Beginner's Guide To Online Writing: 5 Step Process

Beginner's Guide To Online Writing: 5 Step Process

‘The internet is a wealth creation pool for ordinary people like you & me – since you can easily get paid for sharing your knowledge online'.

That's 100% true!

People are making a ton of money whilst sharing their knowledge online i.e. mainly through blogs.

And the beauty part is that, this grind doesn't necessarily require a lot of capital.

Instead, anyone can get started ASAP i.e. as long as you have a laptop & internet connection – thus, capital isn't a barrier at all.

Thus, you should take advantage of this opportunity i.e. if you enjoy writing.

But the big question is;

‘How can a complete beginner get started with online writing?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will share with you a 5 step process that you can follow in order to get started with writing online.

It includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps in great detail.

1. Choose A Niche

The first crucial step is to choose a niche which you want to write about i.e.

Is it cooking?

Is it health & fitness?

Is it dating?

Or maybe it's personal finance?

This is so crucial as it gives you a clear direction on what you'll exactly focus on.

Not only that, but it also helps to attract a real following of people who're really interested in that niche.

Thus, it's important to clearly define your niche from the start.

But just to give you some advise;

(i) You should try to find a niche which you're knowledgeable about – so that you wont struggle to find ideas for your content.

I’m not saying that, you should know everything about that niche – NO!

But all I’m saying is that, you should have some base knowledge about the niche – then maybe you increase your knowledge as time goes i.e. through reading books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, etc.

(ii) It's also important to choose a niche that you're passionate about.

This is also important because, if you're passionate about something, you'll do that thing effortlessly i.e. whether you're getting paid or not.

The reason being that, it takes time to get paid for your work when it comes to writing – thus, if you're passionate about your grind, you'll push through difficult times till you start to see some rewards.

Thus, your homework right now is to sit down in a quiet place & really thing about your actual niche.

NB: You can always change your niche in the future i.e. if you feel like you've learned about a different field.

2. Choose A Platform

Once you've figured out your niche, the next step is to choose a platform i.e. the medium which you want to use to share your ideas.

There's a ton of platforms that you can use to share your ideas online i.e. both free & paid.

If you want to get started for free, you can use platforms like Medium, Blogger or Google Sites.

These platforms allows you to publish your articles for free – thus, they're ideal for people who don't have the funds to invest in paid platforms.

However, the only caveat of free platforms is that, you can't use a custom domain name like

Instead, you'll be given a subdomain like – which is less appealing to the audience.

Also, free platforms gives you less control over your blog – since they're the ones who owns the platform.

For this reason, they might decide to shut down your website without any notice i.e. if you violate some of their terms.

So instead of using free platforms, the best way is to build your own custom website with WordPress – which gives you more control & power over your blog.

You'll also be able to use a custom domain like – which is more appealing than a subdomain.

Thus, a custom website is the way to go – though it costs some few bucks to get a domain (around $2.95/month with GreenGeeks).

3. Come Up With Content Ideas

Assuming you now have a platform to use, the next step is to come up with content ideas that you want to write about.

Obviously, you have some rough topics in your head that you're eager to share with the world – which is totally fine.

But personally, l like to do some keyword research before writing anything – so as to find out what people are searching for.

This helps to narrow your focus only on topics which have some decent search volumes – as well as some fairly low competition i.e. topics which are easier to rank for.

I wont rant too much about this issue, since l have a detailed article which explains this topic in more depth.

Thus, you might need to read that post if you want to learn more about how to find topic ideas for your content.

4. Create A Publishing Schedule

Assuming you now have some topic ideas for your blog, the next step is to come up with a publishing schedule (content calendar).

This is so important because, it helps to keep you productive – since you'll be forced to do the f*cken work i.e. whether you're in the mood or not.

Remember, there wont be anyone who'll be holding you accountable in this grind – thus, it's important to plan your own work schedules & you stay committed to that schedule.

Once you manage to do that, you'll be able to publish more content in just a short space of time – thus, allowing your platform to grow much faster.

Quick Note:

Don't try to write too much content in a short space of time – because you might experience some severe levels of burnout.

But also, too little content will slow down your progress – because it takes a certain number of articles to get traction.

Thus, you should write an ‘average' number of articles that you can sustain over a long period of time.

NB: You can also take some short breaks/vacations after certain periods. That way, you can be able to re-boost your creative juices.

5. Start Publishing

Once you have a clear schedule in place, it's now high time to execute your plan.

This is whereby you write & publish articles on your platform i.e. following the topics that you've scheduled on your content calendar.

You must be disciplined enough to stick to your publishing schedule – otherwise, you wont be able to accomplish much.

Also, don't try to be ‘perfect' from the onset – because if you wait for things to get perfect, you’ll never get started.

Instead, start where you are & you'll get better with time.

Your first few articles might be trash – but if you do this grind more often, your writing will get better & better with time i.e. ‘repetition is the mother of skill’ – Jim Rohn.

Thus, don't be afraid about people's opinions – but instead, just focus on putting your ideas out there.

Wrapping Up

So that's basically how a complete beginner can get started with writing online.

It's a great opportunity to make some money whilst sharing what you already know – and it doesn’t require much capital to get started.

Thus, l highly urge you to take advantage of this opportunity i.e. if you have a laptop, internet connection, and some ideas to share.


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