GetResponse Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

GetResponse Affiliate Program

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There is no doubt that GetResponse is one of the best email marketing softwares in the online space.

GetResponse is an all in one marketing software, which was designed for internet marketers since email marketing has become the norm of the day.

Due to its unique features, GetResponse has managed to gain a lot of customers over the years since it is regarded as cost effective and less complex in nature.

For this reason, most people are now shifting from other email marketing softwares to this amazing tool since it has proven to be the ‘best'.

But the key question is;

How can affiliates take advantage of this movement in order to make money with GetResponse affiliate program?

To answer this question, l have broken down this article into various segments so that you can get a better understanding about how this program works.

GetResponse Affiliate Requirements

GetResponse is one of the most lucrative affiliate programs in the industry since it has very ‘limited’ barriers to entry.

This is one of the few affiliate programs which does not demand too much staff from its affiliates e.g. a website.

For this reason, anyone is free to apply for GetResponse affiliate program since there is less requirements needed in order to get accepted.

The only requirements which they need is your personal details, tax information, payment details, etc.

Once you submit these few basic, you will get accepted in a matter of few minutes (if not instantly).

GetResponse Commission Structure

GetResponse offers 2 payment options to its affiliates i.e. Bounty & Recurring.

Bounty Program

In the case of Bounty, you'll receive a flat $100 for every paid subscription that signups up through your affiliate link.

Keep in mind that this option gives you a once-off payment hence you wont be able to receive recurring commissions.

In my opinion, the Bounty option is ideal for people who want to make a quick lump some in the short run, since the money comes in ‘bulk' at once.

However, this is not a great option if you're looking to build a long term residual income since this option is ‘less reliable'.

This is so because you might fail to get consistent signups on a regular basis thus you might fail to earn some significant amounts during some ‘winter' months.

Recurring Program

GetResponse also offers the Recurring program, whereby you earn a whooping 33% monthly recurring commissions.

This means that you'll continue to get paid over and over again, as long as your referrals continues to pay for their monthly subscriptions.

The main reason why l like this option is that GetResponse is a ‘Software As A Service’ (SAAS), meaning it is needed by most people in order to run their business on a daily basis.

That's why this software has a lower CHURN rate since most people sticks to this software once they start using it.

Thus, if you promote the Recurring option, you will continue to earn commissions for years to come since most people continues to pay for the software for many years.

Also, GetResponse charges higher prices to people with a huge list.

This means that most customers are forced to upgrade to higher plans if their list continues to grow.

And guess what?

Your commissions will also increase in the process!

Thus, the Recurring option is a great deal if you're looking to build a stable residual income (for the long term).

GetResponse Affiliate Cookies

GetResponse offers a 120 Day cookie period to its affiliates.

This means that you'll get credited for the sales that are made within the first 2 months of clicking your affiliate link.

In my opinion, this is a great deal since this software converts very well thus most people who tries this software ends up paying for the monthly subscriptions.

In order to increase your conversion rates, you might need to send some follow up emails to your leads, so as to encourage them to continue to use the software and hopefully upgrade to paid plans in the near future.

This is so because most people thinks that its a waste of money to pay for a software since most people do not understand the importance of these online business tools.

But if you educate them about the benefits of this software to their business, some will shift their mind-set and they will start viewing this software as a business asset rather than a liability.

In this case, most of your leads will turn into paying customers within the 2 month cookie period.

How To Promote GetResponse

There are many ways that you can utilise to promote GetResponse.

My favourite one is YouTube, since video content converts better than written content.

In order to get started with YouTube, you have to create content related to email marketing and you recommend GetResponse as your #1 email marketing software.

You can create tutorials based on the following topics;

How To Create A Landing Page

How To Create An Automated Workflow

GetResponse Review

GetResponse vs Other Email Marketing Softwares

Best Email Marketing Softwares

I think you get the idea!

If you stay consistent, you will see some positive results in the long run.

Another great option is to create a free course and you publish it on Udemy or Skillshare e.g. Email Marketing Course For Beginners.

The great part about these platforms is that they receive some free organic traffic on a daily basis thus your course will get in front of this audience.

Inside your free course, you should put your affiliate links so as to make it ‘easier' for people to signup for this software.

And guess what?

Most people loves free courses since most people does not like to invest their money into paid courses.

And once you provide enough value through your free course, most people will end up signing to GetResponse through your link as a token of appreciation for your efforts.

That's how some top affiliates are making good money with this program.

Another great option is to start a blog and you focus on creating content related to email marketing.

The beauty part about SEO traffic is that it is free and highly targeted thus leading to high conversion rates.

The key is to optimise your content for SEO rankings in order to increase your chances of ranking on Google.

Even though this process takes time, it is still a great option in the long run since it helps to earn passive income (once your content starts ranking higher).

Wrap Up

I hope that you've got some value from this post since l tried by all means to include everything l know about GetResponse affiliate program.

At this point, lm pretty sure that you're now ready to go out there and start making money with this affiliate program using some of the techniques shared in this post.

But before you leave, always remember that the monthly recurring option is a great deal especially if you're looking to build a long term residual income.

Thus, l highly recommend you to choose the recurring option over the bounty option in order to build a stable income base.

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