How To Find & Hire Freelance Content Writers For Your Blog

How To Find & Hire Content Writers For Your Blog

If you want to produce bulk content for your blog, you definitely need to hire a team of writers.

This helps you to publish more content in a short space of time – because you'll be able to leverage human resources to do the work – rather than just trying to do everything on your own.

But the biggest question is;

‘How can you find & hire the best writers for your blog?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

In this article, l will share with you a 5 step process for finding & hiring the best writers for your blog – so that you can duplicate the same process for your own blogging business as well.

The process includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Post A Job On Upwork or ProBlogger

The 1st step is to go on either ProBlogger or Upwork – and post your job offer.

You must be very specific about what you're looking for – so that you can find the right candidates for your blog.

For example, if you're looking for writers for a golfing blog, you can say something like;

‘Looking for content writers with experience in the golfing niche – who're capable of writing epic blog posts for my golfing blog'

*Then in the job description, you should go into more detail about what you're actually looking for.

Once you do that, you'll be able to get the right candidates who're the right fit for your blog.

Another important thing is to ask for urls i.e. each candidate should provide some few urls of blog posts that he/she wrote i.e. related to your niche.

This allows you to get an idea of how good/bad each writer is i.e. based on their past work.

Now, let me mention this real quick;

Upwork writers are only great if you're just looking for someone who can write articles for you – then send you the documents to do the rest of the work i.e. uploading the articles.

However, if you want someone who'll do all the work for you, then you might need to use ProBlogger – since their writers can go as far as uploading the articles to your site, as well as doing the SEO staff (although this costs extra money).

Another reason why ProBlogger is the best is that, they have high quality/professional writers i.e. you’ll find some writers who writes for bigger sites like Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, New York Times,, etc.

Thus, those people are great experts when it comes to writing.

NB: If you're on a low budget, you can go to places like Hire Writers or iWriter – though their writers are not as good as those found on ProBlogger.

2. Screen Your Applicants

Assuming that you've posted your job offer, and you've received some applications, you should start screening those applicants.

Remember, l mentioned that you should ask for urls of the applicants' past work – so as to assess their writing skills.

Thus, you should start visiting those urls – to determine whether you like their writing style or not i.e. you should do this assessment for each and every individual.

3. Interview The Qualified Candidates

Assuming that you've screened your candidates, and you're now left with a smaller list, it's now high time to start interviewing the short listed candidates.

It’s important to ask them questions related to the niche – so as to see if they have some great knowledge about that particular niche or not.

It's also important to ask them some few questions related to their past work experience – so as to see if they're the type of people whom you wanna work with.

Of course, a person might have great knowledge about the niche, but if his/her personality is bad, you might find a hard time working with that person.

Thus, you should find people whom you can connect with i.e. based on personality.

4. Give Them A Sample Test

Assuming that you've interviewed the candidates – and you've eliminated some few applicants, it's now high time to do the final vetting process – which is testing the remaining candidates.

You must come up with a sample topic, with some few instructions – then ask each candidate to write a 500 or 1000 word article i.e. based on the given instructions.

This allows you to assess each candidate's writing tone – thus, allowing you to choose only those with your favourite tone of writing.

Of course, this will cost you some money – since you'll be paying for those sample blog posts.

But you should view it as an investment – because you'll be able to recover the money (with profit) when your blog starts earning some income.

Also, this process allows you to choose the ‘ideal' writer for your blog – thus, you shouldn't view it as a loss.

5. Hire Your Favourite Candidates

Once you've given them a sample test – and you've assessed each candidate's writing skills, it's now high time to hire the best from the list.

As you're going through each candidate's sample blog post, you'll be able to determine if the writer is a good fit for your blog or not.

And once you're satisfied with one specific writer, you should then go ahead and hire that person.

If you're satisfied with more than one writer, you can as well hire all of them – and they'll all work on producing content for your site i.e. as long as you can afford to pay them.

Bonus Tip

Before l wrap up, let me just give you a quick bonus tip;

When working with writers, you should give them some guidelines/outline/template to follow for each blog post.

The reason being that, if you just give someone a broad topic like; ‘How to lose weight', the person might end up including some staff that you might not be interested in.

But if you provide an outline with subheadings, it helps the writer to stay on track with what you're actually looking for.

Another important thing is to give some little bonuses or even increments here & there – as this helps to keep the writers motivated.

This helps to build strong relations with your writers – because they'll be happy with the way in which you'll be treating them – thus, they will keep producing epic content for you.

Of course, a few hundred bucks in bonus might not seem like a lot to you. But to them, it might be a good amount of money.

Thus, it's important to always build strong relations with your writers – so that they can continue producing great content for your blog.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 steps that you can follow in order to find & hire freelance content writers for your site.

Using this process, you can easily come up with a great team of content writers for your blog.


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