How I Get More Things Done In Less Time

How I Get More Things Done In Less Time

Wanna know how I accomplish more tasks in less time?

If so, then stay tuned – coz I'm gonna share with you some of the strategies that I use to get more things done in less time.

Matter of fact, lemme just highlight them ASAP – then I'II explain each of them in more detail:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

i) Planning & Scheduling

‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’

Do you know that one hour of planning can save you a lot days, weeks, months, or even years?

That's right!

Planning your things in advance gives you clarity on exactly what needs to be done.

Not only that, but you should also schedule those things – so that you can know the exact dates when you need to accomplish those things.

The best way is to have a content/work calendar & you allocate your tasks to specific dates.

So that when the day finally arrives, you’ll wake up knowing exactly what you're up to – rather than trying to figure out what to do every single day.

Thus, it's important to plan and schedule your work in advance – so as to have a smooth flow of your work.

ii) Batching

This one has also worked a lot for me – since it saves me a ton sh*t of time & resources.

This is whereby you bundle similar tasks – then you just do them all at once.

Instead of doing some keyword research each & every time that I wanna write a blog post, l find it more efficient to just dedicate a specific day for this task – then I just do some keyword research for 10+ posts.

That way, I can save time that's required to log in & out of the keyword research tool – since I get to log once – but then, utilise the tool to the fullest.

So if you weren't doing this practice, I highly urge you to start practicing it ASAP.

iii) Time Blocking

This one has really worked great for me – as well as a lot of entrepreneurs whom I know.

It's whereby you reserve specific time for a specific task – and you say NO to ‘everything else'.

Back in the day, I didn't have a specific time for writing – so I used to easily get distracted by a lot of silly things – or in some cases, I'd just procrastinate for no reason.

And guess what?

My progress wasn't significant!

But as soon as I started doing time blocking, I started making some huge progress – because I'm now able to fully focus my whole attention when it's time for writing – whether I like it or not!

Even if my friends invite me to an event during my ‘working hours', I'm able to say NO – or maybe, attend the event after I’ve finished whatever I'm doing.

If you're an entrepreneur, then outsourcing is something that you need to do in your business.

I know, it might be difficult when you're just starting out & your business isn't yet making significant money.

But as soon as you start getting the bag, you should start outsourcing ASAP.

This helps you to duplicate yourself – thus, allowing you to get more things done in less time.

For example, let's say that it takes you a year to write 100 blog articles for your website, you can outsource some of the work to freelance writers – thus, allowing you to accomplish the task in half the time or less.

v) Building Systems

Last but not least, building systems is a powerful strategy which I utilise in my business as well.

This helps to automate my business – thus, allowing my business to run hands-off – hence, giving me time to focus on other things.

For example, instead of crafting & sending an email each and every day to my subscribers, I can simply feed my emails into an autoresponder – which will send them on autopilot.

That's just one example, but there's a lot of things that you can automate in your business.

And there's a lot of tools out there which helps with automation i.e. depending on your needs.

Thus, if funds permit, you should probably invest in building systems.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the strategies that I use to get more things done in less time.

And you can adopt some of these strategies and use them in your own business as well.


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