How To Overcome Laziness & Procrastination – And Get Sh*t Done!

How To Overcome Laziness & Procrastination – And Get Sh*t Done!

Laziness & procrastination are some of the biggest problems which most people face.

We always give excuses like;

‘I will do it tomorrow’

‘Let me count to 10 before l start doing it'

‘Let me just watch one more episode📺 before l begin this task'

I’m sure you're aware of all these excuses since they always circulate in our heads🤯 – thus, leading to laziness & procrastination.

But in this article, l will share with you some of the best strategies that you can use to overcome laziness & procrastination – so that you can start applying them to your own life.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in great detail.

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish'

(Proverbs 29 vs 18)

The first and most important thing is to write down📝 a list of things that you want to accomplish – as well as specific deadlines📅 for those goals.

Goals are important because they force you to go out of bed🛏 every morning & do what's necessary to achieve them.

Goals gives you something to work towards – thus, you'll be motivated to wake up every single morning🌄 & do things that will get you a step closer to those goals.

Thus, it's important to write down a list of your goals – and place them somewhere where you can easily see them📋.

Also, it's important to break down your goals into short term, mid-term, and long term goals.

For example, if you have a 5 year vision, it's important to break it into yearly📅 intervals – then you further break it down to monthly📆, weekly, and daily goals.

This is crucial because the daily goals feeds into the weekly goals, the weekly ones, feeds into the monthly ones, the monthly goals feeds into the yearly ones, etc.

The bottom line is, goals gives you something to work for – thus, you wont be too lazy when you know that you have some goals to accomplish.

2. Create A Schedule📋

One of the main causes of laziness is not knowing what to do & when to do it.

For this reason, most people stays in bed up to noon🌜 whilst scrolling through social media🤳 – because they don't have a schedule which guides them.

But if you have a clear daily schedule, you'll be forced to go out of bed even when you're feeling sleepy😴 – because you'll know that you have some tasks📑 to complete by a certain time.

Personally, l found that the technique of ‘planning tomorrow the night before' helps a lot to avoid laziness and procrastination.

It's important to wake up knowing exactly what you need to do on that particular day – otherwise, you might waste time doing unproductive things.

3. Set Rewards For Yourself💰

As l discussed in one of my previous articles, it's important to set some enticing rewards for yourself.

As one of the authors said;

‘What gets rewarded gets repeated' – which is very true.💯

It's important to set some enticing rewards for yourself i.e. things that will motivate you to do the f*cken work👨‍💻.

For example, you can say that, if your business reaches a certain milestone like $10k/month, you'll take yourself to a nice vacation🏖, buy a nice whip🚘, or anything that motivates you to take action.

If you’re pursuing something nicer, you'll be motivated to go out of bed every single morning & do the f*cken work i.e. even if you don't feel like working😒.

4. Use The Pain-Pleasure Principle

I learned about this principle few days ago i.e. when l was reading one of Tony Robins' book📘 called Awaken The Giant Within.

He mentioned that, humans will try by all means to avoid pain😩 – and do anything possible to pursue desirable pleasures😄.

Using this concept, you should link massive pain to the consequences of not doing the task at hand – and link pleasure to future outcomes of doing the task.

For example, if you're procrastinating about going to gym, try to think of the future pains of not doing your workouts – then find some desirable pleasures that comes with doing your workout now💪.

For example, if you don't workout, your body might end up getting out of shape – and also, you might suffer from diseases🤒 like obesity & heart disease.

Once you think🤔 of all these consequences, you'll be forced to do the f*cken workout – so as to avoid these painful consequences & pursue pleasurable outcomes like great body shape, good health, etc.

In other words, you should come up with some push factors that forces you to take action – as well as some pull factors that attracts you to take action.

5. Find An Accountability Buddy💆‍♂️

Last but not least, you can also try to find an accountability buddy i.e. someone who can hold you accountable for doing your tasks.

One of the main reasons why we tend to procrastinate is that, we don't have anyone to report to – hence, it's very easy to be lazy.

But if you have someone who's holding you accountable, you'll be forced to do the work at hand i.e. even if you're not in the mood – because you'll know that you'll be in serious trouble🤯 if you fail to do the work.

For example, if you're procrastinating about going to the gym, you can look for a personal trainer🧚‍♂️ – who'll come to your house🏠 everyday & do a training session with you.

This is so powerful because it forces you to wake up & attend the training session i.e. even if you don't feel like working out – because you'll know that you'll get in trouble if you fail to attend.

NB: Accountability buddies can also be your siblings👨‍👦‍👦, your wife/husband👫, your friend🙎‍♂️ – or anyone who’s capable of monitoring your progress in a certain field.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 strategies that you can use to overcome laziness and procrastination.

If you implement them properly, you'll start to see some positive changes in your life.


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