How To Create A Website For A Business: Step By Step Process For Beginners

How To Create A Website For A Business

Are you considering starting a website for your business?

But you're stuck because you don't have any web design skills?

If so, then this article is for you.

This article will show you a step by step process that you need to follow in order to create a website for your business without hiring a web developer.

After reading this article, you will be in a better position to go out there and create your own website for your business.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps in more detail.

Step 1: Pick A Niche

Before starting a website, it is important to decide on your niche since various websites exists to serve people in different niches.

I know this sounds obvious, but most people takes this step for granted and they end up failing to establish a sustainable website.

You should not be that type of guy who tries to serve everyone out there since people's needs are infinite.

Thus, you should pick a specific niche for your website so as to target a specific group of people.

Bear in mind that the niche that you select will determine the name, theme, as well as the design for your website.

Thus, you should take your time to thoroughly research about your niche so that the next steps becomes easier for you.

Step 2: Choose A Domain Name

After deciding the niche for your website, the next step is to come up with a name for your website.

I know that you already have some random names in your head since everyone always thinks of a business name before starting a business.

But l just want to highlight some of the key considerations for choosing a name for your website.

i) Make sure the name includes some keywords related to your niche since this helps a lot in SEO.

For example, let's say that your business is related to health & fitness, you might need to give it a name like,, or any name that includes some keywords.

ii) Make sure that the name is easy to remember for your customers since your customers should not struggle to understand your domain name.

For this reason, you need to come up with a short and precise name that is easy to understand for your audience.

iii) Don't try to imitate some existing brand names since this might get you in trouble.

For example, if you try to use names like Amazon, Nike, Apple, or any other existing brand name, you might get in trouble since these companies don’t like people who mess around with their brand names.

Thus, you should make sure that your website’s name adheres to these conditions.

Step 3: Host Your Domain Name

Once you come up with a name, the next important step is to host your domain name with a reputable hosting provider.

This step is crucial because this is where you register your domain name on the internet so that it becomes findable on the search engines.

This allows you to have your own piece of real estate on the internet space thereby exposing your business to more eyebrows worldwide.

With that being said, the best web hosting provider for businesses is GreenGeeks since this hosting provider is the number 1 recommended hosting service by WordPress.

GreenGeeks is one of the cheapest options in the industry since its plans starts from as little as $2.95 per month, which is quite cheaper than the price of coffee at Star Bucks.

This hosting provider also guarantees high uptime levels as well as higher speed for your website hence it is more reliable and trustworthy.

Thus, if you're looking for a hosting provider that is reliable and cost effective, l highly recommend you to consider using GreenGeeks.

Step 4: Install WordPress

After you have secured your domain name with GreenGeeks, the next step is to install WordPress.

Don't worry about any additional cost since WordPress comes for free once you get your domain.

In just a few clicks, you can automatically install WordPress to your GreenGeeks interface - the process is super easy.

For those of you who don't know WordPress, it is the leading website builder in the industry.

Statistics shows that more than 33% of websites on the internet were built using this software.

This shows how powerful this software is since some web builders struggles to gain so much traction.

One of the main reasons why WordPress is chosen by most people is that it is very SEO friendly in nature.

Statistics shows that WordPress websites have a higher probability to rank higher on search engines since WordPress has more authority on most search engines.

For this reason, you should definitely build your website with this winning software so as to increase your chances of ranking on the search engines.

Step 5: Choose A Theme

After installing WordPress, it is now high time to choose a theme for your website since this determines how your website looks.

WordPress comes with a variety of stunning themes that you can choose from.

You have the freedom to choose any theme of your choice from the huge library of their themes hence you have unlimited choice.

Don't worry about choosing the ‘perfect' theme at the beginning because you can always change your theme as time progresses.

However, you're not limited to the inbuilt themes that comes with WordPress since you have the option to look for other themes out of the WordPress ecosystem.

The choice is yours, do what's best for you.

Step 6: Add Your Logo

I wanted to skip this part, but let me just emphasise on it a little bit.

You should come up with a logo for your website so as to look more professional to your customers.

Besides that, a logo helps to improve the aesthetic value of your website since a logo is part of your site's infrastructure.

You should always try to come up with a logo that is eye-catching to your web visitors in order to grab their attention.

With that being said, you have the option to design your own logo using tools like Canva or any other alternatives.

There is a ton of free logo makers which you can use to create your own logo for your website.

However, you can also hire a freelancer on sites like Fiverr or Upwork if you want a more appealing logo that is created by a professional graphic designer.

But l always recommend beginners to create their own logos especially if you're on a limited budget.

This helps to eliminate some unnecessary costs to your business since you should try by all means to avoid unnecessary expenses in the early stages of your business.

Step 7: Start Designing Your Website

Ok, so you have followed all the steps above and now what's next?

It's now time to design your website so that it becomes ready for business.

Most people still believes that you have to hire a web designer in order to create a website but that’s not true.

In this modern day and age, anyone can design a website on his own since there is a ton of free YouTube tutorials that shows you the exact strategies and techniques that you need to follow to come up with a good looking website.

Gone are the days when we used to crack our heads with stressful HTML, CSS, Java, or any other advanced coding staff.

We now have tools like Elementor which helps to turn a WordPress website into ‘what you see is what you get'.

This eliminates most technical complications involved in building a website since this drag and drop editor does the heavy lifting for us.


Now that we have completed the site building process, lm pretty sure that you now have a clear understanding of what it takes to build your own website from scratch without the help of a developer.

By following these steps, you can easily come up with your own site in just a few minutes without too much hassle.

Ready To Build Your Own Website?

Now before l wrap up, let me address some of the most common questions that are always circulating on forums and social media.

NB: I will try to provide some short answers for each question so as to keep the article within the expected length.

Why Do I Need To Build A Website For My Business?

In this era, most business transactions are now done online since most people are now preferring to do business in the comfort of their homes.

With the ongoing pandemic, ecommerce is rising at an unprecedent rate because most people are now shopping online since most people are restricted from going outside their homes due to various lockdown restrictions.

Statistics shows that almost 47% of American buyers are now doing their purchases online since they find it more convenient than visiting a brick and mortar store.

For this reason, most businesses are now expanding their online presence so as to take advantage of the evergreen customer base that has shifted towards online shopping.

It is anticipated that most people will continue to shop online even after the pandemic because most people have developed a habit of purchasing staff in just a few clicks and the goods get delivered to them at their doorstep.

Also, most businesses are now finding it cheaper to operate online since they don’t have to worry about paying for rental space, hiring many employees, commuting, etc since they are now used to operate from their computers in the comfort of their homes.

It is anticipated that most brick and mortar stores might fail to re-open even after the pandemic because most businesses discovered that it is far much cheaper to operate online than to do business the traditional way.

For these reasons, it is important for anyone willing to start a business to consider having a website for his/her business since most business transactions are now done online.

Thus, business owners should definitely follow this wave so as to stay relevant in business.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Website?

Starting a website is one of the cheapest things nowadays.

With just $2.95, you can get your website up and running in just a few minutes if you choose to host your site with GreenGeeks.

Looking at this price, there is no valid reason why people should not have their own websites since this price is far less than the price of Star Bucks coffee.

If you're someone who always gives excuses for not having a website but you eat at exotic places every weekend, then there's a problem!

A website is probably one of the biggest investments that someone could do with such a low amount of money.

You can build your own business online that will generate a ton of revenue in the future.

What Is The Cheapest Way To Start A Website?

In my opinion, the cheapest and most reliable way to start a website is to use GreenGeeks.

Its plans starts from as little as $2.95 per month and this is quite cheaper than ordering lunch at one of your favourite restaurants.

I’m aware that there are other hosting providers which charges a dollar or so per month and these might look cheaper in most people's eyes.

But bear in mind that you get what you pay for.

Thus, if you want a hosting provider that is effective and cost effective in nature, then you should definitely consider using GreenGeeks.

I guarantee you that you will get more bang for your buck if you go with this hosting provider.

What Is The Best Web Hosting Service For Small Businesses?

For me, l think that GreenGeeks is definitely the best option available.

I don't think that there is a better option that is ideal for small businesses other than GreenGeeks - because this hosting provider is feature-rich and cost effective in nature.

This hosting provider comes with high uptime rates of more than 99.95%, which is great since google favours hosting providers which surpasses this threshold.

This high uptime rate means that your website will be available on the internet for most periods of the year hence your customers will be able to access your site at anytime.

Also, GreenGeeks is associated with high site's speeds.

Bear in mind that google loves fast websites hence speed has become one of the ranking factors used by google to rank sites.

Thus, if you go with this provider, you wont go wrong since this hosting provider meets most of the requirements.

Which Web Hosting Is Best For Beginners?

I always recommend most beginners to stick with GreenGeeks since this hosting provider is very beginner friendly.

Its cpanel is very simple to understand hence making it easy for most beginners to navigate through most of its features.

Another reason why beginners should choose this hosting provider is due to its pricing.

There is no doubt that it's one of the cheapest option available since their plans starts from as little as $2.95 per month.

Thus, if you're a complete beginner who is on a shoestring budget, l recommend that you consider using this provider.

👉You can also find some of the best hosting providers in this article

Final Words

Now that we have come to the end of this discussion, lm pretty sure that you have gained some valuable knowledge of what it takes to start your own website.

Most people complicate this issue because they still believes that you always need the help of a developer to create a website and that is not true.

We now live in the information age where you can learn various skills via the internet through reading blogs or watching YouTube tutorials.

With that being said, lm still surprised by people who still believes in the traditional way of doing business i.e. operating from a brick and mortar store.

Societies are shifting at a much faster pace since most businesses are now being shifted to online platforms.

With this pandemic, most employees now works from their home (teleworking), students now study online (e-learning), customers now buys online (ecommerce).

If everything is now going online, then what's the reason for you to resist this change?

You should take advantage of this wave so as to stay relevant in the game.

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