Factors To Consider When Choosing A Website Builder For Your Site

In this short article, I'II quickly go through some of the major factors that you need to consider when choosing a website builder.

Stay tuned!

(i) Ranking Ability📈

Who would like to build a website that doesn't rank on Google?

I mean, what's the point of creating a website that doesn't show up on the search results?

I've seen a lot of people (especially in affiliate marketing) who created some good looking websites, great content, but when it comes to ranking, ‘crickets!’

You need to choose a software that’s proven to rank on Google – so that you wont struggle with getting SEO traffic.

The rule is simple; the lower your rankings, the lower the traffic.

In my opinion, l think WordPress sites ranks better than any other alternatives out there.

WordPress has higher authority and it owns the majority of websites on the internet.

Thus, if your looking to build a website that ranks, you should definitely check out for WordPress.

(ii) Ease Of Use🛃

This is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a website building software.

Some softwares are more complicated than others – which makes them less preferable for people who aren't tech savvy.

The process of building a website should be enjoyable and this can only be achieved if you choose a software that’s easy to use.

In my opinion, Wix, Weebly and Squarespace are easy to use – since they’re very beginner friendly in nature.

They come with done for you templates which you can easily edit – thus, allowing you to get up and running in no time.

(iii) Price💵

Another key aspect is price.

It’s important to choose a software that is cost effective in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

If you're a small business and you're just starting out, price is obviously a crucial factor since most small businesses lacks financial resources.

Thus, it would be great to choose a software that’s cheaper – so as to avoid unnecessary costs to your business.

There’s no doubt that WordPress is way cheaper i.e. it's technically free – though you might have to pay for a domain from a hosting company.

However, other softwares like Squarespace, Wix and Godaddy costs over 10 bucks per month, which makes them more expensive.

But if you choose WordPress, you wont have to pay those huge amounts.

(iv) In-built Tools🛠

This is another crucial factor that comes into play when it comes to web design.

Who would like to crack their heads🤯 trying to create a nice design from scratch?

Obviously, everyone likes to have a pre-made template, so as to get a starting point.

You should choose a software that comes with a variety of pre-made templates, so as to reduce burden on your side.

(It’s easier to remodel an existing idea than to re-invent the wheel)

Most website builders comes with a ton of pre-made templates these days – and the companies are constantly adding some more templates on a frequent basis i.e. in order to increase variety & choice for their clients.

Thus, it's also important to take this into account when choosing a website builder for your site.


So these are some of the factors to consider when choosing a website builder for your next project.

Let me know in the comments section is you have any questions.

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