Blogging Mini Course (Simple 5 Module Course)

Blogging Mini Course (Simple 5 Module Course)

One of the best ways to make money online is through blogging.

The main reason why l like this business model is that, it's very passive in nature i.e. you create content upfront, and you'll continue to earn income from those same articles for years to come.

Thus, blogging is definitely worth it – since it allows you to create an income generating machine – which earns money for you whilst sleeping, travelling, or maybe whilst focusing on your hobbies.

However, most people gets stuck when they think of starting a blogging business – because there's too many components involved in this grind – which makes it confusing & overwhelming for most beginners.

But in this mini course, I'll break down all the different components of blogging – and I'II explain most of them in the following modules:

Module 1: Setting Up Your Blog

In this module, I'II explain how you can setup your own blog in just a few simple steps i.e. even without prior experience.

Most people still believes that, you need to hire an expensive developer to develop your website – which isn't true.

In this modern day & age, you can leverage different tools – which requires little to no coding skills i.e. compared to back in the day.

Thus, you don't need to be a tech savvy in order to create your own blog – because you can learn the skills in just a matter of minutes & use them to create your own blog ASAP.

If you want to learn more about building blogs, then you need to read this tutorial.

Module 2: Creating Content

Once you've setup your blog, the next big thing is creating content.

You need to create content for your blog – so that you can share your knowledge with the world.

Also, content allows you to get traffic from Google – because articles has higher chances of ranking on Google i.e. compared to static pages.

Thus, it's important to produce content for your blog ASAP i.e. if you want to get traffic to your blog.

However, most people gets stuck when it comes to this issue – since they think that, you need to be an ‘expert' who knows everything about a certain topic – which is not always true.

Creating content is not that complex – as long as you follow some proven tactics which are proven to work for most successful bloggers.

That's why l created this tutorial – so as to show you how you can start creating content for your own blog i.e. even without prior experience.

Module 3: Getting Traffic

‘A blog without traffic cease to exist’.

Without traffic, you wont be able to get leads & sales i.e. for affiliate offers, your own offers, or even for display ads.

You need to get some traffic if you want to succeed with blogging – otherwise, your blog will end up like an outcast store which doesn't receive any customers.

In this module, l decided to sit down & share how you can get traffic to your blog – and the strategies includes both SEO & non-SEO strategies.

Thus, you definitely need to read these modules.

Module 4: Link Building

In order to build authority, you need backlinks.

Backlinks allows you to boost your Domain Authority (DA) – which allows your site to rank for more competitive keywords.

Without backlinks, your site will be regarded as low authoritative in the eyes of Google – thus, it might be much difficult to compete with stronger sites.

That's why l decided to create this link building tutorial – so as to share with you how you can build backlinks to your blog.

In this module, l discussed strategies like HARO, Guest Blogging, SourceBottle, etc.

Thus, you definitely need to read it.

Module 5: Monetizing Your Blog

‘How do bloggers really make money?’

That's what most people always ask i.e. when they hear about all these bloggers who're making a full time living from this grind.

Most people publishes a lot of good content, get a ton of traffic – but then, struggles to make significant income.


Because they don't know how to monetize their traffic.

But in this tutorial, I'II discuss some of the best strategies that you can use to make money from your blog.

After going through this tutorial, you'll have a clear idea on how you can monetize your works – and you can implement some of these strategies to your own blog ASAP.

Thus, you should read this tutorial i.e. if you want to learn how to monetize your blog.


Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.