Aweber Review: Is It Better Than GetResponse & ActiveCampaign?

One of the most popular softwares in the world of email marketing is Aweber.

There is no doubt that this software serves a significant amount of online entrepreneurs, since most people who're in the online marketing space prefers to use this software.

But the key question is;

Does all this fame translate into great features?

That's what you'll find in this article.

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is Aweber?

Aweber Logo

Aweber is a software that is used for undertaking email marketing campaigns.

Since its birth in the late 90s, Aweber has managed to capture a large market share and the company has managed to win several awards serving its clients over the past 2 decades.

One of the awards which the company always get is the customer service award.

Aweber is known as having the best customer support in the industry, since its support unit is just on another level.

Besides that, Aweber is also known as the ‘father of automations' since it is believed to be the first company to invent automated emails.

Thus, this company has a great history in the email marketing space due to its huge contributions.

Anyways, enough of this TED talk!

Let's take a look at Aweber's features in order to see what this company has to offer to the market.

Aweber Features

Aweber comes with a ton of great features since this software is know as a feature-rich solution for email marketing.

For the purpose of this article, l have decided to pick just a few major ones.

These are:

1. Dashboard

Aweber provides one of the most cleanest dashboards in the industry.

Once you login to the software, you will get access to the main dashboard which is simple and less complex in nature.

You can navigate through most functions of this software from this dashboard since most features are laid out on the main dashboard.

You can also see an overview of your campaigns from this dashboard hence giving you a brief summary on how your campaigns are performing.

2. Automations

As mentioned earlier, Aweber is know as the ‘father of automations'.

If you're an affiliate marketer who wish to promote affiliate offers on autopilot, then this feature is definitely for you.

You can easily create an automated workflow whereby you ‘feed’ your emails into your autoresponder based on the sequence that you wish to send them.

And the beauty part is that you can specify the time duration between each of these emails so that your subscribers wont receive a bunch of emails from you on a short space of time.

Alternatively, you can insert triggers between each of your emails thus optimising your campaigns for better conversions.

Another cool thing about Aweber is that it allows you to use the automation feature even if you're on the Free plan.

This is uncommon with other softwares since most email marketing providers reserves this feature for higher premium plans.

Thus, Aweber is a great deal for someone who is looking for a free way to get started with automated emails.

3. Newsletters

You can send email newsletters to your subscribers using Aweber.

The software comes with a ton of newsletter templates that you can use to send out newsletters to your subscribers.

Now l have heard some people saying that Aweber does not have a newsletter function since there's no option that reads ‘newsletter' on the main menu.

The thing is; they named it ‘broadcasts' since these 2 words can be used interchangeably.

Thus, you just need to go on the ‘broadcasts' option if you wish to send a newsletter.

4. List Segmentation

Aweber allows you to segment your list based on your subscribers behaviours.

This allows you to differentiate your audience based on their different interests thus allowing you to send the ‘right emails to the right audience’.

For example, if your list comprise of dog owners, you can further segment that list based on the age of their dogs e.g. puppy owners, 3 year+ dog owners, etc.

This allows you to send targeted emails to the right audience since each of these audience has different interests despite the fact that they’re all dog owners.

5. Signup Forms

Aweber comes with some premade forms that you can customise based on your tastes and preferences.

You can easily twerk these templates in order to change the font, colour, text, images, etc.

Once you come up with a stunning form, you can easily copy the code of that form and paste it on your website.

This allows you to capture your visitor's emails thereby giving you the ability to connect with them on a more direct level (through email marketing).

6. Landing Pages

Aweber comes a ton of stunning landing page templates which you can use for your marketing campaigns.

You can edit these templates using the simple drag and drop editor and you can easily come up with a nice design in a matter of few minutes.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own landing pages from scratch if you have some design skills.

You can also create these pages in HTML format if you have some bit of coding experience.

But if you're a complete beginner, you should just stick to the premade templates in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

7. Integrations

Awber integrates with a lot of apps and softwares.

Some of them includes:

• Shopify

• Drupal

• Magento

• Zapier

• Facebook

• WordPress

• Zendesk

• Instapage

• PayPal

• ClickBank

• Unbounce

• Etsy

• Salesforce

• OptinMonster

8. Analytics

Aweber provides you with some detailed analytics of your marketing campaigns.

This helps in decision making since statistical figures allows you to track the performance of your business, thereby allowing you to take corrective actions if there's need for improvement.

You can easily access this data via the main dashboard or you can choose to visit the analytics section if you wish to get detailed reports.

Other Considerations

Ease Of Use

In my opinion, Aweber is very beginner friendly since its interface is less complex in nature.

You can easily navigate through most features of this software without too much hassle since the icons are nicely arranged and labelled.

In terms of automations, you can easily create automated workflows using the simple drag and drop editor which comes with the software.

You can easily insert some email swipes into this workflow series by simply pasting your swipes in the text editor which comes with the software.

Thus, Aweber is very beginner friendly due to its less complexity.

Customer Support

As l mentioned earlier, Aweber is known as having one of the best customer service in the industry.

For this reason, the company was able to win multiple awards over the past years since its support is regarded as top notch.

Thus, you should not worry about support when it comes to this software.

Support is offered through email, live chat or even calls.

You can easily contact the support team at any time when you experience a challenge during the use of the software.

The support team is very responsive and they thoroughly respond to customers' questions.

You can also get access to a large pool of online resources offered by this company if you wish to read for yourself.


Although its not the #1, Aweber still guarantees one of the best deliverability rates in the industry.

Aweber averages around 82% deliverability rate, which is fine but not as great as ActiveCampaign which has an 89% deliverability rate.

Deliverability is key when choosing an email marketing software since it determines the chances of your emails reaching your recipients' inbox.

Aweber Pricing

Aweber Pricing

Aweber is amongst the few companies who offers a generous free plan.

With this Free plan, you can grow your list to up to 500 subscribers whilst enjoying most features of this software.

And the beauty part about Aweber is that it gives you the privilege to send automated emails even if you're on the free plan.

This is uncommon with other softwares like Mailchimp, since they require you to upgrade to the paid plans in order to access this feature.

Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade to the paid versions if you wish to use Aweber to its full potential since the freemium version comes with some restrictions.

The paid plans starts from $19/month, and they go all the way up to $149/month.

The main factor which determines how much you pay is the size of your list.

Obviously, small list owners pays less than people with huge email lists.

Thus, you might be forced to upgrade to more expensive plans if your list continues to grow in the future.

Comparing Aweber's prices to other providers, we can notice that it is a bit expensive than other competitors such as GetResponse.

Although Aweber offers a generous free plan, we discover that they charge higher prices for their paid plans so as to compensate for the freemium accounts.

For example, the starter plan costs $19/month and it only allows you to accommodate 500 or less subscribers on your list.

On the contrary, GetResponse’s starter plan costs $15/month and it allows you to grow your list to a thousand subscribers.

In my opinion, Aweber is cheaper if you have a larger list since they charge competitive prices for huge lists.

Buy if you have a small list of around 1 000 subscribers, Aweber will be an expensive option since you will be paying more than what you could potentially pay at other providers.

Is Aweber Any Good?

Aweber is a great software if you wish to take your email marketing campaigns to the next level.

Its automation tools are just awesome for people who don't have advanced design skills.

And the beauty part about Aweber is that it allows you to get access to most of its features even if you're using the freemium version.

Also, Aweber comes with a ton of premade templates which can be easily customised based on your needs

Thus, Aweber is really a great software for online marketers who’re looking for more than just an average marketing software.

Which Is Better Aweber Or Convertkit?

Aweber is far much better than Convertkit when it comes to value for money.

Aweber offers more advanced templates that are highly converting in nature, which were designed by experts.

On the contrary, Convertkit comes with very basic templates that are just ok for beginners but are not as great as the ones provided by Aweber.

Also, Aweber gives the privilege of sending automated emails to its low tier customers i.e. even the freemium accounts.

On the contrary, Convertkit does not offer automation tools on its cheapest plans since this feature is reserved for higher plans.

Although Convertkit offers a more ‘generous' free plan than Aweber, its not a secret that its freemium plan comes with very limited features.

For this reason, you will be forced to upgrade to more expensive plans if you wish to unlock these features thus making Convertkit less preferable.

Why Is Aweber The Best?

• It has awesome automation tools

• It allows you to segment your list

• It comes with a ton of premade templates

• Integrates with a lot of apps and softwares

• Gives you detailed analytic reports

• Great customer support

• Generous freemium plan

• Beginner friendly i.e. less complex in nature

Limitations Of Aweber?

• Expensive for small list owners

• Not the best when it comes to deliverability

Aweber Alternatives




Constant Contact

Wrapping Up

Overaly, l would give Aweber a cool 8.5/10 rating.

This software is great for online marketers who're looking for a simple solution for their email marketing campaigns.

With its automation features, you can easily get started with automated campaigns in less time since it is very easy to create an automated workflow using this software.

With the aid of stunning templates, you can easily take your email marketing campaigns to the next level since the templates are highly converting in nature.

Thus, l would highly recommend anyone who is looking to get started with email marketing to try out this amazing software.

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