Freshcaller Review: Is It The Best Cloud Call Centre Software?

Are you looking for a call centre software for your business?

And you're considering using Freshcaller as your call centre solution?

If so, then you've come to the right place.

This article will reveal everything you need to know about Freshcaller before purchasing the software.

After reading this post, you will be in a better position to decide whether Freshcaller is the right fit for you or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Freshcaller

What You'll Learn:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is Freshcaller?

Freshcaller Logo

In simple terms, Freshcaller is a software that provides cloud-based call centre solutions.

Have you been wondering how big companies like Amazon handles dozens of calls which they receive on a daily basis?

Its all made possible through utilising a software like Freshcaller since it helps to manage all the incoming and outgoing calls which takes place in an organisation.

This helps to reduce stress involved in handling thousands of calls especially if you're a large organisation which deals with many clients.

Let’s say that you call one of your favourite companies to inquire about a job vacancy, you might notice that you might get a voice-bot message like;

‘Welcome to X company, we specialise in XYZ'

‘If you have a query, Press 1’

‘If you want reach the customer service, Press 2’

‘If you want to talk to the HR, Press 3’

And the list may go on.........

Right there is a good example of how a call centre software like Freshwork works.

This helps to automate your organisational calls hence improving the level of interaction between an organisation and its clients.

In the next section, lm going to dive deep into ‘how you can get started with Freshworks' if you're interested in using this app.

How To Use Freshcaller?

The first thing is to signup for the software so that you can get started.

Once you signup, you will receive an email notification which includes your login details as well as your account activation link.

Simply login to the app in order to access the app's interface.

Once you login, the first thing you need to do is to buy a ‘number' which you will use for your call centre operations.

The beauty part about Freshcaller is that it allows you to choose a number from any location e.g. Australia, UK, USA etc.

This allows you to get an international number hence allowing you to connect with your clients that are located overseas.

Once your call number is setup, its now high time to assign members of your organisation in terms of ‘who can access that call centre number’.

For example, you can limit the rights to a specific department only e.g. customer service thereby reducing chaos in your organisation.

You can also set business hours within your Freshcaller interface so that your clients can have a better understanding regarding your operation hours e.g. Mon – Friday (9am – 5pm)

But what l like the most about Freshcaller is the ‘messages' feature.

This allows you to pre-record some messages that will be used as voice-bots for responding to incoming calls.

And the beauty part is that these voice-bots works 24/7 thus allowing you to respond to customer calls even during off days.

Freshcaller Features

Freshcaller comes with a ton of great features since the company tries by all means provide a big bang for a buck to its users.

But for the sake of this article, l have selected just a few major ones so that you can have a rough idea of what to expect when you signup for this software.

Some of the features includes the following:

1. Real-Time Dashboard

Freshcaller comes with a simple interface which is easy to use and navigate.

This allows you to see what’s happening within your call centre through observing incoming calls, missed calls, ongoing calls, etc.

Thus, you can get a quick overview of what's happening inside your organisation thereby taking corrective measures when there is a gap.

2. Reports (Analytics)

Likewise, metric data is necessary in any business operation since it allows us to measure the performance of our efforts.

Freshcaller gives you all the metrics related to incoming calls, ongoing calls, missed calls, etc and this can be in the form of graphs or statistical figures.

The beauty part is that you can compare this data to your past data to see if your efforts are yielding positive or negative results to your organisation hence helping in making informed decisions.

3. Numbers

As mentioned earlier, Freshcaller allows you to buy a phone number based on your location of your choice e.g. Australia, UK, US, etc.

The beauty part is that you can even choose a ‘perfect' number of your choice that is easy to remember for your clients e.g. +1-000-0789-000

Also, you can choose to buy an international number if you wish to connect with clients that are overseas hence making it easier to connect with a broader audience.

4. Business Hours

Freshcaller allows you to set business hours for your business so that your clients can get an idea regarding your open and closing times e.g. Mon – Fri (9:30 – 16:30)

This helps your business to look more professional since clients likes to deal with professional businesses.

5. Messages

With Freshcaller, you can pre-record some messages that you wish to use for responding to your incoming calls.

These messages will be converted to voice-bots that will be used to respond to incoming calls.

The beauty part is that Freshcaller comes with human-like voices thus some customers might fail to notice that its not a real human on the phone.

6. Teams

Freshcaller allows you to assign some call rights based on teams.

For example, a team might be something like the customer service department which handles all customer queries within your organisation.

Using this example, you can assign a call number to that department or you can choose to give access rights to specific individuals to access that number.

This reduces chaos that is involved when there’s no specific department/individual that is assigned to pick up certain calls.

7. Rules

An organisation without rules cease to exist.

Without rules, there wont be order within an organisation.

Freshcaller allows you to set some rules regarding the call services of your organisation.

This helps to provide clarity in terms of language, code of conduct, ethics, etc within members of your organisation or even external stakeholders

Freshcaller Pricing

Freshcaller Pricing

Freshcaller comes with a 21 day free trial so that you can test if the software is fit for your or not.

Within the trial period, you can navigate through most features of this software hence you can get a deeper understanding about this app before committing to their paid plans.

If you choose to use the software beyond the trial period, you will be required to upgrade to the paid plans in order to continue with their service.

The starter plan (Blossom) comes at $15/month and it gives you the opportunity to use up to 1000 minutes of voice calls.

This is great for small businesses who has less call demands since 1000 minutes is a lot if you're just a small organisation.

However, if you wish to get more minutes, you might need to upgrade to higher plans like the Estate Plan which gives you 3000 minutes for only $45/month or the Forest Plan which gives you 5000 minutes for only $69/month.

Also, it is important to note that higher plans comes with a lot of extra privileges than the lower plans for obvious reasons i.e. the higher the price, the higher the value.

Thus, you might need to analyse the packages that comes with each plan before making a final purchasing decision.

Freshcaller Support

Just like any other SAAS company, Freshcaller offers great customer support via live chat, call, or email support.

This allows you to contact their support team at any time if you experience a technical issue during the use of the software.

The customer support unit is very friendly and they respond to customer queries in the shortest time possible.

This is common with most SAAS companies since they try by all means to keep customers on their software since these softwares are subscription based in nature.

Freshcaller Integrations

Freshcaller integrates with many apps and softwares hence allowing you to integrate different components of your business into a single ecosystem.

But my favourite ones are:

• Slack

• Microsoft Teams

• Sales Force

Freshcaller Pros

• Easy to use (Beginner friendly)

• Less complex interface

• Allows you to automate your call centre solutions for your business

• Provides detailed analytic reports

• Allows you to choose any call number of your choice i.e. local or international

• Integrates with many apps and softwares

Freshcaller Cons

• Advanced features comes at premium prices

Final Verdict

To sum up the discussion, l think that Freshcaller is a great deal when it comes to call centre related services.

I would recommend any business which is looking for a call centre software to try this app because it is one of the best when it comes to this industry.

Thus, Freshcaller is worth your buck if you want to take your call centre services to the next level

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