This Is Why I Hate Working A Traditional 9 to 5 Job 😒

Why l hate working a 9 to 5 job

Credit: This Picture Was Taken From One Of My Favourite Books Called Unscripted - By MJ Demarco

'J.O.B - Just Over Broke'

A lot of people have been asking me; why l don't like working a traditional 9 to 5 job?

So l decided to answer this question in this quick blog post – so as to shed some light to most people who have been asking this question.

Now, before l proceed, let me make this quick disclaimer:

Disclaimer: Information shared in this blog post is based on my personal opinions. For this reason, it should not be taken as ‘standard' – since we all view the world from different perspectives. You might need to do your own research to validate these points.

Now that l have cleared this out of the way, let me jump straight into more detail.


Most people have their own reasons as to why they don't like working traditional jobs.

But personally, l value these 3 factors i.e.

a) Financial Freedom

b) Time Freedom

c) Location Freedom

Most traditional jobs fails to satisfy all of the above factors i.e. some jobs might satisfy one or two of these factors – but it’s rare to find a job that satisfies all 3 of them.

And let me explain why:

a) Financial Freedom

Most 9 to 5 jobs fails to satisfy this factor i.e. based on the average salaries which are being paid by most companies.

The reason being that, most companies knows that an employee is ‘easy’ to replace – since there’s a ton of qualified people out there who’re looking for that exact same job.

For this reason, most employees are forced to settle for what the company ‘thinks' they’re worth.

Thus, most people only get paid a salary that is just enough to cover for basic monthly expenses like rent, food, etc.

And without even noticing, they're trapped in the tread-mill of wake up, go to work, pay bills (repeat till retirement).

However, if you have your own grind, you have the ability to earn more than what you can earn at a regular 9 to 5 job.

For example, if you have an ecommerce business, you can easily scale-up using paid ads – hence, allowing you to make most people's annual salaries in a short space of time.

Unlike a salary which is capped at a certain threshold, you can increase your income through various mechanisms like paid ads, or even through leveraging human and technological systems.

That's why you see some young adults who’re in their 20s or 30s buying nice cribs – because there's no maximum limit on the amount of money that you can make from a personal grind – rather than settling for a 5% raise after every 5 or so years.

Once l figured this out, l didn't want to clock-in for a 9 to 5 ever again!

Now, l know that some people might be asking;

‘What if you find a high paying job that pays a better salary?’

This sounds great, but in most cases, it still fails to satisfy the other 2 components of the equation i.e. time and location freedom – which will be explained in the next few paragraphs.

b) Time Freedom

‘By working faithfully 8 hours a day, you may eventually become the manager & work 12 hours a day'

The beauty of running your own business is that, you have the freedom to design your own work schedules as you wish.

Instead of being forced to clock-in everyday at 8 or 9am, you have the freedom to set your own flexible working hours.

However, if you're working a traditional job, you don't have any choice than to adhere to the set working schedule – otherwise, you'll face the consequences.

Even if you don't feel like working, you still have to show-up everyday – in order to keep getting paid.

Now, going back to the earlier question of; ‘What if you find a high paying job?’

Although a high paying job might satisfy the financial freedom component, it fails to satisfy the time factor.

Although l might be getting paid a ‘higher salary’, l will still be required to wakeup everyday at 6am (annoying alarm lol) – and commute in the harsh morning traffic – which l don't personally enjoy.

Yes, l might be getting paid a ‘good salary’, but l still have to show-up at the workplace every morning – since it is the obligation of most companies.

(Trading 5 days of my week – just for 2 days of freedom)

Still on the same issue, most people trades their time for money – since it is the norm in most societies.

And we all know that, most companies are now using the pay-per-hour mechanism – which means that, the more hours you work, the more you get paid.

This all sounds great – but there's one big problem.

We only have 24 hours in a day – and there's nothing we can do to expand this threshold – meaning, there's a maximum cap on the amount of money that you can make in a pay-per-hour corporate job.

And practically speaking, who is capable of working 24 hours every single day?

Thus, instead of trading my most valuable time for money, l find it more efficient to leverage technological systems that can work for me – hence, allowing me to eliminate myself from the whole process.

For example, a website is a sales machine that works 24/7 – it never sleeps, it never eats – it works every single day i.e. rain🌦 or shine🌞

Thus, instead of trading my time for money, l would rather develop an intelligent system which is capable of working for me – thus, allowing me to detach myself from the whole system and focus on my hobbies. (passive income)

c) Location Freedom

Personally, l like to work from any location l feel like.

I don't like to be tied to a specific location – because working in the same environment might become boring over time.

For this reason, l like to work from anywhere – which is the main reason why l like internet based businesses.

You can work from anywhere in the world – since your business wont be tied to a specific geographic location.

You can work whilst chilling at home, whilst travelling, or even when you're overseas – since you only need an internet connection in order to run your ecommerce store or a blog.

You can be in your little basement in Zimbabwe – whilst dealing with clients in America/Europe/Asia – since you're not obligated to be physically available in those areas.

However, if you're working a 9 to 5, you’re required to show-up at the workplace no matter what.

Now, lm aware that most people are now working from their own homes due to the ongoing pandemic (tele-working) – but as soon as things gets back to normal, they'll be required to physically go to work as they used to.

It's difficult to tell your boss that you want to work from home – since you're obligated to show-up at the workplace – even when there's less work (off-peak days).

For this reason, you might be stuck in your cubicle even if you don't feel like staying at that place – because you signed for it!


From the day l learned about these 3 principles, l haven't owned a suit and tie, or even a CV/Resume – because l don't have to!

I like the freedom to do whatever l like, at anytime, anywhere – without having to ask for anyone's permission.

Another thing is that, l did my calculations and found that, it's a bit difficult to make big purchases like a house – when lm sorely relying on a salary.

Although this might be possible, it might take more years – thus, forcing me to buy a crib at an old age.

But if l depend on myself, l can buy it a lot more sooner – since l have the ability to scale-up my earnings – unlike a salary which is capped at a certain threshold (maybe with some tiny increments every now and then).

Thus, l discovered that l don't necessarily need a job to take care of me – l can take care of myself!



However, it was not always like this.

My mind-set changed when l read books like Rich Dad Poor Dad , The Millionaire Fastlane , The 4 Hour Work Week , etc.

My whole perspective completely changed soon after reading these books – since l was able to learn all these concepts discussed in this post.

From the day l started applying these simple principles, l don't even know the difference between weekdays and weekends – since l have the freedom to do what l want – at any day of the week.

Thus, l highly recommend anyone who want to go through a mind-set shift to read these books.

I hope that l have answered this question for most people who have been asking for my opinions.


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