How To Get More Followers On Twitter: 5 Helpful TIPS!

How To Get More Followers On Twitter

In this post, l will quickly share with you some 5 helpful tips that you can use to grow your Twitter following.

By the end of this article, you'll be able to go out there and grow your audience i.e. using some of the tips shared in this post.

So read till the end if you want to learn these tips.

Growth Strategies

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Niche Down

The first and most important thing is to niche down your content.

The reason being that, when people land on your profile, they want to know exactly what your specialise on – before they decide to follow you.

Thus, if your content is all over the place, they will unlikely follow your account – since they wont know exactly what to expect from your account.

But if you niche down your content, you'll attract the right audience for your content – which will turn into followers.

Most people assumes that, if you post diversified content, you'll get access to more eyebrows – which is not always true.

Rather, the algorithm favours accounts which specialise on a specific topic – than those which tries to go too broad.

Thus, the key takeaway from this point is that, you should do some audience research – then post content which is tailor made for them.

2. Optimise Your Profile

Another important thing is to optimise your Twitter profile i.e. based on what you specialise on.

For example, if you specialise on fitness coaching, you should clearly mention about that in your bio section.

This is so powerful because this helps for SEO purposes i.e. when people search for ‘fitness coaches' in the search bar, your account has more chances of showing up on the search results.

Also, this helps other potential followers to get an idea of what you do – before they decide to follow your account.

Thus, it's important to optimise your profile i.e. through using the right keywords, banners, etc.

3. Post Valuable Content On A Consistent Basis

Another important thing is to post valuable content on a more consistent basis.

Before you post any content on your profile, you should ask yourself; ‘what value am l providing to my audience?’

The truth is, no one will randomly follow you – unless if he/she find something of great value on your account.

It doesn't matter if you post dozens of tweets every single day – but what matters the most is the actual value which those tweets carries.

Thus, it's important to post valuable content which is worth gaining other people's attention.

Still on that same note, it's important to stay consistent with your posting schedule.

The truth is; it takes time to gain a following on Twitter – especially if you’re sorely relying on organic strategies.

Thus, if you stay consistent, Twitter will reward you in the long run.

4. Engage With Your Audience

Engagement is also key when it comes to Twitter growth.

If you engage with your audience, the algorithm will realise that you're an active person on the platform – thus, it'll push your content to even more people.

Also, engagement helps to build strong relations with your audience – and they'll be more than happy to share your content with their fellow friends & fam as well.

Thus, even if you think you're ‘too big’ on the platform, you must humble yourself and spend some time engaging with your audience.

That way, you'll continue to grow even bigger.

5. Mix Different Types Of Media Files

Last but not least, you must try to mix different media files i.e. images, gifs, videos, text, etc.

As humans, we have different tastes and preferences i.e. some people connects with images, whilst others prefers videos & gifs.

Thus, if you rotate your content around these different media files, you'll be able to connect with all these different types of people.

Now, when l say rotate media files, l don't necessarily mean posting content related to different niches.

But what l mean is that, you should post different media files – but within the same niche.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

My hope is that, you'll be able to go out there and grow your Twitter account -using some of these tips.

Thus, it's important to take some action – and gain some momentum ASAP!


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