How To Get 4000 Watch Time Hours On YouTube FAST!

How To Get 4000 Watch Time Hours On YouTube FAST!

In this post, l will quickly share with you some of the best strategies that you can use in order to get 4000 hours of watch time on YouTube much faster.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in more detail.

1. Leverage YouTube Shorts

If you're not taking advantage of YT shorts, then you're missing-out on a lot of potential traffic.

Over the past few months, I've seen some huge growth in some of my friends' channels – simply because they're taking advantage of YT shorts.

YouTube is trying by all means to compete with TikTok – thus, they're pushing short videos to more people.

And stats shows that, shorts are getting more reach compared to standard videos – which proves that YT shorts are a big deal these days.

Thus, l highly urge you to take advantage of this feature – so that your content reaches more people much faster.

In order to get started, simply cut a small section from your normal video(s) i.e. the one that's more interesting – then you post it on the shorts section.

This allows you to reach more people – and people will visit your channel in order to watch the full video.

2. Leverage Livestreams

Livestreams are also hot right now – since more people are opting to watch livestreams as opposed to pre-recorded videos.

The reason being that, livestreams allows people to connect with the content creator much better, since they'll be able to interact and engage with him/her.

Thus, you'll be able to attract a tribe of people who really resonates with you and your content.

And stats also shows that, livestreams also tend to get more reach – since YouTube always tries by all means to push livestreams to more people.

I always get some random notifications on my feed i.e. notifying me that, YouTuber X is currently live right now.

And the funny part is that, l don't even know some of these content creators – but the YouTube algorithm just thinks that I might be interested in those streams i.e. based on my search history.

Thus, you should try by all means to do some streams on a regular basis – so as to reach more people.

Oooh – and by the way, most streams are at least an hour long – and this helps a lot to boost your watch time.

3. Leverage TikTok

Another great way to grow your channel much faster is through leveraging TikTok.

As we all know, TikTok is the #1 trending social platform right now – since more and more people are becoming interested in this platform.

But unlike other platforms like Instagram & Facebook, TikTok is currently less saturated – thus, it's easier to blow-up on TikTok compared to other platforms.

Thus, if you take advantage of this platform, you can get in front of more eyebrows in a short space of time.

But how does this lead to YouTube growth?

Here's the thing.

You should use the same strategy that we discussed earlier on YouTube shorts i.e. take some short interesting sections of your YT videos – then post them on TikTok.

And if that video is great, people will be so eager to go over to your YouTube channel in order to watch the full video.

Then boom! You're now getting some extra views to your videos.

4. Collaborations

For years, collabos have been a great way to grow a YouTube channel – or any sort of content creation platform.

Collabos allows you to tap into other people’s audiences – thus, increasing exposure for your videos.

For example, if you make a collaboration with a creator that has thousands of subscribers, it means that, you'll be exposed to that audience – and some of those people might be interested in what you have to offer.

For this reason, some of them might end up subscribing to your channel i.e. if they gain value from your content.

The key is to build relations with other creators in your niche – before asking them for any collabos.

The thing is;

If people are interested in certain type of videos, they’ll more likely be interested in other similar videos as well i.e. within that niche.

But you shouldn't try to reach out to creators who've millions of subscribers when you literally have few hundreds – because it will be very clear that, you're trying to clout chase on what those creators have taken years to build.

Instead, try to find some creators who're almost at the same level as you in terms of subscribers – and you'll grow together with them.

5. Jump Onto Trends ASAP

Another great way to get 4000 watch time hours much faster is to take advantage of trends.

If a trend emerge, people will be so curious to know more about that topic – thus, they'll head over to YouTube in order to get information.

On the flip side, there'll be very few videos about that topic – especially if it's still brand new – thus, there'll be less competition for that keyword.

For this reason, you can easily rank your video(s) much easier – since there'll be a small number of creators who're talking about that topic.

This allows you to get a ton of views in a short space of time – thus, boosting your overall watch time.

The key is to jump onto these trends as soon as they emerge – because there'll be less competition during the initial stage of a trend.

But if you jump on too late, you'll find a hard time ranking – since ‘everyone' will now be producing content based around that topic.

6. Produce Videos Based On What People Are Searching For

The most common mistake which most beginner YouTubers make is that, they make content that they personally like, instead of focusing on what people are searching for.

Vlogs aren't bad at all – except that, no one is really searching about your life – because no one knows who you are – especially in those early initial days.

Thus, instead of focusing on videos like, ‘My trip to my friend's place', try to focus on topics which people are constantly searching for.

And you can use tools like TubeBuddy & VidIQ to get the search volumes and competition levels of each keyword.

That way, you can easily rank your videos on the search results – thus, allowing you to get in front of more people.

And of course, you can then make those vlog type of videos at a later stage i.e. when you've established an audience.

7. Upload Videos That Are 10+ Minutes Long

Another important tip is to upload longer videos i.e. at least 10 minutes long.

The reason being that, you can easily boost your overall watch time when your videos are fairly long – compared to someone who's uploading videos that are less than 5 minutes long.

If you upload videos that are only 2 minutes long, you need a ton sh*t of views in order to reach the 4000 hour mark.

But if you publish longer videos, you can easily reach that threshold much faster – without having to get a ton of views.

Thus, you should just keep that in mind when you want to grow your channel.

8. Post Consistently

Last but not least, you should try by all means to post consistently.

It's not a secret that, the YouTube algorithm favours channels that publishes fresh content on a more regular basis – as opposed to those which are less consistent.

If you're consistent, the algorithm will push your videos to more people – thus, allowing you to get more views.

However, if you only post once in a while, the algorithm will not push your content that much – thus, you'll struggle to get views.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best strategies that you can use in order to get 4000 hours of watch time ASAP.

If you utilise them properly, you'll see some tremendous growth on your channel.


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