How To Find Content Ideas For Your Blog

If you want to get traffic to your blog, you gotta write some content.

Without content, your blog cease to exist.

But the question is;

‘How can you get some content ideas for your blog?’

That's what will be discussed in the post.

After talking to most beginners who give up too soon – due to lack of content ideas, I've decided to compile a list of 7 great strategies that you can use to keep getting content ideas for your blog.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in more detail.

1. Do Some Keyword Research

This is the most obvious one – although most people neglect it.

Keyword research is so important because, it helps you to find what people are searching for i.e. related to your niche.

This helps you to create targeted content that's tailor made for those queries – thus, allowing you to get in front of those people.

Not only that, but keyword research also helps to analyse the competition levels of each keyword – so that you can see if it's worth pursuing or not.

This allows you to direct your time & energy only on keywords that you can potentially rank for – and ignore those which are more difficult to rank for.

In order to get started, simply come up with a list of seed keywords related to your niche i.e. simple words which are common in your industry e.g. digital marketing, affiliate marketing, drop shipping, etc.

Once you have a handful of them, simply paste them into a keyword research tool like Ahrefs or Ubersuggest – and the tool will give you some common search queries related to that keyword.

Simply choose those with a decent search volume & low competition levels – then you write some killer content based on those keywords.

You can also type-in the keywords on Google – and Google will give you some autosuggestions & related queries which people are constantly searching for.

You can also include those queries inside your article(s) i.e. as sub-headings – or you can create some separate articles based around those queries.

2. Spy On Your Competitors

Another great strategy for finding content ideas is through spying on your competitors.

This strategy works perfectly fine because, your competitors has already done the hard work of finding great keywords related to your niche.

Thus, you just have to see what's already working for them – then you ‘steal' their proven tactics.

In order to get started, simply gather some domain urls of your competitors – then you paste them inside a tool like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs.

The tool will pull data from those sites – and it will show you metrics related to traffic volumes i.e. which pages are pulling-in the most traffic for that site.

Simply look at the pages that are bringing-in the most traffic, see which keywords they're targeting – then you write some great killer content that's better than theirs.

3. Practice Coal Mining

This is probably one of the best methods which has contributed almost 65% of my content.

Let me put it this way;

If you're just a consumer, you'll just browse the web just for the sake of consuming content – but never do anything with it.

But if you're a content creator, you'll browse the web with the intention of finding some ideas which you can potentially write about – though you may do this unconsciously.

For example, let's say that you're browsing on YouTube & the algorithm recommends a video titled:

‘How to improve your credit score?’

As a content creator, you’ll be inspired to take that same topic & write about it i.e. if it's related to your niche.

Or let's say you're just scrolling on Instagram – then you see an ad about ‘why most businesses fail & how to avoid it', you'll immediately see an opportunity for a blog post just from that ad i.e. if you write articles based around those topics.

And most of the times, l don't go on YouTube or social media with the intention of finding content ideas.

But as soon as an opportunity arises, my mind instantly tells me that, this is a great topic for you – though the process happens unconsciously.

Thus, you should also try out this method because it works like crazy.

But you should subscribe & follow some pages or channels related to your niche – so that the algorithm(s) can show relevant content on your feed.

4. Use Google Search Console

Another great strategy is to use Google Search Console.

Most people don't know about this, but Search Console is also a great goldmine for finding content ideas for your blog – though it's less effective when your blog is still brand new.

But basically, this tool shows you data related to traffic volumes, CTR, ranking positions – but more importantly, your impressions i.e. keywords which your site is getting impressions for.

At times, you might get a lot of impressions for a keyword that you probably included as a sub-heading in one of your articles.

However, it might be difficult to rank for that keyword – since you only covered the topic in just a few lines – thus, it will be difficult to compete with other articles that are longer & more detailed.

But if you write a detailed article which is entirely based on that specific keyword, you can potentially rank & get some traffic for that keyword.

Thus, it's important to always check your Search Console data i.e. see which keywords are getting a lot of impressions but less traffic – then you try to write detailed articles on those topics.

5. Leverage Facebook Groups & Forums

You can also leverage Facebook Groups & Forums.

Simply find some groups related to your niche – then you browse through them to find some of the most common queries.

And the beauty part is that, if you browse through groups for just a few minutes, you'll start to see some of the most common queries which are always prevailing over and over again in those groups.

Simply gather those queries – then you provide detailed answers in the form of blog articles.

The only problem with this method is that, you might need to rely on those groups & forums for traffic – since some of the queries might not necessarily perform well on Google.

Other than that, it's still a great method to practice here & there.

6. Use Answer The Public

You can also use a tool called Answer The Public.

This tool is also great – since it gives you data related to questions which people are constantly typing on Google.

Thus, you can be able to find some of the most common questions related to your niche – then you provide some great answers in the form of blog posts.

In order to get started, simply type-in some seed keywords related to your niche e.g. email marketing.

Once you enter the seed keyword, the tool will pull data from search engines – and it will show you dozens of questions related to that keyword.

Simply choose the questions which interests you the most – then you write articles based around those topics.

7. Do Surveys & Polls

Last but not least, you can also do some surveys & polls.

If you have a decent following on social media, you can simply launch some polls & surveys i.e. in order to see which topics people are interested in.

Simply identify which topics gets the most votes – then you write great blog posts based around those topics.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best strategies that you can use to find content ideas for your blog.

If you utilise some of them, you might develop a great factory of content ideas & you'll never run out of ideas again.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any question(s).


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