How To Make Money With Free Google SEO Traffic (3 Simple Steps)

Make Money With Free Google SEO Traffic

Do you know that you can make a full time income (or beyond) just from Google SEO traffic.

That's right!

You can make a ton of money by utilising SEO traffic – if you know how to leverage it.

People are always searching for staff on Google – and most of those searches leads to purchases.

And if you understand how to tap into this traffic source, you can win some of that traffic – thus, allowing you to get some clicks, leads, and hopefully, sales.

And the beauty part is that, you don't have to worry about creating your own products to sell – since you can find some really great products that are already selling, and you promote them as an affiliate (affiliate marketing).

Pay closer attention if you want to learn about how to earn money just by leveraging Google SEO traffic.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me break down everything for you.

1. Create A Blog

The first thing that you need to do is to create a blog/website.


Because when people search for staff on Google, Google crawls through existing websites on the internet – and it presents those websites based on relevancy i.e. ‘which website provides the best answer for that search query?'.

And if you don't have a website, there's no way that you can tap into this traffic source.

Also, having a website gives you a platform to place your affiliate links – which are the ones that generates most income for blogs.

Thus, if you don't have a website, where are you gonna place your affiliate links?

And the cool part is that, creating a website costs less than 3 bucks per month, and you can get a free domain during your first year – if you use something like GreenGeeks.

Thus, there's no excuse for not having a website – since this amount is less than the price of your standard cup of coffee at Starbucks.

You should view this as an investment – since you'll generate more income from the website in the future i.e. if you do it right.

Thus, it is crucial to have your own website if you want to get free SEO traffic on Google.

👉Read this step by step guide if you want to create your own website.

2. Find Keywords Which People Are Searching For

Assuming you now have your own website, it's now high time to do some keyword research – so as to find the topics which people are searching for.

I wont go into much detail about keyword research since l have a detailed article which goes into depth about this topic.

But basically, you need to find the keywords/phrases which people are searching for – so that you can get an idea of which content to create.

If you skip this phase, you might end up creating content which no one is searching for – thus, you wont get any search traffic to your website.

Thus, it's important to take your time analysing different keywords to see which ones are worth your time and energy.

Try to find low competition keywords, with a decent search volume – so that you can easily rank on Google and get some decent amount of traffic.

That way, you can get better results with your SEO campaign.

3. Create SEO Optimised Content Around Those Topics

Assuming that you now have a list of keywords – it's now high time to start creating content for your site.

I cant stress enough about how important content is – but it's the main factor which drives traffic to your website.

Without any content, your website might struggle to get SEO traffic!

Most people gets hyped up when they create their first blog, but that hype fades away when it comes time for creating content.

But if you want to succeed in this game, you gotta put-in the hard work and produce as much content as possible.

Now, you might be wondering, how many articles do l need to write?

The truth is, you need to publish at least 100 articles during a space of a year if you want to get great results i.e. 30 during the first 2 months, another 30 before month 6, and the remainder during the 2nd half of your blogging year.

I know this sounds like a lot, but the grind is worth it.

More content allows you to get more traffic – which leads to more clicks and sales.

Thus, you should treat each piece of content as an income source.

How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google?

Frankly speaking, SEO is not an overnight thing!

If you start a brand new website, Google will put it into the sandbox – in order to check if it confines with their standards.

This can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months – but for most websites, it's usually 8 months.

This means that, you wont get any traffic during this phase – and that's where most people give up.

But if you want to be successful, you need to push through this difficult phase – since there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Instead of just sitting and waiting to get out of the sandbox, use that time to produce more content – because that content will generate more traffic in the future.

But with time, your pages will start getting indexed – and you'll start seeing some few impressions in your Search Console.

And if your articles are well optimised for SEO, you'll start climbing the SERP rankings – and hopefully, get on the first page.

The key is to stay focused, keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes – and you'll get there.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've got some value from this quick lil post.

SEO is the best source of traffic – since it is free and highly targeted.

However, it takes time to get results from SEO – since Google and other search engines takes time to rank new websites.

But if you stay patient, you'll get those rankings – and you'll get some leads and sales in the near future.


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