How To Use Quora To Get Traffic

How To Use Quora To Get Traffic

One of the best sources of website traffic is Quora.

If utilised properly, Quora can be a great goldmine for generating highly targeted traffic to your blog.

Thus, you should consider taping into this platform ASAP i.e. if you haven't already.

But the question is;

‘How can you drive traffic from this platform to your own blog – without being spammy?’

That's what will be discuss in this post.

I will share with you some of the best strategies that you can use to drive traffic from Quora to your own website i.e. without being spammy.

The reason why I emphasised the issue of ‘not being spammy is that’, Quora is very strict when it comes to the type of content that get posted on their platform.

If you post some spammy content that doesn't add any value, or any type of content that's commercial in nature (affiliate links), they'll more likely takedown that content – or in some cases, they might even suspend your account.

Thus, it's important to do this practice without violating Quora's policies i.e. using the strategies shared in this post.

Let's get started


To begin with, you need to come-up with some popular keywords related to your niche e.g. website building, web hosting, coding, etc.

Once you have a handful of those keywords, you should go to Quora & you type-in each of them inside the search bar.

Quora will show you some of the most common queries related to that keyword i.e. based on their popularity.

Try to find questions that are followed by a lot of people i.e. at least a thousand follows.

The reason why this is so important is that, if you provide an answer for those queries, all the people who follows that question/topic will be notified by Quora about your new answer.

Thus, some of them will read your answer – and hopefully, they'll visit your website for more information.

Once you've found some most popular queries with a decent number of followers, simply write some great-detailed answers for those queries – then you link back to your website i.e. to an article which covers the topic in more depth.

For example, if you're answering a question related to ‘how to start a blog', simply provide a brief but detailed answer – then you link back to a blog post on your site which covers that topic in more depth.

That way, people will more likely click on your anchor text in order to learn more about the topic.

It's also important to look at some of best answers that are currently ranking on top i.e. for that question/queries.

Try to look at how they tackled the question – as well as the length of their answer(s).

Once you have this data, you can then write a better answer that's better than the currently ranking ones – and your answer will more likely rank on top i.e. over time.

And at times, your answer might even rank on Google for that search query i.e. depending on the competitiveness of that keyword.

This will help you get some free organic traffic to your website – whilst leveraging Quora's authority.


Another great strategy is leveraging what are known as Quora spaces.

If you're not familiar with them, they're just like Pinterest group boards – where people can post their content & they link back to their websites.

And there's a ton of Quora spaces in different niches – and some of them has a ton of followers.

Thus, if you post some valuable content in them, your content will reach more people – and some of them might visit your website to learn more about the topic.

However, Quora spaces are a bit hard to get into – because most of the owners doesn't allow random people to post in their spaces.

It might take a long time before you build some trust in those spaces – thus, your posts might take longer to get approved.

For this reason, it might be a good idea to create your own Quora space which you can control & manage – although it isn’t that easy.

But that way, you wont have to battle with people who have their own spaces.


So these are some of the strategies that you can use to drive traffic from Quora to your own blog.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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