The Truth About Life After College: Unemployed CEO Shares His Opinions

Caption: 'Unemployed CEO' Finally Graduates From Formal Education!

So you have graduated from college👨‍🎓

Got that certificate that you have been studying for😁

Congrats to you then🎉🎉🎉

But what's next?

That's where most people freaks out!

Growing up, we're told by society that your life will be good as soon as you get a college degree.

But we all know the truth i.e. most college graduates are struggling to make a living – because the outside world isn't as easy as most people thinks.

Back in the day, it was a bit ‘easier’ to get opportunities after college – because there was only a few people who were pursuing higher education back then.

However, things have changed & there's now more competition in the job market – because there's now more people graduating from college these days than ever before (and the numbers will keep increasing year by year).

Also, the number of universities & colleges is increasing year by year (I can open mine too lol) – and that's leading to more graduates.

For these reasons, most college graduates end up getting depressed – because they fail to get the kind of lifestyle that they expect to live (expectations vs reality) i.e. the real world will humble you young man/lady.

With that being said;

What can you do to better prepare yourself for life after college?

In my opinion, starting a side hustle is the best thing that you should do as a young adult.

I wish l knew this earlier because a side hustle can grow into a full time business i.e. if you do it for long enough.

If possible, you should start your own hustle whilst you're still in college – so that by the time you finish college, you'll have something to rely on i.e. whilst waiting for a job.

Or in some instances, your side hustle might turn into your full time grind – thus, you might even realize that, you no longer need a job to sustain your lifestyle.

Personally, l ventured into blogging & affiliate marketing when l was in my final year of college.

And by the time l graduated from college, l didn't have to stress about what to do – because l already had a functional website that was up & running in the background.

Thus, l realised that, l no longer need to knock at company's gates – begging managers for a job – because my website can sustain my lifestyle.

(I’m unemployed by choice BTW)

My point is; start something ASAP – because if you just sit there waiting for a job, you might wait for bazillion years – and time is a finite resource which can't be renewed.

It doesn't necessarily have to be something related to your field.

Instead, you can start anything that allows you to earn some few extra bucks per month – so that you can have some money of your own.

Remember, you're now a grown person – thus, you can't keep harassing your parents with everything.

Another thing that l have to mention is that, don't compare yourself too much with others – because you might end up having unnecessary stress.

(Comparison is the thief of joy)

Truth be told; some of your classmates are going to blow-up so quick – thus, they will get their sh*t figured out ASAP whilst you're still struggling to make ends meet.

And if you compare yourself with them, you might end up making some dumb-stupid decisions whilst trying to keep up with the Joneses – which might affect your life plan.

We all blow-up at different times – thus, always know that your time will come for you to SHINE🌟

NB: If possible, try to detox from social media for a lil bit – coz that's the main source of comparison.

I’m just going to touch on 2 more things before l wrap up – which are networking & continuous learning.

It's important to always network with other people in your industry – so that you can build links with other ‘pros’ in your field.

Truth be told; jobs are now found through links these days i.e. you should have some connections with managers & CEOs in order to get a job (90% of the time).

Don't be fooled by job adverts that you see on commercials i.e. most of them are just for formality (disguise) – otherwise, there’ll already be some candidates who’re already hired for that job.

Thus, if you only link-up with your small circle of friends & fam, then there is a challenge (unless if they own companies lol).

Last but not least, you should always be a student i.e. continuous learning is key.

Education doesn't end when you leave the school gates.

Instead, education continues even after graduating – coz life is the greatest classroom.

As I’m typing this blog post whilst wearing my gown, I've realised that I actually know very little – coz there's still more to learn through the school of life.

Thus, l will keep educating myself (self education) – so that l can keep growing as a person (personal development).

Because that's the only way that you can gain more knowledge & wisdom – which might help to boost your bank balance.

NB: Continuous learning isn't just in the form of pursuing a masters degree or a PHD.

Instead, it can be something like reading blog articles, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, reading self help books i.e. consuming self development content.


So that's basically all l have to say for now regarding life after college.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section – so that we can exchange some ideas.

Yours truly;



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