Jungle Scout Review: Is Jungle Worth It?

Are you considering using Jungle Scout as your product research tool?

But you're still deciding whether Jungle Scout is the right fit for your business or not?

Don't worry because this article will reveal everything that you need to know about Jungle Scout.

After reading this article, you will be in a better position to decide whether Jungle Scout is the right fit for your business or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Jungle Scout.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

What Is Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout Review

In simple terms, Jungle Scout is a product research tool that is used by most amazon sellers to find products that have the potential to yield better outcomes.

We all know that amazon is a large platform with many buyers and sellers thus it might be difficult to figure out which products have the ability to sell better based on the different demand and supply metrics.

However, a tool like Jungle Scout was specifically designed to give relevant data to amazon sellers e.g. level of demand, level of competition, best performing keywords, etc thus making it easier for sellers to find winning products.

Nowadays, there is various product research tools like Helium 10, Viral Launch, etc which were all designed to facilitate product research.

However, most people prefers Jungle Scout due to its unique features which will be discussed in the next few paragraphs.

Jungle Scout Features

1. Chrome Extension

This is the commonly used tool by most FBA sellers.

By installing the Jungle Scout chrome extension tool, you can easily analyse amazon backend data without too much hassle.

All you need to do is to type the product name inside the amazon search bar and Jungle Scout is able to extract relevant data based on average sales, level of demand, average price of the item, and most importantly, the level of competition for that product.

Its always advisable to choose a product with a high demand and low competition so as to increase your chances of succeeding in that particular niche.

Jungle Scout is able to come up with a score based on a scale of 1 to 10.

A lower score means that your chances of succeeding in that market are pretty low whilst a higher score indicates that your chances of succeeding are higher.

Thus, you should always choose products with a score of at least 7 or 8 to increase your chances of success.

2. Keyword Scout

As an amazon seller, you should always optimise your listings for better rankings.

This is done through using the right keywords in your title and description of your product listing so as to increase your chances of showing up on higher rankings.

By using a tool like Jungle Scout, you can easily find the best keywords for your products since this tool is able to pull all the relevant keywords that are being used by some of the top sellers in your industry.

This helps you in saving time and energy that might be needed to manually do the keyword research process since Jungle Scout is able to perform all the heavy lifting for you.

3. Opportunity finder

One of the most common ways of making money on amazon is through jumping onto trends as soon as they emerge.

This is so because there will be high demand for those trending products since more customers will be in a hype to purchase those products.

On the other hand, the level of competition will be very low (especially in the early days) since there will be less sellers selling that product.

Thus, you should always take advantage of these emerging trends as soon as they emerge.

But the key question is;

‘How can you stay up to date on what's trending in your industry?

Its very simple!

By using a tool like Jungle Scout, you can easily keep an eye on what's trending in your industry since this tool gives you all the relevant tools that were all designed to facilitate this activity.

You can filter your results by category or product type so as to see which products are preforming better as well as the probability of you to succeed in that industry.

4. Supplier Database

After finding the winning products for your business, the next crucial step is to find the suppliers who can manufacture and supply those products for you.

In the past, people used to go to Alibaba to source the suppliers who are able to produce and supply the products.

However, you can now do this process without having to visit Alibaba through utilising a tool like Jungle Scout.

Using the Supplier Database feature, you can easily find the best suppliers for that product as well as their contact information or at times, the supplier's website as well.

Not only that, but Jungle Scout is able to give you data based on other amazon sellers who are also dealing with that supplier thereby helping you to know if that supplier is trustworthy or not.

5. Jungle Scout/Amazon Integration

By utilising this feature, you can easily integrate Jungle Scout to your amazon seller’s account thereby helping in managing your amazon store without too much hassle.

Through integrating these two, you can easily get access to the backend data e.g. sales data, revenue, profit margins, level of inventory, etc thereby helping you to easily manage your business.

How To Use Jungle Scout

After reading the Jungle Scout features, lm pretty sure that you now have an idea about how this software works since the features included some of the information related to this topic.

But l will just make a brief overview of how this software works.

Firstly, you need to come up with a product name that you wish to sell e.g. phone case, waist trainer, headphones, etc.

After deciding the product of your choice, the next step is to ‘type in’ the product name inside the amazon search bar.

Using its inbuilt tools, Jungle Scout is able to extract data of that product based on sales metrics, average price, level of competition, etc.

Using this data, you can easily observe if that product is worth your time or not based on these different metrics.

You should always go with a product that has higher demand and low competition so as to increase your chances of succeeding.

Jungle Scout is able to analyse this data for you and it presents this data based on a scale of 1 to 10 and you should always choose products with a higher score for better results.

After finding your winning products, the next step is to find the suppliers who can supply those products for you.

Jungle Scout comes with a Supplier Database feature, which helps you to find the best suppliers for that product without having to go to Alibaba.

This helps you in saving time and energy that might be needed in doing this process manually.

Also, Jungle Scout gives you data based on the contact details of those suppliers so that you can easily contact them and discuss more about the product.

If you agree with the supplier, your products will then be manufactured and shipped to amazon fulfilment centre.

Once your product arrives at amazon, the next crucial step is to list your product on the amazon marketplace so as to make it visible to the public.

It is crucial to optimise your amazon listing through the use of the right keywords so that your listing can rank higher thereby attracting more eye brows to your products.

But the most stressful thing is to do the keyword research process by yourself since this process is very time consuming.

However, if you use something like Jungle Scout, you can easily find the right keywords for your listing since this tool is able to pull all the keywords that are helpful to better optimise your listing.

And there we go, your product will now be selling on amazon.

So in a nutshell, Jungle Scout gives you data on the best selling products in your niche.

It also gives you the contact information of the best suppliers for that product so that you can get in touch with them and ship those product to your store as well.

Jungle Scout also gives you the best keywords for your listings which helps in optimising your listing for better rankings on the marketplace.

How Much Does Jungle Scout Cost?

Jungle Scout Pricing

Jungle Scout comes in 3 tiers namely:

Basic Plan - $49/month

Suite Plan - $69/month

Professional Plan - $129/month

The Basic Plan is great for beginners who are just looking to dip their toes in the water as it gives you access to some of the basic features that you need to run your amazon business.

This allows you to use the chrome extension version of Jungle Scout as well as some basic features which are just fine for most beginners.

However, you should keep in mind that the more advanced features comes at a higher price thus you might need to upgrade to higher plans if you want to explore Jungle Scout to its full potential.

In my opinion, the Suite Plan is the best for most amazon sellers since it allows you to explore all the features that were discussed earlier in this article.

Thus, if you want to enjoy the full benefits of Jungle Scout, then you might need to consider using the Suite Plan.

The highest and most expensive plan is the Professional Plan which costs $129/month and this was mainly designed to cater for larger businesses.

This Plan caters for up to 6 users and this is great if you have a larger business with more employees.

However, l always recommend people to stick to the Basic and Suite Plans since these are cost effective in nature (unless if you have a larger business)

NB: You can get discounted prices for all these plans if you use the link below.

(14 Day money back guarantee)

Jungle Scout Pros

• Beginner friendly

• Helps to explore the best keywords

• Cheaper than other alternatives like Helium 10

• Provides a great supplier database for your products

• Comes with a 14 Day money back guarantee

• Provides relevant data based on demand, supply, as well as competition levels of each product.

Jungle Scout Cons

• Inaccurate at times

• limited features than Helium 10

Final Verdict

In my opinion, l think that Jungle Scout is a great software if you want to take your amazon business to another level.

This tool has proven to work for many amazon sellers around the globe due to its unique features like keyword research, opportunity finder, supplier database, amongst others.

Jungle Scout is very useful in doing product research, keyword research, finding the best suppliers, amongst other things involved in amazon FBA.

Thus, l highly recommend anyone who is looking to take his FBA business to another level to take advantage of Jungle Scout.

You can get Jungle Scout at a discount price if you use the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Jungle Scout Do?

Ideally, Jungle Scout is a product research tool which helps in finding the winning products on amazon.

This app is able to extract backend data based on sales metrics, level of demand, level of competition, etc.

Jungle Scout is able to analyse this data for you and it presents this data in a more understandable format.

This helps amazon sellers to make informed decisions about which products to sell and where to find those products since the tool provides a supplier database as well.

Also, Jungle Scout provides sellers with the best keywords which can be used to optimise your listing for higher rankings thereby increasing your chances of selling more products on the marketplace.

Is Jungle Scout Free?

Unfortunately no.

Jungle Scout does cost money. Their plans starts at $49/month and they go all the way up to $129/month.

But my favourite plan is the Suite Plan which cost $69/month and it gives you access to some advanced features that you need to yield the best out of your business.

But if you're just a beginner who is looking to dip your toes in the water, you can start with the Basic Plan which costs $49/month and you will upgrade as your business grows

Most people complain that its not a good idea to invest in an app or software since they think that its a waste of money.

But you should always remember that the benefits that you reap from this app are way more than the cost of this app hence you should look at it as an investment.

Is Jungle Scout Accurate?

In most cases YES.

However, keep in mind that most of these apps sometimes makes mistakes which might cost your business.

For example, Jungle Scout might show you that a product has a higher demand and low competition hence its a good opportunity for you.

Soon after ordering the product, you might discover that the product might not be performing well on the market since the app might have miscalculated the data.

Hence this might cost you and your business since you might end up with huge stocks of products that are not selling at all.

In my opinion, it is good to always compare the data given by Jungle Scout to the one given by Helium 10 to see if there's a big mismatch in the data.

This provides you with better results than relying on a single app/software.

Is Jungle Scout Worth It?

Of course YES!

After meeting thousands of successful amazon sellers, l have come to realise that most of them use Jungle Scout for their business in order to find winning products.

This app is great since it provides useful data that is helpful for your business as it helps with product research, keyword research, competition research, amongst other related metrics which are all necessary in improving your business.

In my opinion, l think that Jungle Scout is a great app to invest in if you want to grow your amazon business.

Jungle Scout vs Helium 10

One of the trending debates is which is between Jungle Scout and Helium 10 since each of these two comes with its own unique features.

It might be difficult to pick the best since everyone has his/her different opinions.

But to make this argument short, Jungle Scout is cheaper than Helium 10 since it costs almost half of Helium 10 prices.

However, Helium 10 is feature-rich since this app is loaded with a ton of great features.

That is the main reason why Helium 10 is expensive since it comes with more advanced features (you get what you pay for).

Thus, if you're someone looking for a cost effective software, then you might need to choose Jungle Scout as it is way cheaper than Helium 10.

On the other hand, you might need to consider Helium 10 if you're looking for advanced features since this app is feature rich.

Is Viral Launch Better Than Jungle Scout?

Another ongoing debate is Viral Launch vs Jungle Scout since most people are confused in knowing which one is better between these two.

But in my opinion, l will always choose Jungle Scout over Viral Launch for two main reasons:

1. Jungle Scout offers the keyword research feature on all plans whereas Viral Launch does not offer this feature on their lowest plan.

You might need to upgrade to a more expensive plan if you want to explore this feature.

2. Jungle Scout offers a 14 DAY money back guarantee meaning you can ask for a refund if you're not satisfied by the features of this software.

On the other hand, Viral Launch does not offer any money back guarantee meaning you cannot ask for a refund when you don't like the features of this software.

Other than that, these two softwares are all good as they are able to deliver great features for their users.

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