Beginner's Guide To GoDaddy Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To GoDaddy Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

GoDaddy is probably one of the best companies when it comes to domain registration.

Although there's a lot of other great companies that provides domain & web hosting related services, GoDaddy has been able to serve millions of customers over the course of the years.

Thus, GoDaddy is probably a great option to consider i.e. when you're looking to buy a domain for your website.

With all that being said, this article will mainly focus on its affiliate program – so as to give you an idea on how you can promote this company to make some money.

If you're not familiar with this, GoDaddy runs one of the best affiliate programs in the domain space – which allows content creators to earn some money whilst recommending its services to their audiences.

Thus, it’s definitely a great affiliate program to look into.

Commission Structure

Just like most domain & web hosting companies, GoDaddy also pays a lucrative commission rate (refer to CJ).

This means that, you'll get paid anywhere between 50 to 100 bucks for every person who buys a domain using your affiliate link.

And you know what's interesting?

Domains costs less than 10 bucks to buy – thus, there's less buyer resistance there.

Now you might be wondering;

‘How can this company afford to pay such high commissions when the cost of the domains is just 10 bucks (or less)?

The reason why most web hosting companies pays high commissions is that, they know how to keep a customer for quite a long period (years in most cases).

When someone signs up for web hosting, he/she tends to use that same web host company for quite a long period.

And the person will keep renewing his subscription each and every quarter, bi-annually, or yearly.

For this reason, these companies views it as an investment – since they'll recover their money in the future i.e. when the customer renews his/her subscription.

That's why they don't hesitate to pay high initial commissions.

How To Become An Affiliate For GoDaddy

GoDaddy's affiliate program is run through Commission Junction (CJ).

Thus, you need to sign up for this network if you want to promote GoDaddy.

Simply provide the required details – then submit your application.

GoDaddy will review your application i.e. to see if you're the best fit for their program or not.

They'll give you some feedback after some few days i.e. stating the status of your application.

However, l have to mention this real quick;

Most people who applies for this affiliate program gets rejected for one reason:

GoDaddy only likes to work with trustworthy & genuine affiliates – so as to protect their brand image.

They don't want to just approve some random affiliates into their program – since these might ruin their reputation – which they took years to build.

Thus, it's important to keep that in mind before applying for this affiliate program.

And do you know how they determine the trustworthy of a person?

It's through visiting your platform i.e. website or YouTube channel.

They always ask for a url of your promotional platform – so that they can see the type of content that you post.

Thus, it's important to have a genuine promotional platform like a blog or YouTube channel.

Not only that, but it should also have some few pieces of quality content – so as to prove that you're capable of promoting their services.

How To Promote GoDaddy As An Affiliate

Assuming that you've been accepted into their affiliate program, it's now high time to start driving some traffic – so that you can start getting those commissions.

My favourite methods are through leveraging Google and YouTube – since these 2 search engines receives a ton of traffic every single day.

Also, most businesses are going online right now due to the on going pandemic – thus, most people are looking for ways to build websites for their businesses.

And all those people are going to either Google or YouTube in order to learn how to create websites for their businesses – which provides some free organic traffic to content creators.

Thus, you can also start a blog or YouTube channel revolved around the topic of building websites – then you recommend GoDaddy as a domain registration company for your audience.

If you check some of my articles, l always blog about how to build websites/start blogs – then l recommend some web hosting services to my readers.

That’s the same concept here!

The key is to optimise your content for SEO – so that it ranks higher on either Google or YouTube.

That way, you can get some free organic traffic – which allows you to maximise your profits.

Now you might be saying;

‘I don't have any knowledge about building websites?’

If you're that kind of person, then don't worry!

You can go on YouTube and watch some free tutorials based around this topic.

And if you invest the time to learn this skill, you can potentially become an ‘expert' after some time – and you can then start creating your own content based around this topic.

This allows you to earn some income without investing a dime in learning this skill – which is just mind blowing!

Wrapping Up

So this wraps up our discussion on GoDaddy’s affiliate program.

If you're a content creator who's interested in recommending GoDaddy’s services to your audience, then this article might help.


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