My Entrepreneural Daily Routine: Day In The Life Of An ‘Unemployed CEO'

Day In The Life Of A Work From Home Entrepreneur

In this quick post, lm going to share with you my usual daily routine – which l follow on almost a daily basis.

Obviously, there might be some alterations here & there because we're not perfect beings.

But l try by all means to stick to this routine – since l find it more productive.

So read till the end if you want to know what it looks like to be an ‘Unemployed CEO'.

Morning Routine (Pre-work Phase)

My day usually starts around 8:00 am to 8:30 am.

The reason being that, l don't set an alarm – l prefer to wake up ‘naturally’.

But in most cases, l usually wake up around that time – because that's how l programmed my body.

As soon as l wake up, l listen to few podcasts related to self development & motivation – so as to kick start my day with positivity.

I listen to people like Tony Robins, Gary Vee, Jim Kwik, Jim Rohn, Stefan James, etc. – since these guys are great when it comes to self development.

I usually do this for about 20 to 30 mins – depending on how lm feeling on that day.

After that, l jump out of bed and l drink a giant class of water – so as to boost my immune system.

The reason why l like doing this is because our bodies tends to dehydrate during night times – hence, l try by all means to compensate for those lost fluids.

Also, water helps to activate the mind – since our minds tends to relax during sleeping periods.

After that, l start my home workouts – so as to stay healthy & improve the functionality of my body.

I don't do crazy weight lifting or cardio – rather, l just do some simple push-ups, squats, as well as some simple stretches.

After doing my exercise, l jump straight into meditation & visualisation – so as to pour out any negative thoughts present in my mind and replace them with positivity.

This usually takes anywhere between 5 to 7 mins – and I like to play relaxing music whilst doing that.

As soon as l finish, l rush straight into the shower – so as to boost my energy and also, prime my body & mind for the day’s work.

When l finish taking my shower, that’s when l jump straight to my computer and start working (usually after 10am).

Now, before l proceed, let me clarify some few things:

First, l don't eat in the morning – because l discovered that lm more productive when l practice intermittent fasting than when l eat a meal in the morning.

Secondly, ‘l plan tomorrow today' – meaning, l plan the following day the night before.

That way, l wake up knowing exactly what lm doing on that particular day – rather than wasting time trying to figure out what to do.

Thirdly, l divide my day into 2 parts i.e. creative/proactive phase (morning) & reactive phase (afternoon).

The reason being that, my mental bandwidth is high during mornings – thus, l try by all means to do some more productive/creative tasks that requires high mental bandwidth e.g. writing a blog post.

Also, l have noticed that if l start my day in reactive mode (e.g. reading emails, scrolling through social media, responding to comments, etc.) – l tend to be less productive the entire day.

If you come across a negative email or social media post, this might ruin your entire day – since it is very difficult to gain back your momentum.

For these reasons, l don't turn on my data during morning times.

From Past 10 To Launch

Once l finish my morning routine, l jump straight to my laptop and l start my daily work.

Usually, l like to start by writing my blog posts in the morning when my mental bandwidth is at its peak.

And as l mentioned earlier, ‘l plan tomorrow today' – thus, l wake up knowing exactly what lm writing on that particular day or which tasks do l have to complete.

(I also have a content calendar that clarifies; ‘which topics do l need to write on which day' – and l usually plan for 30 day periods)

I usually write from around past 10 up until lunch time – depending on the type of articles that lm writing on that particular day.

If lm writing some short response posts (1000 – 1500 words), l might decide to write 2 of them – since these does not take much time to complete).

However, if lm writing a giant pillar post of 3500+ words, l will only write 1 article that day – since these requires a lot of time and energy.

And just to give you an analogy, l write my articles in Microsoft Word rather than writing straight on my website interface.

The reason being that, if you lose your internet connection whilst typing on your website, you might lose the whole article.

But if you type in Microsoft Word, it's much safer – since it does some auto-saving here and there.

After l finish writing my articles, l take a break and l take a giant meal (breakfast & lunch combined lol) – usually around 1.

After Launch

After l finish eating, l jump back to my computer and l proceed with my work.

But this time, l will now be uploading my articles straight to my website i.e. transferring them from Microsoft Word.

This does not take much time since it's just a matter of copying & pasting what you've already written.

As soon as l finish uploading my articles, that's when l start my ‘reactive phase'.

I usually start by checking my Google Search Console & Google Analytics – so as to see how my website is performing on the SERP.

This gives me an idea of what needs to be done in order to improve my rankings – as well as some potential keywords that l could potentially target in the future.

Once that's done, l check my emails – so as to check for any brand deals, as well as to communicate with my business partners.

I don't usually spend much time reading my emails – since l don't subscribe to too many newsletters.

Once lm done checking my emails, it's now high time for flexing on social media.

This is where l check on what's popping – in order to stay updated with what's happening around the world.

But in most cases, it's just people posting their new cars or what they've eaten for lunch – you know the social media lifestyle.

I usually flex on social media for about 1hr 30mins, usually from 3:00pm to 4:30pm.

After that, l get out of the crib and l hang out with some few friends up until 6:30 or 7.

After Dinner

As soon as l come back, l cook my dinner (just simple meals) – because l don't like spending more time cooking.

Once l finish eating, l grab my diary – and l do some bit of journaling (around 8).

That’s when l also plan for my next day – so that l will wake up knowing exactly what needs to be done on that particular day (To-Do List).

Once lm done with this process (usually 7 – 10mins), l hoop straight to my favourite platform – YouTube.

I usually watch some lifestyle vlogs & gold digger pranks – so as to refresh my mind from stressful work tasks.

l also watch videos from other top ‘gurus' in my industry – to learn how they're running their own websites – and my favourite entrepreneurs are Pat Flynn, Franklin Hatchett, Odi Productions, Marcus (Affiliate Marketing Dude), Daniels Hustle & the Income School guys (Jim & Ricky).

I learn so much tips from these people – which helps me to keep growing my blogs.

I usually watch YouTube videos till midnight – and l take a deep nap afterwards.

I wake up the following day & repeat the process again – coz repetition is the mother of skill – and progressive tasks done over a long period yields success.

Wrapping Up

I hope this gave you a glimpse of what my normal days look like.

I know most people were expecting to see staff like;

‘I wake up in my mansion, hoop into my Mercedes, and drive to a 5 star restaurant. After that, l pull up to Louis Vuitton and spend 10 bands on some few designer clothes. After that, l book a trip to Vegas ........ bla bla bla.’

But that's not how most entrepreneurs spend their normal days.

The sh*t that you see on social media is just for the cameras – but you don't see what happens behind the scenes in order to keep their businesses running.

As for me, lm always in the trenches, grinding every single day – with the hope of shining in the near future.

And if you come into entrepreneurship world knowing the amount of work involved, you wont get burned out so quickly.

I’m not saying that the luxurious lifestyle does not exist among entrepreneurs!

But all lm saying is that, all that staff comes as a result of consistent hard work – done over a long period.


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