Thrive Themes Reviews: Is It Worth It? [Best Page Builder]

One of the best plugins for WordPress is Thrive Themes.

With this tool, you can build incredible pages for your business or for clients.

Although this tool is being hyped by a lot of marketers out there, the key questions to ask are;

Is Thrive Themes worth your money?

Is it the best page builder for WordPress?

Does it work as advertised?

That's what we will discuss in this post.

What You'll Learn

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Are Thrive Themes?

Thrive Themes is an all in one page builder for websites, landing pages, squeeze pages, sales funnels, membership sites etc.

It is basically a WordPress plugin that comes with various tools, which are all designed to help online marketers in creating stunning pages for their business without too much hassle.

In the past, WP plugins were just scattered all over the place and most of them were not customised for building fast loading WordPress sites.

For this reason, the founders of Thrive Themes saw an opportunity in the market and they decided to create a plugin which would ease all these challenges.

Thus, this led to the creation of this awesome WP plugin, which is feature-rich and cost effective in nature.

How To Use Thrive Themes

In order to get started with Thrive Themes, you need to get your membership licence i.e. regular suite or agency licence.

Once you get your licence, you can simply login to the platform.

When you log in, simply download & install the Thrive product manager plugin.

Once completed, simply enter your licence details and your account will be activated.

Once activated, you can install any products which comes with your membership licence e.g. Thrive Architect, Thrive Leads, Quiz Builder, etc.

The key is to install products which you really need for your site since some of the products might not be applicable to your site.

If you don't understand how each of these products works, l will clarify each of them in the next section i.e. Features.

Thrive Themes Features

Thrive Themes is a feature rich software which is packed with a lot of great features.

But for the purpose of this article, l will briefly explain some of the major ones.

1. Thrive Leads

If you're an internet marker, you definitely need to collect your visitors’ email details.

With this tool, you can easily create any form of opt-in forms which you can use for collecting your visitors’ emails.

You can create highly converting popups which are helpful in getting more emails from your web visitors.

2. Thrive Architect

This is the commonly used tool by most users of this software.

With this tool, you can easily create squeeze pages, landing pages, webinar pages, sales pages or any other type of page that you may need in your marketing campaigns.

The beauty part about Thrive Themes is that it comes with a ton of premade templates which you can edit in order to come up with your own pages.

Thus, you don't have to be a tech savvy or a developer in order to build marketing pages with this software.

3. Thrive Themes Testimonial Features

If you're selling any kind of information products, this feature is definitely for you.

With this tool, you can create some highly converting testimonials that can popup on your sales pages thereby boosting your conversions.

Most people are sceptical when it comes to buying information products due to existence of scam programs out there.

Buy if they see some testimonials on your sales page, they might decide to try out your offer due to those testimonials (social proof).

Thus, this feature is great for boosting your conversions by a significant margin.

4. Thrive Themes Quiz Builder

One of the best ways to keep your web visitors engaged is through offering them some quiz questions.

Quizzes are a great way of keeping visitors longer on your site thus you should definitely add them to your sites.

Thrive Themes comes with some tools which are all designed to help in creating highly converting quiz sessions.

Not only does this increase user engagement, but it also help to collect more emails from your visitors.

For example, you can ask for your visitors’ email address once they finish the quiz questions.

Since these people will be curious to know their results, they will submit their emails in order to get their quiz results hence allowing you to collect more emails in the process.

5. Thrive Themes Headline Optimizer

Headlines are probably one of the major determinants of how your blog articles perform.

A headline is the first thing which grabs the attention of the readers thus they should be highly optimised for high CTRs.

With Thrive Themes, you can view the average scores of your headlines to se how well they are optimised for high CTR.

This helps in making necessary improvements needed in order to make your headlines outstanding.

6. Thrive Comments

If you're a blogger, then this feature is definitely for you.

With this feature, you can easily add a comment section on your blog so as to allow your readers to share their thoughts and opinions.

The beauty part about this feature is that you can add things like Up-voting, Down-voting, etc thus allowing your audience to vote on any comment.

7. Thrive University

Thrive themes also offers some great free courses in the fields of;

• Funnel creation

• Copywriting

• Lead generation strategies

Instead of paying incredible amounts for courses, you can learn some useful staff through the trainings which are offered for free by Thrive Themes.

8. Thrive Themes Templates

This software also comes with a ton of premade templates which you can use for creating your pages.

The themes are stunning and highly converting in nature since they were designed by ‘experts'.

You can easily customise these templates using the simple drag and drop editor which comes with this software.

Instead of stressing about designing your own pages from scratch, you can easily customise the premade templates which comes with this software thereby saving you time and energy.

9. Thrive Apprentice

If want to create your own courses, then this feature is definitely for you.

Thrive Themes comes with a great course builder feature which you can utilise to create your own courses.

Even though it’s not as great as Teachable, it is still enough to get the job done if you’re on a budget.

10. Thrive Themes Integrations

Thrive Themes integrates with a lot of apps and softwares i.e. from email marketing softwares, to webinar creation software, or even social media apps.

Some of them includes:

• ActiveCampaign

• Aweber

• Constant Contact

• Mailchimp

• Convertkit

• GetResponse

• Hubspot

• Zoom

• WebinarJam

• EverWebinar

• Facebook

Thrive Themes Pricing

With Thrive Themes, you can choose to pay yearly or quarterly.

Keep in mind that they offer exclusive discounts of up to 36% to people who buys the yearly packages.

Thus, you might need to take advantage of the yearly plan if you want to save some money.

Basically, Thrive Themes offers 2 basic plans i.e. Thrive suite & Thrive Suite Agency.

With the standard plan (Thrive suite), you will get access to the regular suite licence which allows you to use most of the features of this software.

This is great for people who wish to build few sites for their business since this plan only limits you to 25 websites.

However, if you wish to build websites for clients, then you might need to consider the Agency plan which gives you access to the agency licence.

With this plan, you can build up to 50 websites hence allowing you to make some money just by building websites for clients.

The beauty part about Thrive Themes is that it does not involve any hidden upsells unlike most softwares.

You will pay the same exact amount for years since this company rarely changes its prices.

Now let's do a quick comparison of Thrive Themes and ClickFunnels, which is also a great page builder.

With ClickFunnels, you pay $97 or $297 per month depending on the plan you choose.

This means that you have to pay $1 164 per year or even $3 564 if you choose the Premium Plan.

This is quite expensive since you can get the same features for far much less if you use something like Thrive Themes, which only costs around $228/year if you choose to pay for the yearly plan.

Thus, Thrive Themes might be a cost effective alternative which can be used to replace some of these expensive tools.

Thrive Themes Customer Support

Thrive Themes offers a great support forum which you can use to get some solutions for your problems.

You can find some answers on this knowledge base since most of the common questions were already answered via this forum.

However, if you don't find the answers that you're looking for, you can open a support ticket inside that same dashboard.

The support team will reach out to you with a detailed answer that is relevant to your query.

Now l have to admit that the support is not the best when compared to other companies.

Sometimes, they take too long to respond to queries due to other pressing issues.

For this reason, you might need to wait for hours before getting some feedback from the support team.

But other than that, the support unit is helpful since they try to thoroughly address customer queries.

Is Thrive Themes Good?

Thrive Themes is a great option for building pages for your business without any prior experience.

With Thrive Themes, you can get access to a huge library of premade templates which you can easily customise to come up with your own pages.

Thus, instead of stressing about complicated CSS, Java or HTLM, you can get up and running in no time using the simple drag and drop editor which comes with this software.

Besides, Thrive Themes’ plans are quite cheaper compared to other softwares like ClickFunnels.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars every year for a software, you can pay few hundreds if you use something like Thrive Themes.

Thus, l would say that Thrive Themes is feature-rich and cost effective in nature.

Thrive Themes Competitors

• OptimisePress

• Elementor

• ClickFunnels

Pros Of Thrive Themes

• Cheaper than most alternatives

• Easy drag and drop editor

• Offers free educational courses

• Integrates with a lot of apps and softwares

• Feature rich (compared to most page builders)

• Optimised to build fast WordPress websites

• Flexible with any kind of website

Cons Of Thrive Themes

• At times, some of its plugins may slow your website (if they're not updated)

• Customer support not that great.

• Lack of membership capabilities

• Huge learning curve

• No shopping cart features

Wrapping Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you now know what to expect when you buy Thrive Themes software since l tried by all means to clarify most of the burning questions regarding this software.

Thrive Themes is a great plugin for people who're looking to build stunning & fast loading websites.

This tool comes with a ton of great features which are all designed to help online marketers in creating awesome pages for their business without too much hassle.

Although it does come with some limitations, it is still a great option to consider when looking for a page builder for your site.

Thus, l highly recommend anyone who is looking for a feature-rich and cost effective page builder to try out Thrive Themes.


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