Etsy Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

Etsy Affiliate Program

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One of the most trending affiliate programs right now is Etsy.

There is no doubt that Etsy is the leading marketplace for unique printable designs since it has build a strong authority in this field over the past years.

But the biggest question is;

Do they have a great affiliate program?

That's what we will discuss in this article.

Brief Overview About Etsy

It is a marketplace for manmade printable designs which allows various third party sellers to advertise and sell their designs.

Etsy receives a lot of organic traffic since most people always thinks about this platform whenever they want to purchase handmade printable designs.

Sellers around the globe are welcome to advertise their products and they are required to pay a small listing fee.

Thus, there is millions of designs which are available on this platform since most designers prefers to advertise their designs on this platform.

With that being said, let's take a look at their affiliate program.

About Etsy Affiliate Program

Just like any other big company, Etsy decided to launch its own affiliate program so as to allow bloggers, publishers or any other content creators to refer their audience to this platform and make commissions in return.

Commission Rate

Etsy pays a 4% commission on every order that is completed through your affiliate link.

Bear in mind that other companies like Amazon pays up to 10% in commissions thus Etsy Affiliate Program is not very lucrative since it pays lower commissions.

However, Etsy is the leading platform when it comes to printable designs thus people who want to promote custom design products have no choice than to join this affiliate program.

In order to get big bucks from this affiliate program, you have to push for more sales since you only get a flat 4% on all qualified purchases made through your link.

But the interesting part is that you get credited for everything that your leads buys even if you don't necessarily promote other products which they may decide to purchase.

Cookie Period

Etsy has a generous 30 DAY cookie period.

This means that if someone click on your affiliate link and they decide to buy maybe 3 weeks later, you will still be credited for those sales.

This is a great deal since other affiliate programs like Amazon and eBay only offers a 24 hour cookie period.

Most people are confused about how this whole cookie concept works but l will try to simplify it in a sentence or two.

Basically, whenever someone visits a company website, their information is stored in that company’s database.

Thus, if those people decides to return to that website in the future, the system will show that those people visited that website in the past as well as the exact date which they visited.

Thus, this allows companies to track all their visitors hence making it easier to reward affiliates accordingly.

Requirements To Apply For Etsy Affiliate Program

‘Everyone’ is free to apply for the Etsy affiliate program.

However, only a few gets accepted into the program due to strict approval process that is done by this company.

One of the reasons why most people gets rejected from this affiliate program is the issue of not having a website.

This is so because Etsy only wants trustworthy affiliates who have custom branded websites since a website shows that you're a legitimate person/business.

They argue that people without a website ends up spamming their affiliate links all over the internet and this tarnishes the reputation of this company.

In order to reduce such scenarios, Etsy tries by all means to reject affiliates without websites so as to protect their company’s reputation.

Another thing to note is that your website should have some bit of content so as to prove that you're a real content creator.

Thus, if your website does not have some articles, they might reject your application as well.

So my advice is;

Build a website (if you don't have one) then start writing some content on that website so as to make it active.

When your website has some content, you can then apply for the affiliate program.

That way your odds of getting approved will be much higher.

I Don't Know How To Build A Website 😏

I got you!

Building a website is now easy these days since there are tools out there which facilitates this process.

All you have to do is to purchase a domain, install WordPress, then boom you're ready to go.

And the beauty part is that you can have a website up and running for as little as $2.95 per month when you use something like GreenGeeks.

I know that all this staff might sound like jargon to many people, but l have prepared a step by step guide which walks you through how to create your own website in just a few minutes (even without any experience)

Thus, you can check that out if you need a step by step guide for building a website.


Etsy provides a great affiliate program which allows content creators to monetize their works through referring their audience to various printable designs on this platform.

The fact that it offers a 30 DAY cookie period makes it more favourable than Amazon and eBay affiliate programs since these only offer a 24 hour cookie period.

However, we should not ignore the fact that their commission rates are very low (4%) hence making it difficult for affiliates to make a significant amount of money.

Also, their approval process is very strict which gives no room for most people who don't have a website.

Overaly, l think that Etsy affiliate program is great especially for people who creates content related to printable designs since it allows them to easily monetize their content by referring their audience to various products on Etsy.

Ready To Build Your Etsy Website?

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