How To Start Affiliate Marketing In 2022 | A Step By Step Guide For Beginners

Affiliate marketing has been on the rise📈 in recent years – as it is regarded as one of the ‘simplest’ ways of making money online💰.

🤚Don't get me wrong – because ‘simple’ does not mean ‘easy'.

You need to put-in the work👨‍💻 in order to succeed🤑 with affiliate marketing.

It's regarded as a simple business model – in the sense that, you don't need to have your own products📦 or services👨‍💼 in order to get started.

All you need to do is to promote other people's products/services – and you get rewarded for that💵.

Thus, it's a great business to explore i.e. if you don't want the burden of selling your own products/services.

Most people gets excited😁 when they hear👂 about this business model.

However, the majority of them gets stuck🙍‍♂️ when it comes to ‘how to get started'.

But don't worry – because this👇 article will give you a step by step blueprint📜 that you can follow in order to get started ASAP!

So stick till the very 🔚 if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved

Without further ado, let me jump🏃‍♂️ straight into the meat🥩.

Step 1: Choose A Niche📌

Most beginners makes the mistake of promoting too many products at once – thinking🤔 that they'll earn more money💰 by doing so.

But that's not always the case!

If you try to serve everyone👥 in the market, you'll end up serving no one.

For this reason, you should choose a specific niche📌 that you're knowledgeable & passionate about – and you start serving👨‍🔧 that market with your content.

You can always change your niche in the future i.e. if you see🧐 some untapped opportunities in the market – and that's totally fine👍.

But in the beginning, you should try to pick a niche that you're knowledgeable & passionate about – so that you'll enjoy😁 the process of doing the work👨‍💻.

That being said, most people always asks about which niches are more profitable💸 than others.

Traditionally, wealth💰, health💪 & relationships💑 tend to be the most profitable ones.

However, there are other profitable niches that are outside these 3 – and you can find them in this post.

Step 2: Sign Up For Web Hosting

Now that you’ve chosen a niche📌, it’s now time⏱ to build👨‍🚒 a website for your business.

Having a website is like having your own piece of real estate🏯 on the internet.

A website is a business asset that can generate leads👥 & sales💸 for you {passively} – on auto pilot♻️ i.e. if it ranks📈 on Google.

Thus, it's good to have your own money generating machine⚙ i.e. if you want to live the true passive income lifestyle🏖.

But in order to build👨‍🚒 a website, you need to first sign up for web hosting.

And my #1 recommendation for web hosting is GreenGeeks.

Not only is it my #1, but it's also recommended by WordPress i.e. the largest website builder on the planet🌍, since it is eco-friendly in nature!

Thus, it's definitely a great company to use.

With GreenGeeks, you can get hosting from as little as $2.95/month – which is less than the price of Star Bucks coffee🥤.

For such a low price💲, you can get access to great features – such as website security🔰, domain privacy☢, backup features🛃, etc.

And you know what's even more interesting?🤔

You’ll get a 🆓️ domain for your website i.e. for your first year📅 – which is quite a great deal🏷

Thus, it's important to host your website with this incredible hosting provider.

NB: You can also find other great hosting providers here.

Step 3: Build👨‍🚒 Your WordPress Website

Now that you've signed up for web hosting, it’s now time⏱ to start building👨‍🚒 your website.

The best website builder on the planet🌍 is WordPress – and more than 33% of websites on the internet are built with this tool – incredible!🙂

Also, WordPress sites tends to rank📈 better on search engines i.e. compared Wix, Squarespace & Weebly websites.

Thus, it's important to build your website with this amazing tool🔧.

In order to make the process easier, you can use a free plugin called Elementor.

This plugin helps to turn your website into a drag & drop interface – thus, you wont need to stress🤯 about any complicated coding🛃 staff.


☝️Ooooh, and by the way🛣, you automatically get WordPress for 🆓️ i.e. as soon as you get your domain.

Thus, you wont need to stress🤯 about downloading the app elsewhere.😁

Step 4: Add An Email📧 Marketing Software To Your Website

Do you know the biggest secret👽 of most ‘super affiliates'?🤔

They build a list of targeted buyers👥.

That's why most ‘gurus’🕴 say;

‘The money💰 is in the list'.

You need to collect emails from day one of your business – so that you can keep in touch🤝 with those people.

And you know what?🤔

Some of those leads👥 will turn into paying💲 customers in the near future – since it takes an average of 7 times of encountering a brand i.e. before a customer makes a final purchasing💳 decision.

Besides, an email list is something that you own – and you can contact your leads at any time⏱, any where🌍.

Most affiliates makes the mistake😬 of sending their leads👥 straight to the offer page📜 i.e. without capturing their emails📧.

However, stats📊 shows that only a small percentage of those people converts into buyers i.e. during the first time of clicking your link. (30%)

If that's true, then what happens to the other 70%?🤔

It's wasted🗑 traffic that’s left on the table🤦‍♂️ – and some of those people might have the potential to buy🛒 in the future.

That's why l recommend building a list – so that you wont leave some money💰 on the table.

That being said, there are several email marketing softwares that you can use – but my favourite one is GetResponse.

It's one of the cheapest💲 & feature rich🛂 software that you can find on the market – thus, allowing you to get a big bang for your buck.

And they also have a 30 day 🆓️ trial – so as to give you time⏱ to test if this software is the right fit for you or not.

Thus, you can try this software for free – before you subscribe to any of their premium plans.

GetResponse Email Marketing Software

Step 5: Get A Business Logo⚜

If you want to look professional👨‍💼, you gotta have a logo⚜.

Without a logo, your website will just look like ‘one of those scammy👽 ones’!

You can create a nice looking logo using a free tool called Canva.

This tool🔨 comes with some free templates that you can edit – to come up with your own unique logo.

And there's a ton of free tutorials on YouTube🎬 on how to use this tool – thus, you can check them out if you're interested.🤪

However, if you have some extra money to spend💳, you can outsource a logo on Fiverr.

Fiverr is a great marketplace for freelancers – where you can find a ton of talented freelancers i.e. ranging from graphic designers👨‍💻, web developers🛃, professional writers📝, etc.

And from as little as 5 bucks💱, you can get a decent logo done by a professional designer.

Thus, you can check out this platform if you don't want to stress🤯 about creating your own logo.

Fiverr logo designers

Step 6: Apply For Affiliate Programs/Networks.

Now that everything is setup🛂 & ready to go, it's now high time⏱ to start applying for affiliate programs & networks.

And since you've created a website, your odds of getting accepted are much higher.

The reason being that, a website proves that you have a platform for promoting🗣 offers – unlike those people who spams their links⛓ all over the internet i.e. due to the issue of not having a promotional platform.

That's why l encouraged you to build👨‍🚒 a website!

(Hope you have – lol🙂)

That being said, there's a lot of great👍 affiliate programs & networks out there i.e. for various products & services.

But l wont go into much detail here👇 – since l have a dedicated article that shows you some of the best affiliate programs & networks on the planet🌍.

👉You can read it here

But if you're not so sure where to find affiliate programs for some products, simply go to Google & type-in👨‍💻 the product/company name + affiliate program.

E.g. Apple affiliate program, Nike affiliate program, Gucci affiliate program, etc.

That way, you'll be able to find🧐 the affiliate programs/networks for your desired offers.

Step 7: Choose Products & Get Links🔗

Once you’ve joined affiliate networks, it's now high time⏱ to start choosing products to promote🗣.

There's a ton of products & services that you can find🧐 on these networks – but truth be told🤷‍♂️, you can't be able to promote all of them!

That's why it's important to choose specific products to promote – and you put all your attention towards promoting those offers.

And since you've chosen a niche📌 in step 1, you just need to find products & services related to that👉 niche.

That way, it becomes easier for you to link🔗 those products in your content – which is the next step that we're going to talk about.

Step 8: Create Content📝

We've all heard👂 the famous quote💭 i.e. ‘Content is king🤴' – which is true.

Content helps to educate potential customers about certain products & services i.e. written content📝, video content🎬, infographics✏, audio/podcast🔊, etc.

And as an affiliate, you should be able to create great quality content about the products & services that you're promoting – and if people gain value from your content, they'll most likely buy🛒 through your links🔗.

But the question is;

‘How can you create great quality content that converts?’

It's quite simple than you think!🙂

Simply find keywords that people are searching🔍 for i.e. related to your niche📌.

👉NB: You can learn keyword research here.

Once you’ve found some great keywords, you should create some killer☠ content that's packed with value.

And if your content is better than the currently ranking ones, you'll surely get ranked📈 by Google – thus, allowing you to get some free organic traffic👥 to your website.

*Product reviews & comparisons also works well – as they help to educate buyers about various products & services – so that they can make the best purchasing decisions

👉If you want to learn how to write great blog posts, you can read this article.

Step 9: Getting Traffic👥

SEO is the best form of traffic since it's 🆓️ & highly targeted🏹.

However, it takes time⏱ to start getting SEO traffic from Google.🤦‍♂️

But the beauty part is that, once your website starts ranking📈, you'll be able to get leads👥 & sales💸 {passively} on auto pilot♻️ – though you might need to make some few updates here & there.

Thus, it's definitely worth the wait i.e. if you want to live the true passive income lifestyle🏖.

But what can you do to get traffic👥 in the short run i.e. if you aren't willing to wait for SEO rankings📉?

That's where paid traffic comes into play!

You can invest into paid💲 ads i.e. Facebook ads, Google ads, YouTube ads, etc.

This helps to get traffic ASAP – though you'll be paying💲 for that traffic.

Though paid traffic is great, it's not warm & highly targeted🏹 i.e. compared to SEO traffic.

Besides, ad accounts gets banned⛔ all the time⏱ – thus, you might lose all your traffic overnight🌃.

For this reason, it's important to have some SEO foundation – then you use paid ads just for scaling-up🔝.

In that case, you wont be left stranded😒 if your ad account gets banned.

👉NB: I also have an article that explains some of the best ways to get traffic – which you can find here

Do l Need A Mentor To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?🤔

That’s an interesting question!😁

But I’m gonna answer it based on my own experience.🤗

You can get started without a mentor i.e. through doing the trial & error method🛃 – or maybe through binge-watching YouTube videos🎬.

Though this strategy works, it takes longer⏱ – that’s just the truth!

The free information📑 that you find on the internet isn't organised in an orderly manner – thus, you might struggle😫 to navigate this business model on your own.

Because affiliate marketing isn’t as easy as posting links🔗 & get paid💲 – there’s more things involved!

However, if you have a mentor, your learning📚 curve will be reduced into half or less – since a mentor gives you a step by step blueprint📜 that you can follow – thus, saving you a ton of time⏱ & resources💰.

Also, a mentor helps to keep you accountable – since he/she will monitor your progress📉 i.e. through regular reviews & feedback + Q & As ..... which is difficult to do when you're just doing everything solo🙁.

So in short, a mentor is great i.e. if the funds💸 permits.

The key🔑 is to find someone who you resonates with i.e. based on results📉, lifestyle🏖, personality🤠, etc.

Also try to find a proven mentor🕴 – so that you wont waste🗑 your money💵 on useless courses.

Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our today's discussion.

That's a simple step by step guide📜 that I'd recommend to anyone👤 who want to get started with affiliate marketing.

If you follow these steps, you can setup & run your own affiliate website🛃 today – and hopefully, turn it into a full time business i.e. in the near future.

Thanks for tuning in

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Become An Affiliate Marketer?

In order to become one, simply search🔎 for affiliate programs/networks of your choice – then you apply to join (for FREE).

Or you can visit the websites of some of your favourite brands✔ – then you check on the ‘footer' of their websites.

Most of them have an optionℹ which reads; ‘Affiliate Program'.

Simply click on that option & follow the given instructions i.e. in order to join their affiliate program.

Once you get accepted, simply grab your links🔗 & find a way to drive traffic👥 to them.

You can create a website, YouTube channel, social account – or you can even run paid ads to those links🔗.

How Much Money💵 Can You Make As An Affiliate Marketer?

The sky is the limit🏔.

There's no limit in terms of how much you can make💰 – since this business model is highly scalable.

Some affiliates earns six figures every month📆 – which proves that there's a huge earning potential in this business.

But it's also important to highlight that, there's a ton of other people who're failing to make a fortune in this industry🤦‍♂️ – since affiliate marketing isn't as easy as most people think.

But if you manage to grasp the core concepts🔠, you can make big bucks💵 with this business.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Free?

There are various platforms that you can use to start affiliate marketing for 🆓️.

These includes:






*The list is endless.

The key🔑 is to provide as much value as possible i.e. on any of the chosen platform – and you’ll be able to attract your ideal customers.

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It?

💁‍♂️Yes of course!

Affiliate marketing is definitely worth your time⏱ & energy💪.

This business model has the ability to scale – thus, allowing you to achieve true financial freedom😎.

Also, affiliate marketing allows you to live the passive income lifestyle🏖 i.e. if you have a website that generates traffic & sales on autopilot♻️.

If you take the leap of faith & you commit to this business, I'm sure you wont regret it.

Test Your Affiliate Knowledge