Why Technology Is Ruining Your Life 🙄

Why Technology Is Ruining Your Life 🙄

Do you know that technology is ruining most people's lives?

Let me tell you how!


Most people are now lazy than ever before – because they spend the whole day flexing on their couch🛋 i.e. watching tv📺, playing video games💻, scrolling through social media📱, etc.

And we're ‘blessed’ to have some delivery systems – which allows you to order anything online & have it delivered right at your doorstep.

Thus, most people rarely do any form of physical movement – because everything that they need is easily convenient to them.

But the biggest challenge of this is that, most people are now becoming obese – since they spend most of their time sitting at the couch – i.e. eating🍔🍟 & watching tv, social media, video games, etc.

Most people just wanna sit there & just have everything handed to them – which wasn’t the case in the past i.e. in the era of hunting🐃 & gathering🍈, you were forced to go out there & look for food – so that you can survive.

And this problem has worsened with this whole work from home movement (tele-working) – since most people are now working in their pyjamas, flexing on their beds – thus, they rarely do any form of physical exercise like walking🚶‍♂️.

Worse, there's now some home cleaning devices – which can literally clean the house for you whilst you're chilling – thus, you wont need to do too much movement – you just put some few settings⚙ on the device & it moves around the house for you.


To add on, people are now exposed to dirty sites🔞 than ever before – thus, they spend most of their time watching some dirty staff.

(It's now available right at your finger tips i.e. just few clicks away)

But this has some negative effects on your mental health – because that sh*t sticks on your mind & it'll affect how you function as a human.

And this might even affect your productivity levels – because, whenever you're about to do something productive, that sh*t will replay in your mind & it'll slow down your overall performance⚡ at whichever task that you're doing.

Thus, you should stop watching that staff ASAP before it’s too late – no joke!😶


Before l wrap up, I just wanna remind you that the blue light on your phone or computer screen hugely affects your eye-sight👀.

I know, most people spends most of their time staring at their phone whilst scrolling through social media – which is fun & I get it!

But too much of it will do more harm than good to your eye-sight – and you might find yourself wearing some glasses at a relatively young age if you're not careful.

So try to limit the amount of time that you spend staring at your phone – and also, try to reduce your brightness or activate night mode🌙 where possible – so that you can reduce the effects of this blue light.


Yours Truly;

✏ I sign off!


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