The Best Website Builder For Affiliate Marketing Unveiled!

So what's the best website builder for affiliate marketing?

Let me be upfront with you – it's WordPress!

And if you're confused why WordPress is the best – then let me give you some few reasons right now i.e.

(i) WordPress Sites Rank Better On Search Engines

As an affiliate, the goal is to rank your content higher on Google – since rankings have a direct impact on the amount of traffic that you get.

And with WordPress, you can ‘easily' achieve this goal – since WordPress is very friendly to search engines.

As we all know, WordPress controls a huge portion of the web – since most sites are made using this website builder.

For this reason, WordPress has more authority in the online space than any other website builder.

And with the help of the Yoast plugin, your chances of ranking are significantly higher.

Thus, if you want to maximise your chances of ranking, then WordPress is the way to go.

(ii) WordPress Comes With Some Great Plugins – Which Helps To Enhance Your Site

As an affiliate, it's important to put some CTA buttons inside your content – so as to increase your conversion rates by a significant margin.

WordPress facilitates all this staff – since it comes with some great plugins which are tailor-made for that.

Thus, you can easily design your pages based on your needs – which helps to boost your conversions.

This is unlike most website builders like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc. – since these doesn't offer too much extra features – thus, you can't do much to improve your site.

(iii) WordPress Is Cheaper Than Most Alternatives

Another reason why WordPress is a great deal for affiliates is that, it's very cheap.

Theoretically, WordPress is free – since it was designed as an open source platform for developers.

However, you might need to pay some few bucks per month for hosting – so that you can have your own custom domain like

And you can easily find affordable hosting from companies like GreenGeeks i.e. for less than 3 bucks per month.

Thus, if you're looking for an affordable website builder, then WordPress is the way to go.

Keep in mind that, other website builders like Wix costs more than 10 bucks per month – which is quite a lot of money.

And as a business owner, you should keep your costs at bare minimum – thus, you should always go for cheaper options.


So these are some of the reasons why WordPress is the best website builder for affiliates.

But it's also important to mention it's limitations – such as;

(i) WordPress has a huge learning curve i.e. it's interface is a bit complex for beginners – thus, you might need to spend some time figuring out how it works

(ii) Poor speeds at times i.e. WordPress sites faces speed problems – especially if you install too much plugins (and speed is also a ranking factor BTW)

For this reason, you might need to install only a few plugins – so that your site wont be overloaded.

(iii) Lack of customer support i.e. it doesn't have a dedicated customer support team that's readily available to help you.

Instead, you'll have to rely on responses provided by some pro developers who also uses this platform.


So what's the conclusion?

Though WordPress has its own limitations, it's still the best option available.

The key is to find a way to utilise this platform in such a way that's beneficial to you & your business.


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