Hostinger or Bluehost? Which One Should You Choose? [Detailed Comparison]

Are you considering hosting your website with either Bluehost or Hostinger?

But you're still confused in terms of which one is better?

Then don't worry – because this article will give you a detailed side by side comparison of these two providers.

By the end of this article, you'll be able to choose which one best suits your needs.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

We shall be comparing:

Without wasting time, let's jump straight into the meat.

Hostinger vs Bluehost
Bluehost vs Hostinger

1. Pricing

When choosing a hosting provider, it is important to take note of the price.

The reason being that the cost of any provider has either a negative or positive implication on your business expenditure.

Thus, you should try to find a cheaper option to avoid unnecessary costs.

With that being said, Hostinger is by far cheaper than Bluehost when it comes to pricing.

Hostinger's lowest plan comes at $0.99/month, whilst Bluehost plans starts at $2.95/month.

This might not seem like a huge difference but if we convert these prices into yearly prices, you'll notice the difference i.e. Hostinger - $47.52/year vs Bluehost - $106.20/year.

Thus, it is clear that Hostinger is far much cheaper than Bluehost when it comes to price.

However, it is important to mention that Hostinger’s lowest plan does not come with a free domain – hence you might be forced to buy a separate domain or maybe upgrade to the $2.19/month plan.

But with Bluehost, you'll get a free domain on all plans thus it is a no brainer deal.

Thus, the difference between these 2 is quite lower if we take into account the issue of domains.

2. Uptime

When it comes to uptime, both of these providers has a 99.99% uptime rate (on average).

This means that your website will be live during most periods of the year – since these providers tries in as much as possible to reduce downtime.

Keep in mind that the standard rate of uptime is 99.95% – hence both of these providers are able to surpass the average expected rate.

3. Speed

When it comes to speed, Hostinger is by far the best compared to Bluehost.

Hostinger comes with litespeed servers, PHP 7, SSD based storage, amongst other features – which are all enhanced to speed up your site.

On the other hand, Bluehost is a bit reluctant when it comes to speed.

Bluehost last updated its servers back in 2017 – which is quite a long time considering the pace of technology.

Thus, Bluehost needs to work on speed issues in order to keep up with the changing technology.

4. Business Oriented Features

If you're looking to increase your business exposure, then Bluehost is the best option for you.

Bluehost offers some business oriented features which allows your website to showup on the ‘business section' of the search results.

Bluehost also offers business emails like, which allows your site to show on Google Maps.

On the contrary, Hostinger is not the best option when it comes to business oriented features since it does not offer full business tools.

5. Data Servers

When it comes to choosing a hosting provider, it is important to consider the geographical distribution its data centres.

This helps in choosing the best provider which best suits your audience in different geographical locations.

With that being said, Bluehost is great if most of your audience lives in the US.

This is so because its servers are only located in the US i.e. West Coast and East Coast.

However, this might be a limiting factor if you have an audience outside the US.

Your site might perform poorly in other nations due to longer distance between your audience's location and your hosting's data centres.

For this reason, you might need to consider Hostinger since this providers has more servers in different parts of the world i.e. Europe, Asia, US, etc.

This allows you to save a copy of your site in a data server which is located near your audience’s location – hence improving the performance of your site in various nations.

6. Performance

When it comes to performance, each of these providers has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Hostinger comes with great speeds since it uses litespeed servers, PHP 7, SSD storage, amongst other speed oriented features.

Hostinger also has many data servers in various locations – which helps to maximise your site's performance in different parts of the world.

However, it is important to note that Hostinger is a bit ‘weak' if your site gets more visitors at once.

With their lowest plan, your site might experience some problems when you receive more than 50 visitors at once.

This is not the case with Bluehost since this provider is able to handle more visitors at the same time.

Although it has low speeds than Hostinger, Bluehost is still a great deal when it comes to enduring more visitors at once.

Thus, the issue of performance comes down to whether you're interested in speed or accommodating more users at one.

7. Security Features

Both Hostinger and Bluehost offers free SSL certificates to their users on all their plans.

This helps to protect your site against any form of external attack e.g. hacking, malware, etc.

Although they both offer free SSL certificates, it is important to mention that Bluehost tries to offer advanced security features as upsells (add-ons), which is not the case with Hostinger.

Again, it all comes down to the type of security features that you need.

If you just need free SSL certificates, then both of these providers are great.

But if you need some more advanced security features, then you might need analyse the cost implications of each additional feature.

8. Web Staging

There is no doubt that Bluehost is the best when it comes to web staging.

Web staging allows you to make changes to your site privately – whilst your users are not aware of what's happening in the backend.

Using this feature, you can make some few twerks, analyse them, or maybe delete some components without affecting the published version of your site.

This allows you to hide changes which you don't like your visitors to see, whilst at the same time allowing you to publish only those changes you wish to make public.

However, Hostinger does not offer this feature.

For this reason, it might be difficult to make private changes to your site since all your changes are made public to your visitors.

9. Support

When it comes to support, Bluehost is better than Hostinger for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, Bluehost offers free support on all its plans via live chat, email support, or even phone calls.

You can contact their support at any time, anywhere – since their support is available 24/7.

On the contrary, Hostinger’s live chat is currently disabled due to some internal issues.

For this reason, you can't reach their support via live chat since the feature is currently turned off.

Hostinger mainly offers support via a knowledge base – which has some answers to some of the most common queries.

But if you need personalised help, you might need to pay an additional fee on top of your monthly subscription hence increasing your overall cost.

Wrapping Up

There we go. We have explored the key differences between these 2 hosting providers so that you can know which one is the best for you.

If you're looking for a fast & cheaper option, then Hostinger is the best option since it comes with speed oriented features like litespeed servers, PHP 7, SSD storage, etc (at low cost).

However, if you're looking for a feature-rich provider, then Bluehost might be the best option for you.

Bluehost is packed with a ton of features since the company tries to offer as many features as possible to its customers.

Thus, you should sit down and list your priorities before committing to any of these two – since each of them comes with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Interested In Bluehost?

Interested In Hostinger?

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