How To Use Facebook For Organic/ Attraction Marketing

How To Use Facebook For Organic/Attraction Marketing

One of the best forms of organic marketing is Facebook marketing.

There's a lot of people out there who're making big bucks with this strategy – because there's a lot of customers available on this platform i.e. if you know where they hang out & how to attract them.

And the beauty part is that, this strategy is 100% free – because there's no advertising costs involved.

Thus, it's a great form of marketing for people who doesn't have any money to spend on ads.

But most people always ask;

‘How to get started with this form of marketing the right way?’

And that's what will be discussed in this post.

I will show you a 6 step process that you can implement today – in order to get started with Facebook organic marketing.

It involves the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps.

1. Optimise Your Profile

The first crucial step is to optimise your profile – so as to clearly show your target audience what you specialise on.

For example, if you're an affiliate marketing coach, you can show that by writing a short description in your bio section.

It's also important to create a nice banner for your profile – so as to advertise your business to the general public.

If you're not so sure about how to optimise your profile, you can check my profile in order to get an idea.

Another important thing is to do a thorough profile clean-up.

For example, let's say that you used to post a lot of sh*tty content in the past, it's important to delete all of it ASAP – so that your account looks more professional.

The reason being that, your target customers might decide to scroll through your feed before they decide to buy your offers – and if they see some bad posts, they might be turned off by that.

Thus, it's important to clean your profile – so that it looks more nice and clean.

2. Join Groups Related To Your Niche

Once you've optimised your profile, it's now high time to start looking for Facebook groups related to your niche.

The reason being that, most of your target customers are more likely to hang out in those groups – thus, you should tap into those platforms so as to get access to them.

For example, if you're in the fitness industry, you should look for groups related to that niche.

The fact that those people follows those groups proves that they have some interest in that particular industry – thus, you should just get closer to them.

In other words, traffic exists out there. You just have to figure out where they congregate & you tap into those platforms.

3. Add Value In Those Groups

Once you've joined some groups, it's important to start adding value in those groups i.e. through posting valuable content – as well as answering people's questions.

This is so important as it helps to build the know, like & trust factor.

If you add value to people's lives, they'll start recognising you as an ‘expert' in that field.

And when you recommend a product or service in the future, they'll more likely trust your recommendation based on the value which they gained from you.

But let me mention this real quick;

You should not spam your links in those groups – because you'll look like a sleazy salesman who's just trying to make a sale.

Also, spamming might get you banned from those groups – since it is against the rules of most groups.

Thus, it's important to focus on providing value – and you'll be able to attract some ideal clients for your business.

4. Start Adding Some Engaging Members To Your Friends' List

Once you start posting some valuable content in those groups, you'll start to get some few engagement from people who're benefiting from your content.

It’s important to start adding those people to your friends' list – so as to keep them within your circles.

The problem with Facebook groups is that, you don't own them – thus, you have limited control over them.

If the admin decides to suspend you from the group – or in some cases, shut down the group, you'll lose access to all those people.

But if you add them as friends, you'll still be able to connect with them even if something happens to those groups.

5. Build Relations With Them

Assuming that you've added some few engaging friends, it's important to start building personal relations with them.

This allows you to connect with them on a more personal level – unlike in groups, where the content is generic i.e. is made to cater for more people.

You should connect with those people via messenger – and you should continue adding value to their lives.

Also, it's important to post great content on your timeline through using the RVL formula i.e. Results, Value, Lifestyle posts.

You should try to rotate between these 3 i.e. Result based posts acts as social proof that your products/services works, Value posts helps to cure your customers' problems, Lifestyle posts shows your real life outside the business world (behind the scenes).

It you do this properly, you'll be able to build some strong relations with your audience.

NB: You can also build your own Facebook group – so as to build your own tribe of targeted people who likes you & your business.

6. Pitch

Once you've done the previous steps (properly), it's now high time to start pitching your offers.

When l say pitching, l don't mean being a pushy salesman who's just trying to make a quick buck.

The truth is, customers don't like the feeling of being sold to – thus, you should recommend products/services as a cure to their problems – rather than just forcing them to buy.

For example, if you're selling/promoting a weight loss product, you should add value to obese people – then you recommend your offer as the cure to their problem.

And most people who benefits from your free-valuable content are more likely to try your recommendations i.e. based on reciprocity.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much it on Facebook organic marketing.

If you do it properly, you can make some good income – since there's a lot of money to be made on this platform.

But you must be willing to put-in the work – because this form of marketing requires a lot of hard work and dedication.


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