ClickFunnels Vs Thrive Themes: Which One Is Better?

In this quick post, l will be comparing two of the most popular page builders i.e. ClickFunnels and Thrive Themes.

I will be comparing the following metrics:

Without ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

ClickFunnels Vs Thrive Themes
ClickFunnels Vs Thrive Themes


When it comes to pricing, there is no doubt that, ClickFunnels is far much expensive than Thrive Themes.

ClickFunnels’ lowest plan costs $97/month – which translates to $1,164 over a 1 year period.

This is quite expensive – especially if you're still a small business which is bootstrapping.

On the contrary, Thrive Themes starts at $19/month – which translates to $228 over a year's period.

This is much affordable for most small businesses – since this price is quite lower.

And if we compare these two, we clearly see that, there is a $964 gap between their yearly costs – which is quite significant.

Thus, if you're looking for the cheapest option between these two, then Thrive Themes is the best option.

Ease Of Use

When it comes to use, there is no doubt that, ClickFunnels is very easy to use.

This software was designed with beginners in mind – thus, it has little to no complications.

You can easily create stunning pages using their simple drag and drop editor i.e. through playing around some simple text, images, colour, etc.

Thus, anyone can easily create stunning pages using ClickFunnels – even if you're not tech savvy.

On the contrary, Thrive Themes has a steeper learning curve – since this software is a bit complicated.

Even though it does not have complicated CSS, HTML, or Java, it is still complex for most people who're not tech savvy.

Thus, if you're looking for a software which is easy to use, then ClickFunnels is the best option.


When designing pages, it is important to leverage some premade templates which comes with the software – so as to save time and energy.

Obviously, you don't need to stress about building a page from scratch – especially in this modern day and age.

With that being said, both of these softwares offers premade templates to their users – so as to reduce stress involved in building a page from scratch.

However, Thrive Themes is a bit better in terms of templates – since it offers a wide variety of templates – hence, increasing choice to its users.

On the contrary, ClickFunnels offers homogenous templates – which looks almost the same.

Even though their templates are designed to cater for different purposes, l find them similar – since their type of design is pretty much the same.

Content Marketing Powerhouse

If you're someone like me – who’s into content marketing, then Thrive Themes is the best option for you.

The reason being that, this software was mainly designed for bloggers – thus, it comes with a ton of unique features – which are all designed to help bloggers or content marketers in general.

For example, the website building templates – are aimed at helping content marketers in creating stunning websites for their businesses.

Also, the headline optimiser feature was designed to help bloggers in creating highly engaging headlines – so as to increase CTR on your articles.

On the contrary, ClickFunnels was not specifically designed for content marketers – since it does not come with blogging oriented features.

Rather, it was designed for businesses which heavily rely on sales funnels.

For this reason, Thrive Themes is a better option than ClickFunnels when it comes to content marketing features.

Affiliate Functions

If you're you want to run an affiliate program, then ClickFunnels is the way to go.

Using their Suite plan, you can easily setup and run your own affiliate program – using some tools which comes with this software.

You can easily use the ‘orange dashboard’ – which is also used by ClickFunnels itself to run their own affiliate program.

In my opinion, this option is better than launching your products on platforms like JV Zoo, Clickbank, WarriorPlus, etc.

The reason being, you have more control over your affiliate program i.e. when you host it through ClickFunnels – unlike platforms like Clickbank – where you have less control over.

On the contrary, Thrive Themes does not offer some affiliate oriented features – thus, it is not ideal for people who're looking to run their own affiliate programs.

Membership Site Functions

When it comes to membership sites, both of these softwares comes with some tools – which are all designed to help clients in creating awesome membership areas.

However, l find ClickFunnels a bit advanced when it comes to this feature – since it provides some more advanced tools than Thrive.

And the beauty part is that, you can choose a premade template that is 75% done for you – and you can easily customise it based on your needs.

Thus, if you're looking to create a membership type of site, then ClickFunnels is the best option.

Payment Gateway

If you're someone who’s looking to sell products online, then ClickFunnels is a great option for you.

The reason being that, ClickFunnels allows you to easily collect payments through Stripe (or other related services).

This is great for sellers who're looking to quickly get started with selling products online – without having to stress about looking for a third party service.

Ok the contrary, Thrive Themes is not a great option if you want to collect payments online.

Although the software is capable integrating with payment platforms, it is still not as great as ClickFunnels – when it comes to payment processing systems.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post, since l tried by all means to summarise the major differences between these two softwares.

Using this information, you can easily come to a conclusion on which one is the best for your business i.e. based on your tastes and preferences.

But the question of which is better really depends on what you're looking for in a software.

If you're looking for a feature-rich software – which is easy to use, then ClickFunnels is the best option for you.

However, if you're looking for a cheaper software – which is ideal for content marketing, then Thrive Themes might be the best option.

Interested In ClickFunnels?


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