How To Get More Leads & Sales In Business (5 Great Ways)

How To Get More Leads & Sales In Business

In this post, l will quickly share with you some 5 great ways that you can use to get more leads and sales for your business.

These includes:

1. Prospecting

Prospecting is very powerful – especially if your business is still brand new and no one really knows about your products and services.

This method involves approaching people directly – telling them about your products and services.

For example, if you have fitness related products, you can go to gyms – so as to preach about your products to fitness enthusiast.

Or maybe you can go to public places (parks, malls, etc.) – and you'll be approaching people who're just walking around.

This is so powerful because it helps to get your brand out there – unlike if you just sit there and wait for customers to find you.

Now, lm aware that most people are afraid of approaching random strangers – and pitch them about their offers.

But the truth is; you have to practice your social skills. You should just go out there and approach people – and you'll gain confidence with time.

Even if some people reject your offers, that's fine – because there's bazillion other people in this world who might be interested in your offers.

2. Attraction Marketing

Another powerful strategy is attraction marketing.

Using this strategy, customers will approach you – instead of you approaching them.

Your past results will help to lure-in more customers – since most customers buys results instead of the actual product.

For example, let's say that you have an Ad agency, you can post your past results i.e. how you helped your past clients to get massive ROAS for their business.

When you post those results, potential prospects will be curious to know how you did it – and eventually, they'll turn into leads.

Another good example is this;

When you're selling weight loss related products, you can post some before and after pictures of people who tried your products.

When fat people sees those pics, they might resonate with them – hence, they'll be lured to try your offer.

Thus, attraction marketing can be very powerful for getting more leads and sales for your business.

3. Launch An Affiliate Program

Another great strategy for getting more leads and sales is through launching an affiliate program.

This helps to recruit brand ambassadors – who'll help you to promote your offers.

The truth is, some customers resonates with normal individuals – more than they do with big companies.

Believe me or not – most Bluehost's sales comes from affiliate sales.


Because people who're looking to build websites connects less with this company.

But when they see some YouTube videos of a normal individual building a website, they'll likely connect more with that person – thus, they'll end up signing-up for hosting using his/her affiliate link.

That's why most big companies are launching affiliate programs – because they understand that customers trusts recommendations given by other normal people like them.

Thus, affiliate marketing is a powerful way of getting more leads and sales for your company – and it should be leveraged in as much as possible.

4. Start Blogging About Your Products

I always mention this – but it's important to start blogging about your products/services.


When people hear about your products, they'll rush straight to Google – in order to learn more about your offers i.e. before they finally decide to pull-out their credit cards.

And if they find some really detailed information, they'll be tempted to try your products i.e. based on the information that they get.

However, if there isn't any information about your products, it will be difficult to convince them to buy – because no one likes to sacrifice his/her own hard earned money to buy random products.

Thus, it's important to start blogging about your products – so as to provide enough information to potential buyers who might be interested in knowing more about your products.

5. Host Private Events/Webinars

Last but not least, you should try by all means to host some private events or webinars – so as to gather potential customers and preach about your products.

This can be done online – or even physical means i.e. any method which you prefer.

But the key here is to let the world know about your company (brand awareness).

But you might be asking;

‘How can l invite people to my webinar or live event?’

If you want people to show-up for your event, you must not show some bad intentions i.e. don't show you're trying to sell them your products.

Rather, it should be something like an educational event i.e. aimed at providing value to your leads (and also, freebies works well).

The truth is, you should not try to push for sales – because if you provide enough value to your prospects, they'll sell themselves.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

Using these strategies, you can boost your business by a significant margin – since these strategies are proven to work.


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