SiteGround Affiliate Program: How To Get Started ASAP

Siteground Affiliate Program

Brief Overview

SiteGround is amongst the leading web hosting providers in the industry.

It's well known for its incredible speeds – since it's one of the fastest hosting solutions in the industry i.e. compared to most alternatives.

Thus, it's definitely a great option to consider i.e. if you're looking for a hosting solution for your site.

Anyways, enough of this TEDX talk!

We want to discuss about SiteGround's affiliate program – so as to help those who're keen to promote this company.

We shall be discussing the core things about its affiliate program – with particular attention on the following:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

Commission Structure

Ideally, SiteGround pays anywhere between 50 to 100 bucks per sale to its affiliates i.e.

1 – 5 sales > $50/sale

6 – 10 sales > $75/sale

11 – 20 sales > $100/sale

21+ sales > Custom Commissions

Just like most web hosting affiliate programs, the commissions varies depending on the number of sales that you generate i.e. the commission rate increases as you get more signups.

Thus, you should thrive to get as many signups as possible – so as to get paid more bucks per signup.

The beauty part about SiteGround is that, they pay weekly to their affiliates – meaning, you'll get your check at the end of each week if you're making continuous sales.

But you should keep in mind that, they have a 30 day withholding period – meaning, you'll get paid for sales that are at least 30 days older.

The reason being that, this company offers a money back guarantee to its customers – thus, they'll only pay you if your referrals has passed the refund period.

But you wont see the gap if you're continuously making sales – since you'll be paid for your previous sales on a regular basis.

How To Become An Affiliate For SiteGround

In order to join its affiliate program, simply visit their affiliate page – then you provide your details.

I have to admit that, SiteGround has a lenient approval process – since they’re not very strict i.e. compared to other affiliate programs.

But the only drawback is that, their affiliate program is only limited to specific regions – since the company decided to close their program in other nations (in 2020).

For this reason, you might not be able to join their affiliate program if you're from restricted regions.

However, I’ve heard that, some people are using VPNs to get into this affiliate program – since a VPN helps to hide your real location.

But the only caveat is that, if you get caught, this company might freeze your commissions that you've been hardly working for – which leads to unnecessary loss on your part.

Thus, if you're from restricted regions, you should just ignore SiteGround & just find other affiliate programs that are available in your region (they're plenty actually).

How To Promote SiteGround As An Affiliate

The best way to promote SiteGround is through creating a blog or YouTube channel – then you start uploading content related to website building.

The reason why this works is that, people are always looking for tutorials on ‘how to create websites' – and they mainly go to either Google or YouTube in order to find this information.

And if they gain some value from the content, they end up signing for web hosting using affiliate links of the content creator(s).

Thus, you should just model what's already proven to work – rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

If you don't know how to build websites, you can watch some free YouTube tutorials – and in just a matter of few days, you'll be able to produce your own content around this topic.

The key is to find some keywords which people are searching for i.e. related to website building.

Once you find them, you should produce some SEO optimised content (either articles or videos) – then you upload them to your blog/YouTube.

If you do this method properly, you'll start to get some signups – since most people who're looking to build websites will need web hosting anyways.

But you should just do it in a ethical manner – so that you wont violate the company's affiliate terms i.e. don't do any form of incentivised promotion.

Wrapping Up

So there we go!

That pretty much wraps up our discussion on SiteGround's affiliate program.

Now you have the info. It's now your turn to go out there and start executing these strategies – so that you can get the bag ASAP.


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