How To Build An Email List From Scratch (5 Step Process)

How To Build An Email List

As most internet marketers say;

‘The money is in the list'

That's very true – because an email list is something that you own – and you can send promotional emails at anytime, anywhere.

Studies show that a single email subscriber is worth $1 (on average) – meaning, the bigger the list, the more worth it is.

Thus, it's important to build your own email list if you want to make money with online marketing in the long term.

With that being said, most people always ask this question;

‘How can l build my own email list from scratch?’

That's what will be answered in this post.

In this article, l will share with you my 5 step process – that you can replicate today to build your own list from scratch.

After reading this post, you'll be able to go out there and get started with email marketing – since this process is applicable to most businesses.

The process includes the following steps:

Without wasting much time, let me dive into more detail.

1. Sign Up For An Email Marketing Software

Before getting started, it is important to sign up for an email marketing software – since this is a tool that you'll use to collect emails, as well as to communicate with your prospects.

Thus, it's important to choose an email marketing software from the onset – since this sets the foundation of your email marketing campaigns.

With that being said, there's a lot of email marketing softwares out there which you can use – but my favourite one is GetResponse.

This software is one of the most popular softwares in the industry – since it serves a large audience in the online marketing space.

What makes this software more favourable is that, it's one of the few softwares which have less restrictions on the type of emails that you can send.

With other email tools, your account might be terminated if you send other types of emails that are not allowed by the provider – which is rare with GetResponse.

Also, this software is one of the cheapest in the industry – since its plans starts from as little as $15/month – for people who has less than a thousand subscribers.

This is cheaper compared to other alternatives like Convertkit & ActiveCampaign – since these tools costs almost twice as much as GetResponse.

Thus, l highly urge you to try out this software.

2. Create A Bait/Lead Magnet

Once you've signed up for an email software, the next crucial step is to create a bait/lead magnet.

Obviously, no one will give you his/her email address for no reason – since an email address is private and confidential.

Thus, it's important to create something which will entice them to give you their email addresses, in exchange of that thing.

I’m sure you've come across some marketers who say;

‘Get my free eBook/course/cheat-sheet/pdf guide – which shows you how to .....’

And they will ask you to submit your email address – so that you can receive that item via email.

That's the rule here.

If you offer people some valuable resources for free, they’ll be willing to give you their email addresses – because they'll be eager to get that free resource.

And once you get their email addresses, you can then send your promotional emails in the future – hence, making you money in the long term.

Now, l know you might be wondering, how can you create a free resource to give away?

It's not as complex as people think.

You can go to PRL websites like Master Resale Rights – and you can download some free resources that you can use – and most of them are free from copyright claims.

You can get access to a ton of eBooks, courses, pdf guides, etc. – thus, you don't need to stress about creating your own freebies.

3. Create A Landing Page

Once you've come up with a freebie, it's now high time to create a landing page.

If you're using something like GetResponse, you can get access to a wide variety of templates – which you can simply customise to create your own pages.

Once you've found a template of your choice, simply edit it using the simply drag and drop editor which comes with the software.

Simply replace the text & images – and you'll be ready to go.

You should also put a picture of your lead magnet on the landing page – so that your leads can get an idea of what the freebie actually looks like.

And just to give you a tip:

Creating a landing page is not that complex.

You just have to say something like;

‘Get Access To My Secret System Which Helps To .......’

Then you place a signup box – where people can enter their name & email.

If you want to learn more about how to create high converting landing pages, you can look for free YouTube tutorials.

4. Setup Automated Emails In Your Autoresponder

Once you've created a landing page, the next step is to setup some email swipes in your autoresponder.

This is also crucial since this helps to automate your email marketing efforts – compared to sending emails manually.

The reason being that, every new subscriber will receive a series of sequential emails – hence, allowing you to passively communicate with your leads.

You can find a lot of premade email swipes on the Internet – which you can freely use for your campaigns.

If you're promoting affiliate offers, then great – because most companies gives you some premade email swipes that you can use for your campaigns.

Thus, you wont have to worry about crafting your own emails – which helps to save you time and energy.

NB: Try to have a mix between promotional and informational emails – so that you wont bomber your subscribers with a series of monetary emails.

5. Drive Traffic

Assuming that all the background system is setup, it's now high time to start driving traffic to your landing page.

There are various methods which you can use to drive traffic to your landing pages e.g. Quora, SEO, YouTube, Facebook groups, Pinterest, etc.

However, if you have some money to spend, you can run paid ads – which allows you to buy traffic from Google, YouTube, Facebook, amongst other platforms.

Although this does cost some money, it's more quicker than relying on free traffic methods.

You just have to ensure that, your cost of acquiring leads is reasonable – so that you can recover your money in the backend i.e. when you send some promotional emails in the background.

Thus, you just have to pick a method which best suits your needs – and you focus on that one particular method.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this quick tutorial – since l tried by all means to summarise my knowledge through this post.

Although it takes time to build a huge list, it's important to get started today – so that you can slowly grow your list over time.

Thus, go out there and implement these strategies – and you'll start to see some positive results in the long run.


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