How To Get Started With Blogging On WordPress

Blogging On WordPress

Want to get started with blogging on WordPress?

But you're no so sure how you can navigate the different blogging components?

If so, then this article is for you.

In this post, l will quickly share with you ‘how you can start your own WordPress blog today’ – even without prior experience.

After reading this post, you'll be in a better position to go out there and start your own blog – using the techniques shared in this post.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Covered:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Choosing A Niche

Although it seems obvious, most people ignore this phase – which leads to disaster in their blogging career.

But if you want to become successful in this industry, you have to choose a niche from the word go – so that you'll know ‘who your target audience is, and the type of content they're searching for.

This guides you when creating content for your blog, since you'll know exactly what to focus on, rather than just trying to cover every topic on the web.

Thus, niche selection is very crucial from the onset.

You don't have to worry about choosing the ‘perfect niche' – because you can always change in the future when you gain more knowledge and experience.

Your first niche acts as a learning experience – which will help you when you decide to move towards a more lucrative niche.

Thus, you shouldn't stress too much about niche selection.

But my advise is, choose something that you're passionate about – so that you can enjoy the content creation process.

That way, it wont feel like work – but rather a lifestyle.

2. Pick A Blog Name

Once you've selected a niche, it's now high time to come up with a blog name.

There's no strict regulations on how you should name your blog – since you decide whatever name you like. (as long as you don't use protected trademarks)

But my advise is, try to choose a name that explains what your blog is all about.

For example, if you have a health blog, you can call it DailyHealthHub, Health24, or something along those lines.

This helps your audience to easily understand what your blog is all about, as well as the type of content to expect from your blog.

Also, including keywords in the blog name helps a lot with SEO – since your blog can easily rank for some keywords due to domain-keyword match.

Thus, it's important to take that into consideration.

However, you can decide to name it based on your real name – if you want a personal brand type of blog.

The choice is yours! There's no boundaries here!

3. Signup For Web Hosting

Now that you have come-up with a blog name, it's now high time to register it with a reliable web hosting company.

Registering your blog name with a web hosting company allows your blog to be findable on search engines like Google.

Without this, your blog name wont appear on Google – coz it will be unknown on the web.

Thus, it is key to signup for web hosting – so as to register your domain name.

With that being said, the best web hosting provider right now is GreenGeeks.

This company my #1 recommendation, since it's eco-friendly in nature (which helps to minimise climate change).

With GreenGeeks, you can get a free domain during your first year i.e. if you just signup for hosting.

They also offer free SSL certificates – which helps to protect your blog from malware and hackers.

Thus, your blog will be safe from all sorts of external attacks.

And guess what?

It costs only $2.95/month – which is less than the price of Starbucks coffee.

You can get your blog up and running for such a low price – and this small investment might turn into a 5 or 6 figure business in the near future.

Thus, you should treat this as an investment – since your blog might earn more money in the future (if you do it right).

4. Install WordPress

Assuming that you've signed up for hosting, you'll need to install WordPress website builder.

The beauty part is that, GreenGeeks comes with the WordPress app – thus, you'll access it from your GreenGeeks dashboard.

You can easily install it in just a few clicks – the process does not require any technical knowhow.

5. Start Designing Your Blog

Assuming that you have installed WordPress, it’s now high time to start designing your blog.

WordPress comes with a lot of premade templates – which you can easily customise based on your needs.

And you can get a really nice theme for free – since this company tries by all means to cater for everyone i.e. the rich, the poor, etc.

Thus, you don't have to stress about paying for an expensive theme in the beginning – since the free ones can also help to get the job done.

Once you've selected your favourite theme, simply customise it using a free page builder called Elementor.

This page builder helps to turn your website into a drag and drop interface, allowing you to easily replace text, images, fonts, colours, etc.

Thus, you don't have to worry about complicated HTML – which is quite stressful for most people.

Now, let me mention this real quick:

Don't get caught-up trying to come up with a ‘perfect design' – because what matters the most is content.

Thus, instead of wasting time playing around the fonts, colours, etc. – direct all that time and energy to content creation – which will be discussed in the next section.

6. Write & Publish Content

Once all the background staff is complete, it's now high time to start creating content.

I can’t stress enough about the importance of content – but it's important to publish great quality content on a more consistent basis – if you want to rank on Google and get traffic.

Although it takes a lot of hard work to create great articles, all the hard work will payoff if you stay consistent.

You must set a publishing schedule and stick to it – because those little tiny articles are the ones which builds a huge blog over time.

You just have to stay disciplined – and results will come along the way.

👉If you want to learn how to write great blog posts, then read this article.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've got some value from this post.

Blogging can be lucrative – since it allows you to earn more money than what you can earn at a regular 9 to 5 job.

But in order to reach that level, you must be willing to put-in the hard work in the initial phase – and you'll get great results in the long run.

It's just a temporal sacrifice for a long term freedom.


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