Super Affiliate System Review: Is It Worth $997?

So l came across some various ads on the internet promoting this ‘Super Affiliate System' course by John Crestani.

I have been following John Crestani for some few months now on YouTube but l was not really paying attention to his paid courses.

However, after hearing some few testimonials about his course, l decided to put my hand on it to see ‘what's really special about this course' and ‘what differentiates it from other guru courses out there’.

So lm here to share my thoughts and opinions about the Super Affiliate System so that you can have a better idea about this course.

So read till the end if you want to learn more.

Topics Covered:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is Super Affiliate System?

Super Affiliate System Review

Super Affiliate System (SAS) is a 6 week video training series that helps aspiring affiliate marketers to build a sustainable $10k per month business leveraging the power of paid ads.

The course creator (John Crestani) earns 7 figures per year from affiliate marketing and he's now sharing his strategies to other people so that they can replicate his techniques and strategies to yield success online.

John Crestani teaches how to utilise pay-per-click ads to get your offers in front of your ideal customers in order to get as many sales as possible.

The course is based on 3 main components i.e.

*PEOPLE (how to find people to sell your products to)

*PLACE (where to sell your products)

*PRODUCT (what are you going to sell)

Super Affiliate System has been around since 2016 but the course creator keeps updating the course so as to keep up with the changing environment.

In this course, you will learn how to promote affiliate offers (mainly ClickBank products) using YouTube ads, Facebook ads, and Google ads since these platforms attracts a lot of traffic everyday.

For those of you who follow John Crestani on YouTube, he's definitely a good teacher since he teaches a lot of staff on his YouTube channel. Thus, his teaching techniques are easy to understand even if you're a total beginner.

Who Is It For?

Now let me make this clear:

Super Affiliate System is not for everyone and l will explain why in the next few sections.

First of all, the course costs $997 and let's be honest, many people do not have that kind of money in their accounts.

Don't get me wrong, the course provides so much value that is worth way more than $997. Even though its a great investment, most people struggles to afford such a price.

Secondly, the course teaches you how to leverage the power of pay-per-click ads which is great since ads helps you to scale your business faster than relying on organic traffic.

However, bear in mind that you might need to spend some significant amounts on ads before you start to see some positive Return On Ad Spend (RAOS).

Thus, if you're not financially strong, then this course is not the right fit for you.

However, if you're financially strong and you have some extra thousands to spare, then this course is definitely for you since this course is a great investment that allows you to move quicker with your online business rather than relying on organic strategies.

Using the strategies that are taught in the course, you will achieve the $10k per month threshold in just a few months since John is a great marketer who knows how to get more traffic and sales.

Thus before enrolling into this course, you have to think twice on whether your pockets are stable or not.

If you're not financially stable, then you might need to consider something like the One Funnel Away Challenge which is more affordable to many people.

But if you're so sure that your pockets are stable, then you might need to consider Super Affiliate System since this course allows you to move quicker and the value contained in this course is worth way more than the price being charged.

Super Affiliate System Pricing

Super Affiliate System currently costs $997 (one time price) and you can access the course via Digistore24.

This course is worth way more than this price since the value and bonuses contained in this course are just amazing.

We all know that there's a lot of guru courses out there which costs $2 000+ but they don't have any valuable content in them.

But Super Affiliate System is not anywhere near that price since John Crestani is not trying to become rich from selling his courses – he makes millions from affiliate marketing alone.

Thus, if you want to learn more about this course, head over to Digistore24 marketplace to get more details about the course.

Super Affiliate System Modules

Super Affiliate System Review

As mentioned earlier, Super Affiliate System is a 6 week video training course which is structured in such a way that is easy to consume and understand.

One thing that l like about this course is that everything is nicely organised in a manner that makes it easy for students to consume the contents of this course.

Also, the course is set in a manner that you need to complete one module and its related tasks before moving to the next, which makes it more actionable for students to implement different concepts whilst they are still learning.

Let me break down what you'll learn from this course in those 6 weeks of learning.

Week 1: System Setup

For those of you who have ran ads before, you all know that you need a system or funnel that helps to yield the best results out of your ad campaigns.

You need to create highly converting sales funnels in order to yield the best out of your campaigns otherwise you might leave a lot of money on the table.

During the first week of the course, John teaches you how to navigate all the different components of an effective sales system so that you can get up and running in less time.

The course also comes with some premade templates and funnels that you can use for your campaigns thereby saving you time that might be required to build your own funnels from scratch.

Week 2: Google Ad Campaign Training

After creating a sales system or funnel, you definitely need to get some traffic to those funnels so as to generate leads and sales for your business.

Without traffic, your system will be as good as dead.

During the second week of the course, John teaches you how to setup some effective Google ad campaigns so as to generate massive traffic from the evergreen traffic source - Google.

There is no doubt that Google traffic is the best (by far) since it is more targeted than other traffic sources.

Also, Google is the biggest search engine in the world since most people uses this platform a lot.

John teaches you how to setup Google ad campaigns through ‘keyword search’ based campaigns, device targeting, location targeting, ad split testing, amongst others.

As a 7 figure online marketer, John knows the best strategies on how to utilise the power of these variables in order to yield the best results from your ad campaigns.

Thus, if you're someone who likes to run Google ads, then this module is good for you.

Week 3: YouTube Ads Training

In this module, John teaches you how to setup and run some effective YouTube ads so as to take advantage of the evergreen traffic that visits YouTube on a daily basis.

YouTube is the second most used search engines in the world since most people uses this platform to search about certain topics as well as for entertainment purposes.

YouTube traffic is also targeted since you can get your offers in front of the right audience by leveraging the tools which comes with YouTube ads features.

Thus, John teaches you how to tap into that traffic source so as to get more leads and sales for your affiliate offers.

Week 4: Advanced Training

This module teaches you various things like Facebook ads, ad compliance, amongst others.

But my favourite of all in this module is the copywriting training video series.

As an affiliate marketer, you need to acquire writing skills that can convince the buyer to buy from you rather than from other affiliates out there.

You should understand that most customers buys as a result of emotions hence you should know how to touch their main pain points in order to convince them to buy.

You may have a great product but without copywriting skills, you can find it difficult to sell that product to your ideal customers since you need to convince those customers to buy through your written content on your blog, landing page, or any other platform that you use.

You will learn all this staff when you enrol into the Super Affiliate System course.

Week 5: Pre-Sell Pages & Scaling

In this module, John teaches you how to scale your ad campaigns so as to maximise your profit margins.

Scaling is very crucial when running paid ads since you need to reach to as many people as possible in order to get more leads and sales.

When running paid ads, you can start with a small ad budget to test which ad set is getting the best results.

But once you find the winning ad set, you can then decide to scale it by investing more money into that ad set so as to maximise your profits.

You will learn all this staff when you enrol into the Super Affiliate System.

Another important aspect that you'll learn from this module is pre-sell pages.

Pre-sell pages are important in affiliate marketing since they help to increase your conversions by a significant percentage.

However, a poor pre-sell page can decrease conversions since most customers might lose interest in your offers when the page is poor.

Thus, you need to test different pre-sell pages in order to determine which one converts better than the others and all you'll learn how to test these presell pages in this module as well.

Week 6: Product Selection

As we all know, you need a great product to promote so as to yield the best out of your affiliate business.

In this module, John teaches you how to find great products to promote since there is a ton of products out there.

There is no doubt that the most profitable niches in affiliate marketing are wealth, health, and relationships.

However, there is a lot of products within those niches which makes it difficult for beginners to choose which ones are worth promoting.

But John shows you how to choose great products, so that you won’t waste your time and efforts on promoting garbage products.

And that's it. The course is complete.

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Super Affiliate System Bonuses

Bonuses (From John Crestani)

Just like any other high ticket course, John also offers a ton of bonuses for his students so as to create a big bang for buck.

I will just outline the bonuses in the next few lines:

• The $10k Challenge – if you generate $10k in sales, you get rewarded the amount of money that you invested in the course i.e. $997

• Tried & Tested Traffic Strategies (worth $647)

• Free Ad Credits (worth $1 245)

• Buyer Data (worth $1 997)

• High Ticket Commissions (worth $1 950)

• Student Case Studies (worth $747)

• Extra Login (worth $997)

• 1 on 1 Calls With John Crestani (worth $5 000)

And Many More!

Bonuses (From The Affiliate)

Once you grab Super Affiliate System via my link, send proof of payment on and l will give you my fast action bonuses that l have prepared for you.

These includes:

• Highly Converting Email Swipes (All Niches)

I paid almost $3 200 to get these emails done by a professional copywriter but lm willing to give them to you for FREE once you purchase Super Affiliate System via my link.

I use these email swipes on a daily basis in my businesses since they convert like crazy. (Available for all niches).

So once you enrol into SAS via my link, quickly send me an email then l can give you your package so that you can start to use them for your business too.

(You can use these email swipes as follow up emails for promoting your affiliate offers)

• 90 Day Unlimited Support

Once you enrol into Super Affiliate System via my link, l will give you my personal support via email.

I will be available to answer to all your questions in order to help you to succeed in your affiliate journey since this business model is a bit complicated especially if you're just starting out.

I’m willing to sacrifice my time in order to answer to all your questions for FREE for the next 90 Days valid from the day you enrol into the Super Affiliate System.

(I normally charge $497 per hour for this service but lm willing to help you out for FREE)

For more information, send me an email @

Super Affiliate System - Customer Support

I’m not going to lie - John Crestani's customer support team is on point.

They’re available 24/7 in order to answer to all your questions as well as providing clarity where there is some challenges.

SAS students are free to ask anything from the Super Affiliate System team at any time since the SAS team is dedicated to help their students in succeeding in their affiliate journey.

They also have a supportive community where members can ask questions and help each other so that they can move as a whole team.

Thus, as far as customer support is concerned, l give them an A grade.

Pros of Super Affiliate System

• Provides some practical actionable steps that you can implement in your business.

• You get to work with a 7 figure mentor who has achieved great success online.

• Unlike other gurus, John teaches what he does in order to succeed in his affiliate business.

• Comes with DFY pre-sell pages, ad tools, etc.

• Tried and tested (the course has proven to work for many people around the globe).

• Supportive community – you get to network with like minded entrepreneurs hence you can motivate each other.

• You get some assignments and tasks to perform so as to implement what you're learning in real time.

Cons of Super Affiliate System

• The only drawback of this program is its price:

Even though its worth $997, most people can not afford that amount of money.

Also, you should be prepared to have a strong budget for paid ads since this course mainly teaches about paid traffic

You should have a strong financial muscle in order to enrol into this program otherwise you might encounter some challenges if you try to enrol with a limited budget.

Final Verdict

Based on the value of this course, l think that Super Affiliate System is worth investing in.

This is so because this course has helped a lot of affiliate marketers over the years since most people who took this course had some tremendous results from their affiliate businesses.

Thus, this course is worth it since you learn actionable strategies that you can use to get up and running in your affiliate business in less time.

However, if you're on a shoestring budget, you might need to consider some cheaper alternatives such as the One Funnel Away Challenge by ClickFunnels since this training program is also great for affiliate marketers who are looking to get up and running in less time using limited resources.

But if you're sure that you have sufficient funds to invest into Super Affiliate System, then you should go for it since this program is great and valuable (you wont regret your money).

Frequently Asked Questions

Super Affiliate System FAQs

Is John Crestani Legit?

Of course yes!

Most people have many doubts about this guy since he always displays a chunk of money in his YouTube videos, which makes him look like other fake gurus online.

But trust me, this guy is very legit and he makes most of his money from affiliate marketing rather than selling courses.

He made millions online before he even created his first course. So he does not rely on selling courses.

He has a special award from ClickBank for being one of the best affiliates on that platform, since he was able to generate millions of dollars on this platform just by selling other people's products (as an affiliate.)

So yeah! John Crestani is 100% legit.

Is This Course Really Worth $997?

In my opinion, l think that Super Affiliate System is worth way more than $997.

This is so because the value that is contained in this course is just on another level.

Most students who enrolled into this program had tremendous success and most of them were able to achieve the $10k per month mark in just few months of taking the course.

So in my opinion, l think that this course should be priced at a price higher than $997 since it over delivers what it promises.

Bear in mind that there's a ton of other courses out there which are being sold at $2 000+ but they don't even have tangible value in them.

But with the Super Affiliate System, you wont regret your money.

Does This Course Come With A Money Back Guarantee?

Just like any other high ticket program, SAS has a 30 Day money back guarantee.

This means that you can test if the course is really for you or not.

However, based on the low refund rates of this program, l think that you wont even think about getting your money back since this course helps you to achieve great results in your online business.

Thousands of people around the globe have achieved success when they implemented the strategies taught in this course.

However, this course pays you a ‘reward’ if you succeed using their system – meaning that you get your money back as soon as you hit $10k in sales using the strategies taught in this course.

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