How To Get Started With Moosend Affiliate Program

How To Get Started With Moosend Affiliate Program

Brief Overview

Moosend is probably one of the best email marketing providers in the industry i.e. due to its unique services.

The main reason why it has gained momentum over the years is due to its generous free plan.

Moosend allows its clients to use its software for free i.e. for people with smaller lists – though the free plan comes with limited features.

Though this company is less popular than GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, Aweber, etc., it's still a great option to consider.

With that being said, this post will mainly focus on its affiliate program – since it also runs an intuitive affiliate program just like most companies.

This allows regular people like you & me to earn money whilst promoting this awesome software.

Thus, it's a great company to promote as an affiliate.

Commission Structure

Moosend pays a 30% recurring commission to its affiliates.

This means that, you'll continue to get paid 30% of whatever your referrals pays to the company i.e. for life.

This is quite interesting because you don't have to keep looking for new customers each and every month.

Instead, you can look for a certain number of clients & you'll keep getting paid for those referrals each and every month.

Thus, you can build a stable income from this affiliate program – rather than looking for new referrals each and every month.

Cookie Period

Moosend offers a 90 day cookie period to its affiliates.

This means that you'll get credited for the sale if someone clicks your link today then decides to signup 3 months later.

Thus, its cookie period is favourable to affiliates – because most referrals doesn't signup right away – they sign up after some time.

How To Join Moosend Affiliate Program

Moosend's affiliate program is run through a network called Partnerstack.

This means that you have to signup for this network in order to access Moosend affiliate program.

Once you sign up for this network, simply go to the search bar & type-in Moosend.

It’ll take you straight to Moosend's affiliate signup page – and you'll be required to complete the application.

Once you apply, the affiliate team will take some few working days to process your application – and they'll give you some feedback via email.

I have to admit that, they have a generous approval process – thus, you'll most likely get approved.

How To Promote Moosend As An Affiliate

Assuming that you've been approved, the next question is;

‘How to promote your links?’

My 2 favourite methods are blogging & YouTube.

The reason being that, people are always searching for staff related to email marketing on Google & YouTube – thus, you can target those people with your content then you recommend Moosend.

The key is to do some keyword research – so as to find out what people are searching for related to email marketing.

Once you have the information, simply produce some killer content – then you optimise it for SEO.

If you do this properly, you'll start to gain some rankings & you'll receive some traffic to your website or YouTube channel.

And if people gain value from your content, they'll most likely signup to Moosend through your links – thus, making you some commissions.

NB: You can also create some content related to Moosend Review, Moosend vs Other Email Marketing Softwares, How To Build An Email List, Email Marketing For Beginners, etc.

Wrapping Up

So that's pretty much everything about Moosend's affiliate program.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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