7 Great Affiliate Marketing Guys On YouTube

One of the free ways to learn affiliate marketing is through watching YouTube videos.

Although you wont be able to get step by step blueprints, you can still learn a lot about this topic through YouTube videos.

It's just a matter of figuring out; β€˜how to apply those different pieces of information to your business’.

That being said, most people always ask; β€˜which channels are the best for learning affiliate marketing?’

There's a lot of β€˜gurus' on this platform, but l feel like these guys are great when it comes to providing valuable content – regarding this business model.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me provide some few details regarding each of these guys.

1. Franklin Hatchett

If there's one guy who provides a ton valuable information for free, it's this guy.

I can't stress enough how much I have learned from this guy – since his videos helped me a lot throughout my journey.

Believe me or not, his videos provides more value than most $1000 courses that you see out there.

He's that type of guy who’s so transparent i.e. he shows you the strategies that he's using in his own business – thus, allowing you to replicate his proven methods.

There's thousands of success stories from people who achieved success i.e. through watching this guy's videos.

For me, l wasn't aware of a method called launch jacking i.e. promoting future product launches in advance.

But when l came across his launch jacking tutorial, l was shocked – and l applied his concepts.

I wrote a quick review on Medium – and to my surprise, l got some traffic and few sales.

There's a lot of free videos on his channel – and most of them are very valuable in nature.

You wont appreciate his videos until you buy an expensive course – and you realise that the course provides less value than Franklin's free tutorials.

I can spend the whole day talking about this guy – but l highly urge you to check out his YouTube channel

2. Pat Flynn

If you're an affiliate marketer but you don't know Pat Flynn, have you been under a rock?

Pat is the main icon which motivated most people to venture into affiliate marketing.

Most people were motivated by his monthly income reports – which he publishes on his blog.

He showed the world what's possible with this business model – since he earns more than most people's annual salaries in just a single month.

Pat runs a great YouTube channel – where he shares some of his best strategies regarding this business model.

But for me, l like his livestreams (Income Stream) – where he addresses some real life business problems i.e. through analysing people's websites, then he gives actionable advice on what can be done to improve them.

This helped me a lot especially when l was still on the come-up – since l was able to see some common mistakes which most bloggers make, then relate them to my website as well.

I learned so much from his livestreams – and l was able to take some advice which l applied to improve my website.

Thus, you definitely need to check out his channel if you're interested in learning from this guy.

3. ODi Productions

If there's one guy who inspired me to take the leap of faith and get started with affiliate marketing, it's ODi.

I came across his YouTube channel back when l was still in college.

By that time, l was just aware that affiliate marketing exist, but l wasn't aware that you can make so much money from this business model.

But when l saw this guy sharing his success story on YouTube, l was inspired to take action & get started.

He went from being a broke college student, sleeping on the floor – to making more than $100k/month in just a matter of few years.

He was able to buy 2 cribs, a Porsche 911 Turbo, and a Lambo – whilst he was still in his mid-twenties – and l was shocked when l heard his story.

I then decided to immerse myself in his content – and l must admit that l learned so much information from this guy (even up to this day).

Each video that l was watching made me one step better – and after watching a couple of his vidz, l was now saturated with more knowledge.

He uploads helpful videos related to affiliate marketing – although he has slowed down in recent years due to other business projects.

But even if you watch his old videos, you will also learn so much from this guy – since most of his content is evergreen.

You can check out his YouTube channel here

4. Miles Beckler

Another great guy on YouTube is Miles Beckler.

This guy also shares a ton of great information on his channel – since he tries by all means to help as many people as possible.

The reason being that, he struggled a lot during his entrepreneurial journey – since he faced a lot of obstacles whilst on the come-up.

Thus, he aims at helping other aspiring entrepreneurs – so that they can avoid the pitfalls which he faced during his journey.

The beauty part about Miles is that, he launched several successful blogs before deciding to start his YouTube channel.

Thus, he shares strategies which he uses to improve his own blogs – and he even shows you some behind the scenes staff as well.

He also uploads some detailed webinars – which are almost an hour long, as well as some case studies on how he took a site from nothing – and grew it to a 6 or 7 figure business.

Thus, you can also learn a lot from this guy i.e. through his channel.

5. Marcus (Affiliate Marketing Dude)

If there's one guy who taught me about keyword research, it's Marcus.

This guy tries by all means to simplify things i.e. find low competition keywords, write good content, then rank it on Google.

When I started, l didn't know much about keyword research – since this sounded like gibberish to me.

But after watching several of his videos, l was able to grow my keyword research skills from beginner level to ....... you know what l mean.

And what l like about this guy is that, he has been in the game for 21 years i.e. since 2000.

Thus, he's one of the real OGs/veterans in this industry – and he has gained a lot of experience throughout the years.

He also goes live every Wednesday @10pm (EST) – where he shares some useful strategies related to this business model, as well as answering to some of the burning questions.

Thus, this is a great place to learn live from a veteran – since he’s equipped with so much information.

Most people gets carried away by the fact that, he's not fancy at all i.e. his backyard office looks old, his websites are not that fancy, he uses the old chalk boards, etc.

But believe me, this guy shares a lot of great value than most gurus who flexes in Lamborghinis & fancy mansions.

You can also check out his YouTube channel here

6. Peng Joon

Another great affiliate marketing guy on YouTube is Peng Joon.

You might have seen his ads all over social media – since he’s that type of guy who tries by all means to scale his business.

This 2 Comma Club member shares a lot of valuable information through his channel – and most of his videos are very helpful especially if you want to utilise landing pages & ads.

But what l like the most is his consultation calls – whereby he shows some behind the scenes of how he helped his students/clients to improve their landing/sales pages for higher conversions.

He highlights some of the major errors that he observes on those landing pages, as well as actionable tips on how to avoid them.

Thus, you can also take his tips – and apply them to your pages as well.

Apart from that, he also uploads some great tutorials – where he explains different business concepts through his whiteboard illustration board.

Thus, you can easily understand what he teaches – since his illustrations are simple and straight forward.

You can check out his channel here

7. Daniels Hustle

If there's one kid who’s underrated, but provides a ton of value is Daniel Umeh.

He runs a YouTube channel by the name Daniels Hustle – and he uploads a ton of great value for free.

And his tutorials are very detailed – since he tries by all means to share step by step processes.

His channel grew exponentially – since most people gains a lot of value from his videos – thus, they recommend his videos to their fellow friends and family.

By the time of this writing, he recently surpassed the 100k subscriber mark – and his channel is continuing to grow at an unprecedent rate.

Thus, this proves how valuable his content is!

He teaches staff related to CPA marketing, affiliate marketing, freelancing, free traffic methods, etc.

Thus, you can check out his channel if you're interested in any of these topics.

Wrapping Up

So ladies and gentlemen – these are the best affiliate marketing guys on YouTube (at least in my opinion).

There's a ton of people on this platform who talks about this business model.

But l feel like these are the best people to learn from i.e. based on their style of teaching, as well as their results.

But you can do your own research and find someone who resonates with you – since everyone has his/her own preferences.

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