Beginner's Guide To Flywheel Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To Flywheel Affiliate Program

Brief Overview

Flywheel is probably one of the leading web hosting providers in the industry – and it has managed to pull a decent traction from most site owners.

The reason being that, this company tries by all means to provide exquisite hosting services to its clients – which is what most customers are looking for.

Thus, Flywheel is also a great option to consider i.e. if you're looking for a hosting solution for your site.

But in this post, l will mainly focus on its affiliate program.

Just like most companies like Bluehost, Siteground, HostGator, etc., Flywheel also has its own affiliate program – which allows regular people like you & me to earn money just by referring others.

Thus, its definitely worth to check out i.e. if you're looking for a web hosting company to promote.

Commission Structure

Flywheel pays up to 500 bucks in commissions to its affiliates.

This means that you have the chance of earning 500 bucks per referral i.e. if your referrals turns into paying customers.

Thus, it’s such a great deal for most people – since this allows you to earn significant amounts without making too much sales (it's high ticket)

But keep in mind that, the $500 commission is only paid when your referrals signs up to the most expensive plan – meaning, you might get paid less if your referrals subscribes to lower plans.

How To Join Flywheel Affiliate Program

To join its affiliate program, simply visit their affiliate page here.

Once you're there, simply fill-out the given form i.e. through providing your basic details.

Once you submit your application, the affiliate team will review it & they'll give you some feedback within few working days.

I have to admit that, this company has a lenient approval process – thus, you'll most likely get approved.

How To Promote Flywheel Hosting As An Affiliate

Ok! So let's assume that you've been accepted into their affiliate program, the next question that comes into mind is;

‘How to promote Flywheel hosting as an affiliate?’

It's not as complex as you think!

The thing is, the ideal customers for this hosting company are probably people who're considering building their own websites.

And guess what?

Most of them go to either Google or YouTube in order to find tutorials on how to build websites.

Thus, you can either create a blog or YouTube channel centred around building websites.

The key is to do some keyword research – so as to find the search queries which people are searching for.

Once you have a handful of them, simply produce some killer content centred around those topics – then you optimise it for SEO in order for it to rank.

Helpful Resources:

NB: You can also create content based around Flywheel Review, Flywheel vs Other Hosting Companies, X Reasons Why You Should Host Your Site With Flywheel, etc.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much everything regarding Flywheel affiliate program.

You can earn some decent amounts from this company i.e. if you know how to promote it.

The key is to produce content based around what people are searching for – and if people find value in your content, they'll signup through your link.


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