosting companies charges a higher price during the renewal phase.

Due to these reasons, these companies can afford to pay a high initial commission to their affiliates, with the hope of recovering their money down the line.

How Do l Become A Bluehost Affiliate?

Visit the Bluehost affiliate page in order to get started with their affiliate program.

You need to provide your details i.e. personal details, tax information, payment details, etc.

In just a short space of time, your application will be accepted and you’ll be ready to roll.

Update: Bluehost affiliate program now run under Impact

How To Promote Bluehost Affiliate?

My favourite method for promoting Bluehost is through making YouTube videos.

You can start a YouTube channel for free and start uploading videos related to web hosting and web design.

Some of the topics that works very well are;

How to start a blog

How to create a WordPress website

Bluehost Review

Bluehost vs Siteground (or any other hosting company)

Best web hosting providers

The list is endless.

The key is to think about ‘what your potential customers are searching for’ and you create content based on those topics.

You just have to get in their shoes so as to get an idea of what those people are searching for in the YouTube search bar.

If you create content based on those topics, you will get some traffic and hopefully sales.

If you're not confident in front of the camera, you can start a blog and you start writing about these topics.

The key is to do proper keyword research before you write anything otherwise your efforts might go to waste.

Once you find non-competitive keywords, you should create some content that is optimised for SEO so as to increase your chances of ranking.

If you do it properly, you will get some highly targeted traffic to your content (and hopefully signups).

Another great strategy is to create a free course based around ‘How To Create A Website’ and you upload that course on Udemy.

The great part about Udemy is that it receives some free organic traffic thus you will always get some traffic to your course.

And most people likes free courses since most people hates spending their hard earned money on paid courses.

If you provide enough value through your course, people will naturally signup through your link as a way of appreciating your efforts (reciprocity).

That's human nature. People will feel like they need to compensate you for your efforts due to the amount of value that you offer them for free.

If you do it properly, you will yield great results with this technique.


In order to increase your earnings potential, you should always think outside the box and always ask yourself this question;

Who else needs a website?

This is so because there are some people out there who don't know that they actually need an online presence (for their business) since some people still believes in the traditional way of doing business (brick and mortar).

Thus, if you educate those people about why they need a website for their business, those people will end up starting a website through your links.

Wrap Up

I hope that you gained some value from this post.

Bluehost has one of the best affiliate programs on the internet since it has high pay-outs as well as low entry requirements.

Thus, l highly recommend you to signup and get started with this affiliate program if you're looking to make some extra bucks online.

But my advise is; don't be like other ‘lazy’ affiliates who just grab their links and spams them in FB groups, YT comments, Forums, etc because this strategy is not sustainable in the long term.

Rather, you should focus on providing value to potential customers and people will naturally sign up through your link if you do it the right way.

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