My 10 YouTube Tips For Beginners

My 10 YouTube Tips For Beginners

In today's post, l will quickly share with you my top 10 tips for beginner YouTubers – so as to help those who're about to embark on this journey.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Start With Whatever Equipment You Have

‘I will start filming when l buy a fancy camera'

I always hear staff like this all the time – since most people still believes that you need a fancy camera in order to get started with YouTube.

But I’m hear to tell you that, it's all B.S!

You can start with whatever equipment you have at hand – then you upgrade as time goes on.

You can even start with your phone – because modern phones now comes with better cameras.

Also, you can buy a ring light on Amazon for some few bucks – so as to improve the lighting of your filming environment – or you can even open your window(s) in order to improve the room lighting.

With the help of some simple editing softwares, your videos can become even more better in terms of quality.

Thus, it's not necessarily the case of having a fancy camera – but it's a matter of how you utilise the few resources that you have at hand.

2. Create A Publishing Schedule & Stick To It

This brings us to tip #2 i.e. create a publishing schedule & stick to it i.e. a content calendar basically.

This is so important because, it allows you to have a smooth production of content – rather than trying to think of a topic each and every time.

When you have a content calendar, you'll know exactly what you need to focus on & on which date – thus, helping you to stay on track.

But it's not only a matter of having a list of content ideas on your schedule.

Rather, it's a matter of sticking to that schedule i.e. you should show up each and every filming day even if you don't feel like working.

Because if you don't follow your schedule, all those ideas will just remain on paper.

3. Think Of It As A Long Term Game

‘I only gained 31 subs after 4 months of hard work – so l quit!’

Most people start their YouTube channels with too much expectations i.e. ‘I want to get monetized in 4 months'.

And when they fail to reach those ‘unrealistic goals', they quit i.e.

‘Maybe this path isn't for me – maybe l should just go back to my 9 to 5 job'.

That's why you see a lot of abandoned channels with 20+ videos – which were uploaded in the space of few months.

But I’m hear to tell you that, YouTube is a long term game.

Just like any other content platform, you wont see significant growth during the first few months – because it takes time to gain momentum on these platforms.

But if you stay consistent to the grind, you'll reach a tipping point – and things will start to snow bow in your favour.

Unfortunately, most people don't even reach this tipping point because they give up too soon.

But if you push through this hard initial phase, you'll stand out from the 99% who give up.

4. Do Keyword Research Before Creating Your Content

Most beginners makes the mistake of creating content that they're interested in – instead of focusing on what people are searching for.

But keep in mind that, you're not the person who's going to watch those videos – it's the searchers!

And if you don't create content based around what those people are searching for, how do you think those people are going to find your videos?

Yes, vlogs are cool, but if you have zero subscribers, it might be difficult to get views – because no one knows who you are.

But if you’ve built a decent following, you can then start making that type of content – because you'll now have a tribe of people who knows, likes, and trust you.

My point is;

Try to find out what people are searching for i.e. using tools like TubeBuddy & VidIQ – then try to produce content based around those topics.

5. Optimise Your Videos For SEO

You should always remember that, YouTube is a search engine i.e. it analyses your keywords to better understand what your content is all about.

For this reason, you should always optimise your videos for SEO – so as to increase your chances of ranking.

I wont go into much detail about this topic, because l have a full article which explains this topic in more depth.

But basically, you should include your target keyword(s) in the title and descriptions of your videos – and also, use hashtags.

It's also important to use great thumbnails for your videos – so as to increase your click-through-rates.

6. Focus On Providing Real Value – Instead Of Just Focusing On The Bag

I know this sounds a bit cliché, but you should focus on giving first – before you ask for any rewards.

Most people who starts YouTube channels are motivated by the bag – and l totally get it!

But money comes in exchange of value that you put out there i.e. if people likes your content, they'll more likely compensate you in one way or the other.

Don't make the mistake of trying to sell something to your subscribers esp in the early stages – because they'll quickly pickup on that – and they might unsubscribe from your channel i.e. people don’t like to be sold.

Thus, focus on providing real value to your audience – and money will flow your way when the right time come.

7. Engage With Your Audience

The biggest mistake which most YouTubers make is that, they look at their views & likes as just numbers on the screen.

But they aren't just numbers!

Behind those numbers, there's some real human beings who've taken their time and energy to watch your videos.

Thus, it's important to engage with them – so as to show that you appreciate their efforts.

Because if you take them for granted, they'll unsubscribe from your channel – and they'll find other creators who can serve them better.

Thus, even if you’ve reached millions of subscribers, always remember that you're in that position because of the people who supports your content – and you must always humble yourself and appreciate those people.

8. Find Role Models

Another important thing is to look for role models in your niche.

It's important to find some creators who you adore, subscribe to their channels, look at how they make their videos – then take some inspiration from them.

This helps you to model what's already proven to work – rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

I’m not saying that you should copy everything from A to Z.

Instead, just model some of their strategies – but then add your own twist & personality – so that you wont look like a parody.

9. Promote Your Videos On Other Platforms

As we all know, it takes time to gain momentum on YouTube.

For this reason, it's important to promote your videos on social media – so that you can get some early views – instead of just waiting for the algorithm to pickup your content.

You shouldn't necessarily spend all of your time promoting content – because you'll be left with less time for creating.

Instead, you should just spend some few minutes sharing your video urls with your friends and fam on socials.

That way, you'll get your videos to more people much faster.

10. Don't Let Negative Comments Demotivate You

As someone who's in the creative space, l always receive a lot of negative comments on my platforms – and l have to admit that some of them might be quite intimidating.

And if you're not used to these kinds of comments, you might easily get demotivated – especially if you're a low tempered person.

But if you embark on this YouTube journey, you should develop a ‘thick skin' – which isn't easily disrupted by negative comments.

Because if you fail to do so, you might end up throwing some bad shades on your audience – which might hurt your reputation in the long run.

Or in some cases, you might end up quitting YouTube – because someone with a username KD256 said that you’re ugly and your videos sucks!

The bottom line is;

You need to be strong when you're coming in any creative space – because if you put yourself out there, you'll always receive some negative comments – that's just by nature.

But you should be able to control how you react to those comments – so that you stay in the game for much longer.

Wrapping Up

So these are my 10 YouTube tips for beginners who're about to embark on this YouTube journey.

I hope that some of these tips will help you in your YouTube career.


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