15 Fiverr Gigs That Pays Stupid Money🤑

15 Fiverr Gigs That Pays Stupid Money🤑

In this post, l will quickly share with you some of the most high paying Fiverr gigs that you can tap into.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me briefly explain each of these.

1. Website Design

Do you know that there's a ton of clients out there who're looking for developers to design websites for their businesses?

That's right.

And the crazy part is that, most of them are willing to pay good amounts – since web design is regarded as one of the most valuable skills right now.

Thus, you can make some decent income in this field.

And the beauty part is that, you don't have to be a pro developer to get started.

Instead, you can learn how to build websites through YouTube tutorials – thus, allowing you to gather some skills & knowledge.

2. Video Editing

Do you know that you can make some decent income whilst doing video editing for clients?

That's right.

There's a ton of YouTubers out there who films are ton sh*t of content – but they don't have the time to sit down & edit their own videos.

Thus, those people are willing to hire someone who can edit their videos – for a good amount of course.

3. Video Creation

You can also tap into video creation i.e. if you have the personality for it.

There's a lot of companies out there who're looking for people who can film video ads for their products.

Thus, you can be that type of person i.e. if you like getting in front of the camera – and you can earn some decent amounts whilst doing that.

Alternatively, there’s people out there who runs YouTube channels – but they don't like getting in front of the camera themselves.

Thus, those people are also willing to hire someone who can film videos for them.

4. Logo Design

Logo design is also booming right now.

Due to the whole pandemic going on, most people were laid off from their jobs – thus, they have no choice than to form their own companies.

And most of them are looking for graphic designers who can create logos for their start-ups – and they're willing to pay good amounts for that gig.

Thus, you can also tap into this field & make some decent income.

NB: You can learn about logo design through some free YouTube tutorials.

5. Article Writing

If you're someone like me who enjoys writing, then article writing can be for you.

This grind has been lucrative for years now – since most blog owners likes to hire writers who can write articles for their blogs.

And the beauty part is that, there's a lot of platforms which helps writers to get clients (iWriter, Hire Writer, ProBlogger, etc.) – thus, you wont have to rely on Fiverr alone.

6. Proof Reading & Editing

You can also tap into proof reading & editing.

As we all know, most people aren't good when it comes to English writing – thus, most of them are more than willing to pay someone to proof read & edit their work (books, articles, blog posts, etc.)

Thus, you can take advantage of those people & earn some decent income whilst serving them.

7. Virtual Assistance

Ever since the release of the ‘4 Hour Work Week', the VA industry has been booming significantly.

Most online entrepreneurs are willing to pay someone to do some menial tasks for them – so that they can free up their time & focus on more important things.

Thus, you can become a VA for someone & get paid a decent hourly rate.

8. Social Media Marketing

You can also tap into social media marketing.

This is done mainly through running ads for clients – and you'll get paid a good amount.

The great part is that, you can start your own social media marketing agency in the future – thus, allowing you to operate independently from freelance sites.

Thus, you can learn about running ads – then sell your services to willing clients.

9. Social Media Management

Do you know that big influencers & companies hires some people to manage their social accounts?

That's right.

You can manage someone's social media account i.e. through creating & posting content, engaging with followers, analysing analytics, etc.

And most companies & influencers are willing to pay good amounts for these services – since it's stressful & more time consuming.

10. Infographic Design

You can also tap into infographic design.

You can create some simple illustrative infographics for companies – and get paid for that.

The reason being that infographics are used for multiple purposes i.e. for ads, social media content, etc. – thus, companies are willing to invest in them.

NB: You can also create Pinterest pins for clients – since this grind is also lucrative.

11. Designing Book Covers, Flyers, Business Cards

You can also design book covers, flyers & business cards for clients.

It's also a lucrative field right now – since graphics plays a major role in converting leads to paying customers.

For this reason, most companies are willing to invest in graphic design – so as to get the best aesthetic appearances.

12. Photoshop Editing

Next on our list is Photoshop editing.

There's people out there who has some nice photos – but those photos just needs some few touch-ups in order for them to become great.

And you can come to their rescue i.e. through editing their photos (for a good fee of course)

13. Product Description Writing

You can also write product descriptions for sellers – especially Amazon FBA sellers.

It's also a lucrative field – since most sellers are more than willing to pay someone who can write amazing descriptions for their products.

The reason being that, product description plays a major role in conversions i.e. great product description entice people to buy the product & vice versa.

Not only that, but it also plays a major role in Amazon’s SEO rankings – thus, it's not something to be overlooked.

14. CV/Resume Writing

You can also write CVs/resumes for clients for a good amount.

As we all know, most people aren't good when it comes to writing CVs – thus, they're willing to pay someone to write a great CV for them.

And they view it as an investment – because a good CV will lead to more job opportunities for them.

Thus, you can learn about this craft & you can tap into it ASAP.

15. Business Plans/Proposal Writing

Last but not least, you can also write business plans & proposals for start-ups.

As we all know, a business plan is crucial when a business is just starting out – thus, most entrepreneurs have no choice than to prepare it.

But since it's very stressful, most of them are willing to hire someone to help them – thus, you can earn some good amounts whilst helping them out.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best gigs on Fiverr that you can tap into & make some good money.

Let me know in the comments section if you're thinking of another lucrative gig that's not included on this list.


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