7 Productivity Tips For Work From Home Entrepreneurs

7 Productivity Tips For Work From Home Entrepreneurs

Although working from home sounds interesting for most people, it can be quite difficult to stay productive through out the day.

When you're working at home, there might be a lot of destructions like tv, kids, unexpected visitors, etc. – thus, it might be quite difficult to stay focused through out the day.

But in this article, l will quickly share with you some 7 tips that you can use to stay productive as a work from home entrepreneur.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in more detail.

1. Adopt A Viable Morning Routine

The 1st and most important thing is to adopt a viable morning routine.

If you don't win the morning, you might end up losing the whole day to other people – thus, making it difficult to do your ‘actual work’.

Most people makes the mistake of checking their phones first thing in the morning – which is very bad for the following reasons:

(i) If you check your phone in the morning, you'll start your day in ‘reaction mode’ i.e. reacting to other people's posts on social media.

Once you start your day in reaction mode, it'll be quite harder to switch your brain towards being proactive – thus, you might end up wasting the entire day on social media.

(ii) Another reason why this is bad is that, if you receive a negative notification on your phone, it might mess up with your mind – thus, causing unnecessary stress to your mind.

For example, if you find some accident or disaster related news, you might be stressed by that – and it might be quite difficult to concentrate on your work.

For these reasons, you should try by all means to put your phone on flight mode during mornings – so that you wont receive any disturbing news in the morning.

You should also practice meditation & exercising in the morning – so as to clear negative thoughts from your brain – as well as boosting your creative juices.

2. Create A To-Do List

One of the main reasons why most work from home entrepreneurs struggle to stay productive is that, they don't know exactly what to do & when.

If you don't have a to-do list, you might spend the whole day scrolling through your phone – because you'll think that there's no work to do – when in actual fact, there’ll be some work that needs to be done.

For this reason, it's important to create a to-do list – which helps to guide you through out the entire day.

Personally, l like to plan my days in advance – so that l will know exactly what l need to do i.e. few days in advance.

This helps to ensure a smooth flow of my work – thus, I wont get stuck during some days since I'll know exactly what needs to be done.

Unlike a job where you're told what to do, entrepreneurship is quite different – because you’re the one responsible for planning & designing your own work schedules.

But if you create a to-do list, you wont find any challenges in fulfilling your daily tasks.

3. Take A Shower Before Starting Your Daily Work

Another important practice is to take a shower each morning i.e. before starting your daily work.

Most work from home entrepreneurs wake up from bed – and they jump straight into their workspace – which is completely bad.

They assume that they don't need to take a morning shower – since they'll be inside their home the entire day – and l totally get it.

But if you want to be productive, you must take a shower – so as to boost your body with water energy – because showers helps to fully wake the body up.

Besides, showers helps to activate the brain – thus, allowing you to boost your mental bandwidth.

4. Practice Intermittent Fasting

Another important practice which I have found helpful is intermittent fasting.

When you start your day with a heavy meal, you might feel tired within the first few hours of your day – because the digestion process takes so much energy from your body.

Besides, preparing a meal in the morning wastes a lot of time – thus, you might end up starting your actual day's work a little bit later.

For these reasons, l try by all means to avoid eating during mornings – and I will only eat after 12pm i.e. when l have completed my creative tasks.

Once l adopted this strategy, l was able to boost my productivity levels by a significant margin.

5. Create A Productive Workspace or Office

As work from home entrepreneurs, we're sometimes tempted to do our work whilst chilling in our beds, or maybe whilst chilling on the couch – watching tv.

Although this seems nice, this might kill your productivity levels i.e. when you're working whilst watching tv, you might easily lose concentration – or when you're working whilst sitting in your bed, you might be tempted to take a nap.

For these reasons, it's highly advisable to create a productive workspace – which will entice you to stay focused.

It doesn't necessarily have to be something fancy – but if you can manage to have a simple-nice desk & a comfortable chair – you can be able to concentrate on your work.

However, if you have an extra room in your house, that'll be an added advantage for you – because you can turn that into an office – thus, allowing you to have a dedicated workspace for your work.

6. Take Breaks In Between Tasks

When you're so horned in your work, you might spend the whole day sitting in front of your laptop.

Although this seems like a good practice, it's important to take some short breaks here & there – so as to re-boost your mental energy.

When you sit in front of your computer for a very long time, you might start losing focus – and your mental bandwidth might slowly start to decrease.

For this reason, you should try by all means to take small breaks – and take a walk around the crib just to refresh your mind.

Although this might not seem important, you'll realize that you might come-up with new great ideas during those tiny short breaks.

But of course, you shouldn't overdo these small breaks – as this might cause unnecessary time wastage i.e. if you take a lot of unnecessary breaks.

7. Stay Hydrated

Last but not least, it's important to stay hydrated throughout the day.

When you wake up in the morning, your body will be so dehydrated – thus, it's highly advisable to take a giant glass of water – so as to re-hydrate it.

Also, as you're going through the day, you might start to feel tired i.e. especially if you're doing a lot of creative tasks.

For this reason, it's also important to drink a lot of water throughout the day – so that your body will stay hydrated & energetic.

If possible, you should find a water bottle that stays at your desk – so that you wont have to walk to the kitchen each time you need a sip.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 7 best productivity tips that you can adopt as a work from home entrepreneur – thus, allowing you to get more things done.

Obviously, there's a ton of other helpful strategies that you can adopt as well.

But if you try these ones, lm sure you'll see a spike in your productivity levels.


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