Beginner's Guide To Samsung Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To Samsung Affiliate Program

Brief Overview

There's no doubt that, Samsung is one of the best companies in the world i.e. when it comes to tech gadgets.

This company produces some great proprietor technology – which is so valuable to the market.

Although there's some other strong competitors like Apple, Samsung still manages to control a certain % of the market – since is has its own ‘loyal fans’.

But in this article, I'll mainly focus on its affiliate program.

Just like most big companies, Samsung also runs a great affiliate program – which allows regular people like you & me to promote its products for a commission.

Thus, you might need to check it i.e. if you're interested in promoting Samsung gadgets.

Commission Structure

If you promote its products via its direct referral program, you'll earn some rewards i.e. when people buys through your link(s).

The rewards differs depending on the product – though you might earn up to $1000 worth of rewards in some instances.

Not only that, but your referrals will also get a 5% discount on their purchases – thus, benefiting both parties.

But l have to mention that, it's a bit difficult to get accepted into Samsung's direct referral program – due to their strict entry requirements.

For this reason, you might need to promote its products via Amazon Associates or Newegg – and you'll earn around 2.5% in commissions.

This might not seem like a lot, but the money will add up if you get a lot of sales (especially during new product launches).

How To Promote Samsung Products As An Affiliate

As always, the best way to promote tech gadgets is through doing product reviews and comparisons.

The reason why this works is that, people are continuously searching for this kind of info – so that they can know better about the product(s) before they make their final purchasing decisions.

Thus, you can take advantage of these people – and you target them on either Google or YouTube.

If you like blogging, then you can create a tech related blog – and you start writing articles related to various Samsung products which people are searching for.

If you optimise your articles for SEO, you'll start gaining some rankings – and you'll start getting some traffic, clicks, and hopefully sales.

The key is to do some keyword research – so as to find what people are searching for – then you create some killer content that's valuable to the searchers.

And if people get enough value from your content, they'll more likely buy through your links as a way of supporting your blog.

Or if you're not interested in blogging, you can go the YouTube route i.e. create a tech YouTube channel – then you start posting videos about product reviews & comparisons.

Video content is so powerful because it converts better than written content – since it's easier to consume & understand.

Also, people are able to see the product in use – thus, they’ll be motivated to buy it.

Or if you want to do the hybrid method, you can do both YouTube & blogging – and you'll get traffic from both Google & YouTube.

Not only that, but you can also funnel traffic from one platform to the other i.e. through embedding your YT videos in your articles – or maybe, putting a link to an article in your video description.

Either way, the method also works pretty well.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much it regarding Samsung affiliate program.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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