How To Make Money On YouTube Without Making/Recording Videos. (The Easiest Ways)

Once you finish reading this post, you’ll be able to start your own YouTube career i.e. without having to worry about recording videos

So read till the end so that you won’t miss out on any gems!

Brief Intro

YouTube is one of the best platforms to make money online – since a YouTube channel is a valuable asset that can be monetized through various means like Ad Sense, affiliate marketing, paid sponsorships, selling merch, etc.

There’s some people who makes a full-time living from YouTube – and it’s also possible to make up to 6 figures per month from YouTube.

Most people only thinks of ad revenue when they hear about YouTube monetisation, but there’s other channels that makes more money from affiliate marketing than Ad Sense.

A good example is Jono Armstrong's YT channel – who does affiliate marketing through doing some product reviews on his channel.

YouTube is more than just an entertainment platform i.e. it's also a money making platform.

After seeing a lot of successful YouTubers, most people are inspired to start their own YouTube channels as well i.e. in order to yield the same level of success.

However, most people are camera-shy – thus, they aren't willing to record videos showing their faces.

For this reason, most of these people are looking for ways to make money from YouTube i.e. without having to be in front of the camera.

And this article might be the answer for them!


Without further ado, let me explain each of these strategies.

1. Whiteboard Explainer Videos

One of the ‘easiest’ ways to make money from YouTube without having to worry about recording videos is through uploading whiteboard explainer videos.

Stats shows that these types of videos gets a lot of engagement from the viewers – because cartoons videos are easier to understand & digest.

Take a look at this channel.

It has gained over 5 million subscribers just from uploading these type of videos – and it has also received some good engagement levels from its viewers over the past few months.

How To Make Money On YouTube Without Making Videos

This channel also makes money from affiliate marketing.

If you check in the description of its videos, there’s some affiliate links that leads to various offers – meaning, if some of the viewers buys the offers through these links, the owner of the channel earns a commission.

There’s also some merchandised t-shirts that shows-up below the videos – and some viewers buys these t-shirts as a way of supporting the channel.

Thus, the channel does not only rely on Ad revenue, but it also earns money from other monetisation methods – hence, increasing the overall income of the channel.

But the question is,

‘How are these videos created?’

It’s not that complicated!

You don't have to be a ‘genius' in order to create these type of videos.

By utilising tools like Doodly, you can create some stunning whiteboard videos by yourself i.e. without any prior experience.

This is so because Doodly comes with some inbuilt templates which you can use to make your own whiteboard videos ASAP.

Thus, you don't have to be a tech savvy in order to use this software.

You can also utilise the copyright free audio tracks which comes with this software i.e. in order to make your videos more interesting to watch.

Doodly Whiteboard Animation Software

(limited time offer)

2. Simple Animation Videos

Animation videos are also one of the best performing videos on YouTube – since viewers highly engages with these kind of videos.

When l first started my YouTube career, l created a channel related to weight loss – then l began uploading some videos which l was making using a certain software.

To my surprise, that channel was able to gain some few subscribers within a short period – and the channel continued to get more traction over time.

However, l wasn't willing to wait for the 1 000 subs & 4 000 hrs threshold – because l wanted to make money from the channel real quick.

Thankfully, l discovered about affiliate marketing & l quickly signed up for ClickBank network – and l was able to promote some few products related to health & fitness – since my channel was based around that niche.

To my surprise, l started to get some few sales – since l was adding some affiliate links in my video descriptions.

It was ‘easier' to get customers because l placed the right offers in front of the right people who already had some interest in weight loss products.

And up to now, that channel earns more money from affiliate marketing than from Ad Sense.

So which software do l use to create animation videos for this channel?

I use a software called InVideo.

With this software, I'm able to mass produce many videos at once, since l only focus on inserting some few text – then the software takes care of the rest.

Once l insert my text, InVideo will automatically generate scenes that matches with the inserted text.

It also generates some voice-overs which matches with the text & scenes – thus, you won't have to worry about creating voice-overs by yourself.

In short, this software creates everything for you – thus, you don't have to worry about too much staff.

How do l rank these videos on YouTube?

So ideally, l optimise keywords in the titles & descriptions of all my videos in a manner that's SEO friendly.

I usually do some thorough keyword research – so as to find keywords with high search volumes & low competition levels.

In this case, my chances of ranking are much higher.

NB: I have a detailed article on YouTube SEO which you can find HERE.

3. Outsourcing

So another great way to make money from YouTube without recording videos is through outsourcing content.

There’s some people out there who’re confident on camera – and some of them are willing to make videos for people who're camera shy i.e. for a certain fee.

Using sites like Fiverr, you can find thousands of great freelancers who’re able to create videos for you for an affordable fee.

Some of the biggest brands hires freelancers on this platform i.e. when they need people who can create marketing videos for them.

The rates varies depending on the level of experience of the freelancer – since experienced freelancers charges much higher rates for their services.

But if you're on a limited budget, you might need to find someone who charges a much lower fee – so as to reduce costs on your part.

However, l find this option expensive in the long run.

Let’s do the math📟!

Imagine, paying someone 40 bucks for 1 video.

And your channel needs at least 3 videos per week – that's 12 videos per month.

It means that you’ll have to spend around 480 bucks every month in order to get your videos done.

However, if you use a software like InVideo, you'll pay far less than that – and you can create unlimited videos for that one time fee.

Thus, in my opinion, l think it would be best if you invest in a software that creates videos for you – rather than outsourcing these services.

4. Compilation Videos

Compilation videos are also common on the YouTube platform – since they also receives some traction from viewers.

This is whereby various videos from different sources are combined & edited – thus, making a completely new video which is unique.

In order to avoid cases of copyright claims or any other accusations from YouTube, you must find videos that have a Creative Commons Licence (CC)

Creative Commons licence gives you the right to use a video for your own channel i.e. when you do enough editing to make that video more unique.

For example, if you’re creating compilation videos for a football channel, you might need to combine clips from different videos related to that niche.

You also need to edit them & combine these videos into one single video that’s unique.

In order to find videos with the Creative Commons Licence, you need to type-in a topic that you’re interested in e.g. cars

Once done, click on the FILTER option – which gives you a sub-menu of items.

Select the FEATURES option – then you select the Creative Commons option.

In this case, results will be filtered to only show videos that have the Creative Commons licence.

You will then need to download some of these videos i.e. the most interesting ones.

Once you download enough videos, you will then need to extract relevant clips from each of those videos

Once you have extracted enough clips, you need to combine those clips into a single video that’s more epic.

For example, if you're creating a video on Top 5 cars in 2022, you need to come up with clips from each of the car manufacturing brand that you have chosen.

Once done, you must organise the clips in the order which they should appear in the final video.

So what’s the best option to use among these?

It depends with your tastes & preferences.

If you're someone with good video editing skills, then you might need to opt for Compilation Videos.

However, if you're not tech savvy, then you might need to go for InVideo or Doodly which can create videos for you without too much hassle.

With InVideo, you can be able to upload videos on almost a daily basis – since the software is able to generate scenes, background music, & voice overs in a short space of time.

However, if you have some few extra bucks to spend, then you might choose to hire a freelancer to create videos for you (though it’s expensive compared to other options).

Wrapping Up

No matter how shy you are, there’s still some great opportunities for you to make money with YouTube i.e. without having to worry about recording videos by yourself.

You can utilise some of the techniques & strategies shared in this post – so that you can get started with YouTube ASAP.

Most people always reads articles like this & they get overwhelmed when they discover about these techniques.

However, most of them fail to take action – since they always give excuses like;

‘lm not yet ready'

‘l will start tomorrow'

But remember, the best time to start a YouTube channel was 10 years ago – and the next best time is now.

So my advice is;

Take action, create a YouTube channel today & start uploading content ASAP!

(Imperfect action trumps perfect inaction)

If you stay consistent, results will come your way.

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