How I Utilised The Lookdown😷 Period To My Own Advantage

The lockdown period was a horrible time for most people – since most people weren't used to stay indoors.

I remember, thinking to myself;

‘How will I survive on my own without linking up with my friends & fam?’

But that lockdown is one of the best things that has ever happened to my life – though I didn't see it at the time.

Spending time alone allowed me to sit by myself & think deeply about my life.

It allowed me to reflect on my past, revise my goals, as well as coming up with better plans for the future.

The truth is, if you're always around people, you might not be able to think deeply about your life i.e. due to external noise.

But once you're alone, you're forced to step back from your life & do an introspection of your life from a distance.

And I've to admit that I was able to come up with better plans – which otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do if I was constantly around people.

The lockdown period also allowed me to really think about what's my true passion & purpose.

The truth is, your profession which you're studying for in college might not be your ideal passion/purpose – and that was my case.

And through this alone time, l was able to discover my true passion & purpose – which is writing content for blogs.

And that's what led me onto this path.

But if it wasn't for that period, I’d probably be stuck in a low paying job, sitting in a tiny cubicle – not impacting people with my knowledge.

The lockdown period also allowed me to work on my body i.e. through home workouts.

(Not necessarily weight lifting though)

For the longest time, l wanted to do some workouts – but I was always occupied by other things i.e. school.

But the lockdown period freed up my time & l was able to embark on this journey.

And up to now, working out is something that l do on almost a daily basis i.e. it has become a habit.

I also used the lockdown period to learn new skills like website building – and I'm proud to say that, I'm now good at this field.

I might not be the best in this field, but I'm good enough to develop decent sites.

And l can use this skill to build websites for clients & get paid in return i.e. if l wish to do so.

And that's a skill that will stuck with me my whole life – though it only took me a few days to learn i.e. through YouTube tutorials.

I also learned about copywriting – and that's also an important skill for my career.

When l first got started with blogging, I was more of an academic writer – which is cool, but not that great when it comes to converting customers.

But as l worked at horning my copywriting skills, I became great at selling products & services through written words – and that reflects in my bank account as well.

And this skill will also stuck with me forever – which is great.😊

I also utilised the lockdown period to learn about graphic design i.e. just the basics.

Now, I wont brag that I'm a great designer – coz I'm not lol.

But I have the basic skills that's necessarily for running my business – which is cool.

More importantly, l was able to work on my reading skills.

Back in the day, I used to spend almost 2 weeks reading a 200 page book – which wasn't great at all.

But through watching some speed reading trainings, I was able to skyrocket my reading speed⚡ – and I'm proud to say that, I’m now able to read a book in a day or two – NO CAP!

And that has allowed me to consume more great ideas in a short space of time – which is great for mental health.


I can spend the whole day ranting about the things that I've learned during the lockdown period, but these are just some of the major ones that I've learned.

Though it was a horrible period for most people, I still found a way to utilise it in a manner that's beneficial to my life – rather than allowing the days to just pass-by without making any progress.


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