The Truth About Most Get Rich Quick Programs

The Truth About Most Get Rich Quick Programs

‘Become a millionaire in 3 months with this proven system – just for a one time fee of $997 or 3 easy payments of $350’

‘Invest $100 and get $5000 in 7 days’

‘Looking for a work from home opportunity which pays anywhere between $3000 - $5000 per month?’

‘Join my team & become a distributor – just for $100 subscription fee'.

(The list is endless.....)

I'm pretty sure you've come across some ads or posts on social media which looks like some of these i.e. people coming up with some ‘opportunities' which promises you to get rich overnight.

But the question is;

‘Can you really get rich from most of these get rich programs?’

The honest answer is NO!

The truth is, the owners of those get rich schemes are the ones who gets rich – whilst the customers remain poor.

Or if it's the case of MLMs, the top tier members are the ones who earn decent amounts – whilst the low tier members struggles to make pennies.

I've realised that, most of these programs are advertised in such a way that attracts people.

The owners of those programs knows that most people out there are looking for short-cuts to get rich.

So they take advantage of those people – and they present an ‘opportunity’ which sounds too good to be true.

They promise to make you a millionaire in few days or months – just by investing a small amount.

And most people will fall for this trap & they'll immediately pay for the program ASAP.

You enrol into the program excited – and you'll be already imagining yourself being a millionaire i.e. owning a luxurious mansion, buying your own lambo, travelling the world, etc.

But then, you realise that the course is just garbage & there's no value in it.

Confused & stressed, you then ask the support team why the course isn't working for you – and they tell you that your mind-set isn't right or you're not working hard enough.

You then try to work harder for the next few weeks/months till you get burned-out.

Then you decided to link-up with other students of that program to see if it's working for them.

And guess what?

99% of the students are also facing similar challenges i.e. no results.

With anger, you then reach out to the customer support for a refund.

But then, they tell you to read the terms & conditions of the program on the sales page.

And guess what?

They don't offer any refunds – or if they do, it's very limited.

Most creators of these programs tend to offer a 30 day money back guarantee – whilst the program is 2 months long.

They tell you to go through the whole program so that you can learn all the info that's needed to ‘get rich'.

And by the time you finish the program, it'll be too late to ask for a refund – thus, you just take an L and move on with life.

The truth is, those people don't want to make you rich.

Instead, they want your little money so that they can enrich themselves.

But they know how to present an ‘opportunity’ in front of you in a way that's more lucrative.

And due to their strong copywriting skills – as well as their incredible webinar presentation skills, you'll pull-out your credit card ASAP & you'll sell yourself into the program.

In some cases, the creators of these ‘get rich quick programs’ will tell you to enrol other people into the program in order for you to make money – which makes it a pyramid scheme.

And as someone who's eager to make some money, you'll go out there & find other people to fool into the program – so that you can recover your money & hopefully, make some more.

And those people you've enrolled will also do the same thing – thus, making the owners rich whilst leveraging other people's efforts.

And in most cases, they use some fake testimonials which makes you believe that the program is legit – when in actual fact, they're just fake stories.

You might even realise that some of the people used as testimonials don't even exist i.e. they're just stock photos & a generic name like Ben, S.

And when you go on social media to search for that person, you wont find him/her.

I might spend the whole day ranting about get rich quick programs – but the bottom line is, most of them are just scams.

The person who ‘gets rich quick’ is the owner – not you i.e. if someone promises to make you rich for just a thousand bucks & he sells the program to 1000 people, he has already made a million bucks!

Most of them want to take your money & boost their bank accounts – whilst you remain poor.

But because most people are looking for lazy ways to make money, they easily fall into these traps – even though they know that these scams exists.


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