How To Create An Affiliate Marketing Website With WordPress (Ultimate Guide)

How To Start An Affiliate Website

In this quick tutorial, I'll walk you through the process of creating an affiliate marketing website from scratch using WordPress.

I’ll show you the whole process from A to Z – so that you can be able to setup your own affiliate website ASAP – even without prior experience.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.


Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Decide On Your Niche

Before starting anything, it’s important to decide on your ideal niche – so that you'll know exactly what your website will be centred around.

A niche is specific in nature i.e. it’s a group of targeted people with similar interests.

Most people thinks that niching down will limit their earnings potential – which is just a myth!

If you try to serve everyone in the market, you might end up satisfying no one.

Thus, you should be very clear on ‘who you want to serve' with your website.

With that being said, the most profitable niches in affiliate marketing are;

(i) Wealth💰 i.e. Make Money Online (Courses & Softwares), Finance (Credit Cards, Loans), etc.

(ii) Health💪 i.e. Weight Loss, Diet

(iii) Relationships💑 i.e. How To Attract The Opposite Sex, How To Strengthen Marriages/Relationships, etc.

👉Find more profitable niches HERE

The main reason why these niches are regarded as highly profitable is that, most people cares a lot about these 3 aspects of their lives i.e.

‘l want to reach financial freedom’ (Wealth)

‘l want to have a healthy body’ (Health)

‘l want to have a nice spouse’ (Relationships)

Thus, most products in these niches sells like hot cakes!

However, it’s also important to mention that, there are other weird niches that are also profitable e.g. spirituality.

Although there might be a smaller audience in these kind of niches, there are other affiliates who’re making a living just by serving these weird niches.

The bottom line is, you can start a website based around any niche of your choice – as long as you believe that there's some money to be made in that niche.

(Take your time to clearly decide on your ideal niche)

2. Come Up With A Name For Your Website

Once you've decided on your niche, it’s now high time to come up with a name for your website.

Your website’s name will differentiate it from other competing sites in your niche – thus, try to come up with a more unique name that can grab your audience's attention.

It’s also advisable to come up with a name that is directly related to your niche – so that your visitors can easily know what your website is all about.

For example, names like or clearly shows that these websites specialises in health topics i.e. even without reading their content.

Thus, you should try to find a name that includes your niche’s main keywords i.e. for both SEO & easy recognition.

3. Register Your Domain Name

Assuming that you've crafted a ‘perfect name' for your website, it’s now high time to register that name on the internet.

This allows your website to be findable on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Thus, you should register your domain name with a reputable hosting provider – so as to have your own piece of real estate on the internet.

In my opinion, GreenGeeks is the best option when it comes to web hosting.

Their plans starts from as little as $2.95/month – and they offer a free domain name for your first year i.e. if you register with them.

They also offer a very beginner friendly interface – which makes it easy for complete newbies to use & navigate.

Apart from that, GreenGeeks also provides advanced security features such as SSL certificates, PHP, CDN, etc. – which are all aimed at protecting your website from hacking.

Thus, l highly recommend you to check out this platform if you want to host your website with a more reliable company.

4. Install WordPress

Once you've secured your domain name, you’ll get access to WordPress (website builder).

The beauty part is that, WordPress is automatically installed as soon as you get your domain.

In just a few clicks, you can get the WordPress app on your GreenGeeks dashboard. (SUPER EASY!)

5. Create A Logo

Ok, so now you have your own domain + WordPress website builder, what's next?

It’s now time to come up with a logo!

Before designing your website, it’s crucial to come up with your own custom logo – so that your website looks more professional.

A logo helps to brand your website – so that your visitors can have some trust with your site.

With that being said, you can design your own stunning logo using Canva – which is a free designing software (though they also have premium plans).

Canva comes with a ton of premade templates which you can customise to come up with your own unique logo.

And you can find some detailed tutorials on YouTube on how to get started with Canva – hence, reducing your learning curve.

Thus, there's no excuse for not having a logo for your website – as anyone can utilise this free tool to come up with a great-stunning logo.

However, if you have some few extra bucks to spend, you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr – which is a great marketplace for skilled freelancers.

From as little as $5, you can order a nice looking logo from a variety of graphic designers available on this platform.

Thus, you can get a stunning logo from a professional designer for a low fee.

But if you're on a shoestring budget, then just keep things simple & create the logo by yourself.

(The choice is yours)

6. Start Designing Your Site

Ok, so let's assume that you've completed all the previous steps i.e. getting a domain, logo, installing WordPress, etc.

What's next?

It's now high time to start designing your website.

The beauty part about WordPress is that, it comes with a ton of premade templates which you can use for your site.

You can simply customise these templates i.e. changing text, images, colours – as well as inserting your logo.

However, if you want to take things to the next level, you can use a plugin called Thrive Themes.

This plugin allows you to create a more appealing website with little or no skills – since it helps to turn your website into a drag & drop interface.

Also, this plugin comes with more appealing themes which are more eye-catching than those offered by WordPress itself.

Although this plugin does cost some few bucks, it’s still great for those who want to create more than just a generic website.

7. Integrate An Email Marketing Software

One of the top secrets of most ‘super affiliates’ is that, they all have huge email lists.

It’s crucial to collect your visitors’ emails from day 1 – since this allows you to connect with them even after some years.

Using a software like GetResponse, you can easily create an opt-in form which you can embed on your website.

This allows you to collect your visitor's email addresses – thus, allowing you to have a more direct relationship with them.

You can also use your email list to promote other affiliate offers in the future – since an email list is a business asset that is valued at $1/email (on average).

Thus, you should always collect your visitors' emails if you wish to become a super affiliate 1 day lol😁.

8. Publish Your Site

Assuming that you have completed all the previous steps, your website will be ready to go live.

Simply press the publish button – so that your website become visible to the world.

You should also consider registering for Google Search Console & Google Analytics – so as to request for indexing – as well as tracking your web traffic.

You can find a ton of YouTube videos regarding this topic – thus, l wont go into much detail here.

Now, l want you to know this;

Google is a bit harsh on new websites – meaning, new websites often struggles to get significant traffic during the first few months – since they'll still be under the sandbox.

But if you stay patient, you'll start to see some positive results after some few months (usually 8 months in most cases).

How To Come Up With Content Ideas For Your Website

One of the old age questions that l always get is;

‘How can l find content ideas for my website?’

Most people gets excited when they start their new websites – but only to see a huge fade in that excitement after some few weeks i.e. due to lack of ideas.

Most people writes less than 10 articles then they feel exhausted😓 – l totally get it, it’s pretty normal.

Even when l started this website, l didn't know what to write.

But as of today, l have surpassed the 300th article mark i.e. just by simply utilising some few techniques which I'm about to share with you in just a minute.

(i) Product Reviews & Comparisons

This is probably the easiest way to get started with affiliate marketing – since you'll be focusing on educating potential buyers about various products/services.

The key is to thoroughly review the product – so that the buyer(s) will be left with no questions – other than just buying the product.

You should discuss things like features, pricing, pros, cons, how the product works, etc.

Alternatively, you can compare similar products so that your audience can know which one is better e.g.

Product A vs Product B

Top 10 Products For X

X Reasons Why Product A Is Better Than B

You can try to find some free review templates which are available all over the internet i.e. in order to get an idea on how to write ‘killer reviews'.

(ii) Find Competing Websites In Your Niche & Observe What's Working For Them

This is also a great technique – since you'll be able to get an idea regarding topic ideas which are doing well for your competitors.

You can simply gather a list of competing websites in your niche & you use a tool like Ahrefs or Uber Suggest to find keywords which are bringing-in significant traffic to their sites.

Using this technique, you can come up with more content ideas which are proven to work for your competitors.

Using this data, you should try to create better content than your competitors i.e. in order to outrank them.

(iii) Keyword Research/Explore

This is a great technique which can be used to generate tons of content ideas for your website.

Using a keyword research tool like Ahrefs, you can simply type-in your primary search term e.g. supplements.

The tool will pull data from Google – and it will show you questions which people are always searching for i.e. related to that keyword.

The key is to find topics with high search volume & low competition in order to increase your odds of ranking.

👉NB: You can read this article to learn how to find content ideas for your blog.

Wrapping Up

Now that we have come to the end of this article, l believe that you're now ready to start your own affiliate website i.e. using the information shared in this post.

Most people complicates this process – because they want you to feel like you're not good enough to create your own affiliate site.

But the truth is; it’s not as complex as most people thinks!


Now that you have gained all this knowledge, the key is to take massive action & implement these strategies ASAP – otherwise, your knowledge will become useless if you don’t apply it.

You can find the summarised pdf version of this article via the link below.

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