How To Create & Sell Digital Products (Simple Guide)

How To Create & Sell Digital Products (Simple Guide)

The information sales industry is estimated to be worth billions of dollars – since more people are buying these products every single day i.e. in order to get access to certain specific knowledge.

And how would you feel if you just get even a .00001 of that amount?

I was mesmerised the last time l checked Warrior Plus & JV Zoo – since millions of dollars are being traded on these platforms every single day.

And I said to myself;

‘Why should l stress about starting a traditional brick and mortar business that’s capital intensive – when l could easily launch my own digital product online for little upfront cost – but then, earn infinite returns passively?’

In this post, l will quickly share with you a simple 9 step process that you can follow in order to create your own digital product(s).

It includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps in more detail.

1. Choose A Niche

The first step is to choose a niche i.e. what’s your digital product all about.

Is it centred around weight loss?

Is it centred around cooking recipes?

Or maybe it's just one of our usual ‘make money online' products?

You need to figure out your niche from the onset – so that you'll know exactly what to focus on.

NB: I usually recommend people to choose a subject which they're knowledgeable about – so that it becomes much easier to come up with the product.

Remember, people will be paying you their hard earned monies – thus, you should serve them with something that's worth their investment.

I’m not saying that, you should have all the answers in that industry – but at the same time, you shouldn't just sell some basic information that's easily found on Wikipedia.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Assuming that you've picked a niche, it's now high time to start brainstorming some ideas.

To make the process much easier, you should create an outline of the main things that you want to cover – so as to give yourself a starting point – or let's just say, a guide.

Try to think of what people want to learn about that subject – so that you can fully address their queries.

You can also jot down some rough ideas that you may want to include in your final product – in case, you might fail to recall them.

3. Do Some Research

Now that you have a starting point, it's now high time to start doing some research.

At this stage, you should start going in forums & Facebook groups i.e. related to your niche – so as to find out what people are looking for.

This gives you more ideas on what to include in your digital product – since you'll be leveraging people's queries to fine-tune your product ideas.

If possible, you can also do some polls & surveys – so as to ask people some important questions related to your subject matter.

Still on research, you should also try to read some books, watch YouTube videos, read blog articles, listen to some podcasts, or any material that covers your subject matter.

This helps to expand your knowledge in that field – which helps a lot when you're trying to create something of significant value.

NB: You can also buy other digital products that covers your target subject – so as to observe what other people have covered, what they've left out – hopefully, you'll use some of the information to fine-tune your own ideas.

I’m not saying that you should copy them – No!

But instead, you should just use their products for inspiration – then you create your own ‘unique’ product.

4. Compile The Data/Information

Assuming that you've done enough research, you should compile all your findings.

But before you compile the data, it's important to analyse the data first – so that you can separate useful information from ‘garbage’.

Remember, when you're collecting data, you'll be gathering every piece of information that you think is applicable.

But to be honest, most of the info wont be applicable to what you're trying to create – thus, you should weed-out some ‘useless' information.

5. Create The Final Product

Assuming that you're now left with more refined data, you should start creating your final product.

Digital products comes in many forms i.e. video, audio, written, etc. – thus, you just have to pick what's best for you.

I wont go into much detail on how you should organise your ideas – but if you've followed my advice on creating an outline, then you'll know how to structure your product.

And the beauty part is that, you can leverage some tools and softwares to create your product – which makes the process much easier.

You can go on YouTube to watch some tutorials on ‘how to record a video course’ i.e. if you want to come-up with a video based product – or ‘how to record great quality audios’ i.e. if you choose the audio route.

6. Create A Sales Funnel

Assuming that you've finished creating the actual product, it's now high time to start creating your sales funnel.

This is so important because, you can't sell a digital product with just a click of a button – thus, you need a well crafted funnel in order to turn your leads into real buyers.

You can use ClickFunnels or any other alternative to create a great sales funnel.

But regardless of the software you use, the key is to touch on your buyer's pain points, clearly state how your product will improve their well-being, as well as providing some clear call to actions.

NB: You can read my article on copywriting if you want to learn about how to write high converting sales copies.

7. Market Your Product

Assuming that you've finished creating your sales funnel, it's now high time to start marketing your product.

This stage is very crucial – since it determines how many customers will buy your product.

If you have a great product – but poor marketing strategies, you'll struggle to make sales – and lm sure you've seen this in real life.

Thus, you should device some great marketing strategies in order to get your product in front of more customers.

If you have your own platform like a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, email list, etc. – then it's much easier to get some customers to your product i.e. as long as your audience knows, likes, and trust you.

But assuming that, you don't have any sort of following, then you might need to leverage platforms like ClickBank, Warrior Plus, JV Zoo, Digistore, etc. – since these platforms receives a ton of traffic on a daily basis.

Also, these platforms have some great affiliates who're keen to promote offers – thus, you can get sales through affiliates.

You can also run some paid ads in the future i.e. using the data that you get through organic promotions.

8. Gather Testimonials

Assuming you're now getting some sales, you should start gathering some testimonials from your customers (for social proof).

This is so important as it helps to get more customers in the future – since other people will be motivated to try your product i.e. just by seeing that others have got positive results from using your product.

The truth is;

Most people only want to spend their money on proven products i.e. no one likes to risk his/her money on unproven products.

Thus, it's important to gather as much testimonials as possible – then you incorporate them on your sales page.

And if you want to build testimonials ‘faster', you can launch your product on a discounted price (or even for free).

This helps to get some early customers to your product – thus, allowing you to get some early reviews ASAP.

9. Twerk/Adjust Your Product (Where Possible)

When you're getting some reviews, you should observe/listen to what your customers are saying about your product.

In most cases, they will mention something that they don't like about the product.

And in some cases, you'll observe some similar complaints from many different customers.

Don't get angry when you see some negative comments i.e. as long as it's constructive criticism.

Instead, use those queries to improve your product – so that it becomes much better.

And if you do this on a more consistent basis, you'll start to have less and less complaints.

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up our today’s discussion on ‘how to create & sell digital products'.

If you follow these steps, you can get your own digital product up and running in no time – and you'll start getting the bag.

The key is to provide a valuable product that's worth paying for – otherwise, people wont buy your product if it's just ‘trash’.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any more questions.


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